Hi Bill. Thanks for asking.
I play golf online with a friend from Salem, Mass. He has come north to Canada twice so far but covid took 3 years away from our annual "golf time" together. He will get here on Sunday and we will golf Sunday and Tuesday. I have a case of Merlot ready for him, he likes his wine. He's a vietnam vet, 15 years my senior, yet in better shape than I. He became the father I never had over these past 10 years of playing online golf.
The following week, Andrea has a week off and hope to do some kayak camping. Good opportunity to harvest some kelp and leaf mold.
I hope that Stacey gets to sneak away. If she can, do you plan on a getaway?
Stay safe, my friend and keep up the awesome growing.
PS. My broken quad branch is still not wilting. Sprayed it all with dandelion tea and top dressed ALL the plants with Bokashi, frazz and worm castings. My crazy/early outdoor grow just might make it as long as I don't get a tornado and have to scrog TOTO down. "Some...wheeeeeere, over the rainbow".