Heirloom's A Little Bit Of Everything - 2016 Journal

I can't breathe after reading this Heir and you know you can always hang on the virtual couch.... I don't know what to say here and I know you know all you ever have to do is ask... Anything.... Love ya mean it...:circle-of-love:

Hi Dennise, thank you. I will come by the couch today. :love:

Hello Heirloom! Truly distressed to hear your news.

Heal well; this is a brilliant time and opportunity to get into meditation. I recommend Barry Longs 'Meditation a Foundation Course'

Take care love :hug::hug:

Thank you Bapple. I will give it a try. I have a hard time calming the mind.

I am blessed to have had a few of your threads in my studies. My family was wondering why I am hurt this morning. They care for my work, in which you were a part of.

My family and I are praying for you.

Budd Aldrin, love the name. I'm sorry, I don't recall if we've met. If so, hello again. I'm flattered you've found my info helpful. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll be happy to help. Thank you to you and your family.

When I read this post, I only read the negative side of this. Yes you lost much and you will have a very tough life ahead of you, but as I was digging deep to give a response, typing then deleting because it never really had the meaning I was wanting to convey to you about how deeply sorry I was to hear about your accident, I am now on my 3rd edition and something clicked, and I knew exactly what I wanted to say to you. Yes you are hurting and yes your life will never be the same, but and this is a huge but, but you are alive my friend and the alternative to life is death and while it saddens me that you were injured so dearly, I must say, I am more happy that you were not killed. You survived a horrific accident, one which could have easily taken your life and while you may have taken some damage, you survived. And for that I am happy.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers:love:

Oldergrower, you are right. I have my life, as altered as it is, and I should be thankful/grateful. I'll get there someday. I'm currently in the 'why am I still here' phase.

Good to heare from you. Thanks for coming by.

kelticBlue said:
H. Just so you know I care. All the best from my little part of the world.

Caring is the most anyone here can do, and it is most appreciated. Thank you kelticBlue.
You feelin' the love Baby? :love: :hug: :love:
Good morning Heirloom and everyone else. Prayers up early for all and so grateful for my abundance.

I know things are better for you today because I've seen a whole day of love being showered on you like a Spring rain that cleanses everything this it touches. May we leave the past where it is and live in this day.

Love and best wishes for recovery are sent. :love:
Yes, I am. People pop up I'm not even sure I've met before. It's all a bit overwhelming. I came back to try to close up what was left open, not make people teary.

Thank you all. This community as a whole, and each as an individual are amazing :green_heart:

You came back because you needed us as much as we needed you. :battingeyelashes:
Morning Jim! Thank you for coming by. Hope you have a positively green day.

Awe. Thanks Sue. There is some comfort in the familiarity. Oh, how many DDa's do you think you'd go through in a year?

At my consumption rate of four ounces a month, figuring at least half of that being DDA, I'd say 6-7, if I had my way. :laughtwo: More realistically, taking into consideration my other choices, probably 4 a year is where I'll level off. But then, I'll be making tinctures, oils, creams, edibles, etc, etc (growing is such an adventure :laughtwo:) so probably around 5 a year.

Does that sound dreadfully overindulgent? Then again, does it really matter? :laughtwo:

BB tells us the longer cure ramps up the hallucinogenic effects. So far I'm going through mine too fast to find that out, so I need to do a monoculture and build up my stock, or smoke other strains and let the DDA cure.
Pssh. culturing? The pods are split and she's showing her precious fruits. Plant will be hanging soon.

Awww Heirloom. You're so sweet. I've been meaning to tell you how thrilled I am with the biochar addition to the one pot. I know that helped increase the CBD ratio in the Med GOM 1.0 that's worked so well for my daughter and the Crossroads growing in there now is going to be a monster, with some of the sturdiest stems I've grown yet.
I was hoping the biochar wasn't the cause of the short stature of the Med GOM.

I think that may be genetics coupled with my inability to get the lights the proper distance. Still learning how to rock all that LED goodness that unexpectedly landed in my lap. :laughtwo: The good thing is she only needs to take three small pulls on the vaporizer three times a day, for the most part, so she's barely going through that tiny harvest.

I need to grow another to see if this is what I should expect. It was frustratingly tiny, but tremendously effective. I'm looking for a strain for a child with seizures. It requires a CHD:THC at better than 4:1. The one I want is CBD Therapy, which rivals Charlotte's Web at 20:1. They're asking almost $50 plus shipping for each seed. It feels almost criminal, doesn't it?
Yeah, that's crazy. But realize that the breeders are trying to undo years of breeding for THC. So I can imagine it takes a lot of generations working with 1000's of plants. I can attest to it being a lengthy process. Years. Sometimes 20 plus.

You do know some people who could take that very precious seed and turn into many though. So don't think of it as $50 every time. I have a feeling that as reversal becomes more common place, premium strain seed prices will rise as the overall demand decreases.
I don't know how that partial post got through, but I'll just replace it with a little love.

This was my thought. When I approach his parents on Tuesday I'm going to present it like that. I'm not charging them anything for the harvest or the tinctures, but I want them to take responsibility for the seeds. I'm going to recommend they purchase two, just in case, and then I'm going to clone. This requires me to actually learn how to successfully clone. I'll get my next best chance this month. I'll be taking cuttings and maybe set up a cloner.

I went back and read the particulars on this strain, and I can see how expensive it can be to get stable genetics. I just can't wrap my head around developing a seed this precious to so many desperate people and not giving it away at every turn. You know what I mean? It makes me cry to think of the people suffering out there, knowing this plant could help them but also knowing they won't be able to afford it.

I realize that a desperate person would come up with that money, but I've been on the bottom floor most of my life financially, so I see it from a different perspective. I know me. I'd be giving these seeds away like there was no tomorrow. I guess I'm not cut out for the business world, am I?
I think that may be genetics coupled with my inability to get the lights the proper distance. Still learning how to rock all that LED goodness that unexpectedly landed in my lap. :laughtwo: The good thing is she only needs to take three small pulls on the vaporizer three times a day, for the most part, so she's barely going through that tiny harvest.

I need to grow another to see if this is what I should expect. It was frustratingly tiny, but tremendously effective. I'm looking for a strain for a child with seizures. It requires a CHD:THC at better than 4:1. The one I want is CBD Therapy, which rivals Charlotte's Web at 20:1. They're asking almost $50 plus shipping for each seed. It feels almost criminal, doesn't it?

I think that price is for 5 beans. Found at seedsman

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