Hello to All

No sweat brother. I'm a friend, that's all. Never meant to get your guard up.

Oregon is a great place. You live in some great growing conditions. I moved away from So Cal almost 2 years ago, running from politics and drought. Ended up in a less than friendly to MMJ area, but I have water, lol.

There are a lot of methods of medicating, if you are not keen on smoking. Cannafan can help you that regard.


Hey Heirloom, I have a question for you if you arn't still mad at me , what is the best way to dry a plant that has alot of buds??My first one..bamaman
I was never mad man.

My preferred method is to strip all the large 'fan' leaves off, snip all the larger sub tending leaves as far in as I can, then basically carefully hedge trim the rest with the scissors. All the small sub tending leaves that are trimmed off, also called sugar leaves which are the small ones covered in crystal goodness, are the premium 'trim'.

Then hang the buds to dry a bit, a little crunchy on the out side, still moist in. At that point I put them in a big paper bag and fold it once, clip it. Open it once or twice a day until they feel about right, close to dry but not quite. Then I snip the buds off the stems and jar them up in a glass canning jar. I 'burp' the jars until the buds are dry, stinky and the humidity in the sealed jar is stable at around 60%. Total time from harvest to fully cured and ready ranges from 1 month to 2 months depending on buds and house humidity. That's just how I do it.

So I have 3 grades, 3 stages when harvesting, plus the bud.

Big fan leaves - Hogs eat them or composted
Large and medium sub tend leaves with minor medicinal value - Tincture and oil production
Premium trim - My 'go to' for medicinal tinctures and oils
Buds - Smoke, oil, edibles

Did you harvest? I looked up Early Miss. It flowers for 7 weeks. So I would guess total time would be around 10-11 weeks from germination. Hopefully you can look at the trichomes with a 30-45x magnifying loupe to judge if they are ripe.

Hey Man Thanks for the info. Yea I harvisted yesterday did everything pretty close to exactly what you said. My top BIG bud is 1.4 oz trimmed and I got about 8 buds a little smaller than that, but all the buds and short trim looks like you took a spoon a sprinkled sugar on it. And the whole house smells so goooood. I have 3 more plants I spaced about 3 weeks in between planting so by the end of September when I go to my winter house in the mountian's overlooking Park City Utah where my closes neighbor is a mile away I will have my winter medican. Thanks alot..bamaman
Hey Heirloom ,when I have enough chats I will be more than happy to answer all your questions in a private message, until then we dance to the 420 waltz and put in my time..bamaman..P.S. I am a little higher ranked than I said
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