Hello Everyone

They dont have any signs of nutrient deficiencies. And they started to need watering almost everyday, so î cant feed them with nutrients almost everyday . I dont want to kill them :(
I cant prune, trim them like 3 -5 leaves everyday , cause especially my indica is ridicilously bushy. Her leaves starts from the soil like î never take any leaf:(
I am really going to lose my mind cause everyone says different things.
Some of them says :
* Never trim, prune etc. the plant after veg.
* Never clean the fan leaves
* Dont remove many things at once.
* Pruning, triming etc. wont help much for Outdor plants.
Some of them says:
* You should do most cleaning in veg and WAIT for the 3 rd week at flowering to clean again . ( Never touch your plant until 3rd week of flowering ( Schwazzing tech.) )
I say :
* They died many times, and î stopped cleaning them since (aproximately ) 1 month . So they are very bushy now .
* İ didnt noticed the pistils until 22 January cause i am an idiot, and now i dont know which week i am in ( 10 days passed but pistils are still very few )
* Still dont have a good light setup cause my package is stucked somewhere in Turkey . And because of this î have to carry them outside everyday ( 1- İf î am lucky to have a sunny day 2- especially sativa is really heavy now 3- My curious neighbours are getting suspecious )
* İ am really exhausted from the process and thinking to leave them somewhere in forest )

THE QUESTION IS : Should i prune, trim them
even though I don't know which week they are in ? and should î start to use PK based nutrients ?

Ps. ( i watered them with some extra Phosphorus when î noticed pistils and didnt give any nutrient since 8 days )

Sorry for the long message AGAIN

Hey beautiful, firstly no negative self talk! no room here for that.... we all leaner and grow at different speeds & ways. Go easy on yourself. Even in the worst of situations and the plant may die, learn from it. Then nothing is lost :love:

Do you have access to any bamboo poles? I would tie the main branches back and open her up if your nervous of pruning.

imagine your plant cut into thirds horizontally. The bottom third will not reach the canopy (top 1/3). Remove those leaves. This includes any little shoots that are growing. They will not produce much if anything, and only take way the energy that could go towards the top 1/3. Make sense? Then I would wait a week or so for her to recover,( her leaves may droop and you may panick what have I done? Think of it like a kid who doesn't want a hair cut, pouts but gets over it haha) but honestly you will be so happy you did. Plus it increases air flow, forces the energy to the direction you want which is the top of the plant not the bottom and helps keep any pest issue a little more at bay.

Brining her in and outside, just be mindful of bugs. Just an FYI I am not sure where you are but if it gets to damp out and she doesn't have any good air flow your opening her up to moulds.

You see the lighter colour towards the Center of the flower? It's showing you it needs more nutrients. I'll try to find an easy diagram to guide you on what to look for on the leaves regarding what the plant is needing.... hang tight
Very urgent :(

I am cleaning my plants but Indica is ridicilously bushy. It has too many little little leaves .
Should î continue to clean ?


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Very urgent :(

I am cleaning my plants but Indica is ridicilously bushy. It has too many little little leaves .
Should î continue to clean ?
Is that first picture after you have removed leaves?
If so I would say for me that looks about right, it's down to personal preference, some take lots of leaves and some take very little.
Remember they should stretch for the first few weeks of flower which in itself opens the plant up allowing more light to penetrate.
Finally finished :) ( Time : 04:19 am )
I hope they wont die
All prune - trim etc. videos are about trained plants like my indica , thats why it was really struggling to prune my christmass tree shape sativa .
Thanks for everyone for their help and support :love::love:
YESTERDAY I FİNALLY FOUND AND BOUGHT A 400 W HPS and î am going to make its setup tomorrow :love::woohoo:
After tomorrow î wont have to carry them out and no need to afraid from curious neighbours ❤. ( İf they wont die :goodluck: )


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I never remove leaves from start to finish unless they are in the compost / media n that's to prevent them routing if in the mud/ media only other time I'll trim fan leaf is near to end of flowering to get light down to the we lil nuggets that be light deprived. Nature doesn't trim fans n truth be told I have seen n sample d some crazy weed. Grown in a farmer's feild fed by just rain no added feeds / nutrients . Yes the. Bugs I grow in my tent are the real potent shit but as I say nature don't trim so why would I....
I already did it , so î dont want to think about it anymore :)
Finally have a resonable light setup and want to focus how to feed them and what do do after now.
Any suggestions about how to reduce their stress ?
Should î reduce the light intensity or feeding now ?
Thanks for everything . I really love this site and all of you ❤


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Dont think î left the forum, î am still here :)
Just dont want to bother you all if i dont have a problem.
Here is what happened
I thinlk last week i overfeed my plants (16. february and 18 february.) And î used some liquid worm casting at 22 february . Later î used plain water ( Ph 6.0 ) at 29 february and î checked the ph of my run out water . Indica's was 5.8 and the sativa has 6.7 ph ( run out water ) . Yesterday night i saw some signs about nutrient burn or something. They are in flowering like 5 weeks .
Sativa is in 32 Lt fabric pot and the indica is in 22 Lt fabric pot. ( They are not full with soil. ) İ think indica is going to be root bound cause its dubbled in its pot since î transplanted them and î can feel that its full with roots . Should î transplant it to a bigger pot ? ( I cant find any fabric pots again )
Î bought them a good fan 5 days ago, and it could be a wind burn too.
What should î do to fix it ?

Is it really a nutrient burn?
Should î flush them ?
( 3x water of their pot size ? )

( Tips of the leaves are turned up , down , clawing and something like that , also plants are dark green ( İ think :eek: )

Any help counts ❤


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Plain water at 22 february,
With liquid worm casting at 25 february
with plain water at 29 february and the check of rün out water.
The plants look great. I would lighten up on the N, nitrogen.
That is what you are seeing darker foliage with slight "claw" beginning. I'd water and lighten up on the nuits. Plants don't needs as much in bloom as they do veg.
I already flush them Mama . I used 35 liters PH. 6 water to flush them good, and later î used
2-3-3 NPK to feed them .
I set my humidifier
The plants look great. I would lighten up on the N, nitrogen.
That is what you are seeing darker foliage with slight "claw" beginning. I'd water and lighten up on the nuits. Plants don't needs as much in bloom as they do veg.
I set my dehumidifier to max speed and waiting for the result. I burnt them couple of times when they are young, so î didnt want to live that again :/
I still have time to harvest. Should î change indica's pot ?
Whats your RH at?
I never Transplant during bud. What week are ya at again? They haven't shown any signs of stress from being root bound, than to much N, they look great. As the plant gets bigger they will drink more often than a younger plant in the same size pot. I wait till my plants show me what they need, that way I won't over water them. I am in my garden for hours a day so I am on top of them. See how well your plant filled out? Great job!
Whats your RH at?
I never Transplant during bud. What week are ya at again? They haven't shown any signs of stress from being root bound, than to much N, they look great. As the plant gets bigger they will drink more often than a younger plant in the same size pot. I wait till my plants show me what they need, that way I won't over water them. I am in my garden for hours a day so I am on top of them. See how well your plant filled out? Great job!

My Water PH is 6
But run out was 5.8 for indica and 6.7 for sativa in 29rh february.
I dont know my week . İts look like 5. week in flowering
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