Hello - New grower - I may have a problem with my plant?

65-80 degrees should be good. My closet/box stays at 75-79F with lights on and 65-70 with lights out. I have had to put a heater in lately because of the cold Temps outside.

Luckily we are finally getting clouds again, pacific northwest coast, when its sunny, we freeze, when its cloudy, we warm up lol,

Thats a nice grow set up you have :) space is always a tricky factor.

My wife is awesome, my grow room takes up like a quarter of our bedroom right now.


Here it is from laying on my bed, lots of saftey pins.

I rolled the edges of the blankets together before pinning so they wouldnt try to unroll and let light in.

I just unpin the corner between the bookshelves and squeeze in there.
Ya, two feet deep is worrysome, especially when they flower. It looks like you have an Indica strain though, more bushy than tall.

I had a sativa go like 300 percent kn me in two months of flowering. It was my first plant, got it as a clone at the start of the flowering cycle, it went crazy!

It was like my blueberry plant in size when I got it, when it was done it took over a 3x6x6 space, not counting lighting. Let me find some pics of that one lol.
This one was raised in a shower stall and the area next to it, it decided it wanted more space than just the shower stall.

I messed this one up horribly though, I gave it baby flower food for the last month of flowering. (Open sesame) I needed to give it open sesame for the first month, and the big flower food for the last month.

Dude. I would tickled to death with nugs like that. Sorry it is taking me a minute to respond. I am cooking hot wings. BW3s ain't got nothin on me and my hot wings.
Here is the flower superfood I use, these plants I have going now will be the first I grow properly with these :) I am excited to see how much bigger my buds get!

No worries man, I will most likely vanish for the day soon myself, got stuff to do, its watering day.

I use a spraybottle, so its like rain on the soil, takes me a while, but it soaks my soil much better than just pouring it on, and letting it run down cracks to the bottom.
Also, those nugs not only shrank by half, but were extremely airy. I had like 10 ounces it looked like, but by weight it was only like 4 or 5 ounces.

I am certain this crop will be better, using my superfoods properly :)
I use these 2 products only for flower. I use no nutes during veg as my median is FFOF soil. I foliar spray with Ginormous and use the Black strap to feed the microbes in the FFOF.
O-50-30 wow! That is some strong stuff. Ginormous is 0-18-16 and I only mix 1 TSP or 5 ml per gallon of tap water.

Ya it is, foxfarms stuff, I mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon to gallon of water, if being used with other fertilizers, if not then 1/2 to 1 teaspoon.

This gave me those big buds on the one plant, but they were a bunch of baby flowers in the end because of the baby flower food. So I checked it out under a microscope and I saw lots of clear trichromes, white ones, amber ones.

I decided to harvest it because time needed me to, but my brother said if I fed it beasty buds for a month then they would have filled out, and become like twice as big.

Let me find those cool trichrome pics I took :)
Notice some are half clear, half amber. Some are not a more solid color, but more transparent. I believe this is due to my improper feeding.

But I must say, it was a nice mix, it had a lot of amber trichromes, which are more relaxing and body high (if I remember right) but it had a lot of young trichromes, which cause a more energetic and mental high. (Again, if I remember right.)

So I was pretty alert and on top of things, but relaxed and calm.

Okay... looking at those photos again, I am pretty sure that the white spots on those fan leaves look pretty similar to the white spots around those trichromes...

Would that make sense? Do fan leaves get trichromes?
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