Hello new member here

Right on thirdunc appreciate the props. Yeah I’ll probably order a new light eventually I got that 4 bulb fixture at the dump for free, wired it in,installed a over the oven hood exhaust system above the fixture in my man cave and sealed the room tight. My wife of 10 years is former stoner now situational smoker she don’t love the ghetto operation I got but she also don’t care all and I’m in less than a hondo probs so whatever I got plugs while I play gardener. Summertime is coming.
Don’t seal it up too tight! Indoors you still want lots of fresh air coming in.
It’s a quarter of my basement, I have forced air furnace the room has to be tight or the wife says “ I smell grass ,not burning ,growing “ I control the air in and out of the space with strategically placed vents and the exhaust fan. It’s very ghetto I said I should buy a tent kit she says your shit seems to be doing fine I said ok
Most peeps are doing autos and they look nice almost every crop I’ve seen, I’m shooting for a continuous grow system by cloning and experimenting some but will eventually hopefully harvest monthly give or take a few weeks it’s going to take years for the system to run smoothly but that’s my end game. And may not be possible at a monthly intervals with 8 plants to work with. I’d hate to bend the rules any. An extra clone for 2 weeks? Better not 😉
It’s a quarter of my basement, I have forced air furnace the room has to be tight or the wife says “ I smell grass ,not burning ,growing “ I control the air in and out of the space with strategically placed vents and the exhaust fan. It’s very ghetto I said I should buy a tent kit she says your shit seems to be doing fine I said ok
My wife (known as & Co here) is pretty understanding. 4th tent going up today, we have an 8x15 dedicated room as well. She doesn’t have time to complain - she’s defoliating 58 plants today. 😂
When they were seedlings before the ventilation, by 7 weeks my entire house 1st fl 2nd fl and basement smelled like a greenhouse my wife said fix it we can’t even have company over. I said ok if I can’t then I guess I can’t grow down there. Got it figured, so I got to keep the ops going. I thought I was going to have to build a shed and pump heat out there that was looking expensive. I’ll take this scenario as she said “it works “ outside my room you smell nothing you our mere inches from them, a cobbled wall separating

My wife (known as & Co here) is pretty understanding. 4th tent going up today, we have an 8x15 dedicated room as well. She doesn’t have time to complain - she’s defoliating 58 plants today. 😂
I love it that’s what brought us together we sit and get stoned early on. She quit for her I think she saw how I smoke and said fuk he’s got US covered or maybe it was never buying again herself idk I don’t care. If she wants to start again tomorrow I’ll start rolling lol
A life long avid outdoor cannabist. Aug 1st recreational and home grow was legalized in Minnesota, 8 plants total with 4 mature. Immediate family has cultivation felony’s from the 90s. New to indoor cultivation, learning every day. Pulled 18 seeds saved for unknown lengths from unknown strains. Never saved a seed I didn’t think was of value. 3 germination success 1 weakling succumbed to death.A Few rando seeds left. Aug 2nd birthdays 62 days flowering here they are. Any help with ID is appreciated.


Great garden. :thumb:
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend. :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I’m shooting for a continuous grow system by cloning and experimenting some but will eventually hopefully harvest monthly give or take a few weeks it’s going to take years for the system to run smoothly but that’s my end game. And may not be possible at a monthly intervals with 8 plants to work with. I’d hate to bend the rules any. An extra clone for 2 weeks? Better not 😉
You can run a perpetual and get a monthly harvest with three plants in flower with another vegging in preparation for flower, from which you can take clones to keep the machine running.

To do that though you need two different spaces, one for veg with lights at 18/6 or some such, and the other for flower at 12/12. Depending on how big you want you plants to be, you could flower the three in a 2x4x6 tent with decent light, extract fan with carbon filter and a small oscillating fan for not much of a footprint.

I like to do two plants in flower with a harvest every 6 weeks or so.
You can run a perpetual and get a monthly harvest with three plants in flower with another vegging in preparation for flower, from which you can take clones to keep the machine running.

To do that though you need two different spaces, one for veg with lights at 18/6 or some such, and the other for flower at 12/12. Depending on how big you want you plants to be, you could flower the three in a 2x4x6 tent with decent light, extract fan with carbon filter and a small oscillating fan for not much of a footprint.

I like to do two plants in flower with a harvest every 6 weeks or so.
I currently have 2 spaces running. The veg and flower. 2 almost ready, the largest clone entered 12/12 area Two days ago, the other mother spawning clone army as needed trying to stay within my legal limit.
Then just stagger the promotion to the flower tent (every four weeks for a monthly harvest, every six weeks for an every six week harvest) and you're on your way.

Doing it that way you can get an extra harvest or two per year and it spreads out the harvest and trimming duties.
A life long avid outdoor cannabist. Aug 1st recreational and home grow was legalized in Minnesota, 8 plants total with 4 mature. Immediate family has cultivation felony’s from the 90s. New to indoor cultivation, learning every day. Pulled 18 seeds saved for unknown lengths from unknown strains. Never saved a seed I didn’t think was of value. 3 germination success 1 weakling succumbed to death.A Few rando seeds left. Aug 2nd birthdays 62 days flowering here they are. Any help with ID is appreciated.


Welcome aboard, I look forward too seeing your grows
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