Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Hey scott hope your warmer there than we are.
I'm still waiting for summer. ;) Here.
Picked a good week to get vid I guess.
Better than missing the sun.
Your going to laugh when I tell you Girl Scout Cookies = GSC.
It's not a training technique or anything like LST.
I was just too lazy to type out the whole label.
My fault sorry.
Hope your hump day is going well.
Take care.

Stay safe :cool:
Heya Bill, hope all is well. I missed the thread about the covid. The girlfriend got back from Switzerland a few weeks ago with a cold. I just finished getting over the one my assisant gave me and then got hers. Testd negative for covid but I still have the damn thing.
Although I follow you I don't get notifications unless I am involved in the thread.
Nights are still chilly. I leave for work at 4:35 and ii's still in the low sixties most nights.

So when and how do you start using worm castins? Mine arrived today. Will be ordering Bokashi and Frass soon for my next up-pottings. Looking forward to trying Bill284 method although I don't think I can afford to for my home-made pots. :rofl:
Heya Bill, hope all is well. I missed the thread about the covid. The girlfriend got back from Switzerland a few weeks ago with a cold. I just finished getting over the one my assisant gave me and then got hers. Testd negative for covid but I still have the damn thing.
Although I follow you I don't get notifications unless I am involved in the thread.
Nights are still chilly. I leave for work at 4:35 and ii's still in the low sixties most nights.

So when and how do you start using worm castins? Mine arrived today. Will be ordering Bokashi and Frass soon for my next up-pottings. Looking forward to trying Bill284 method although I don't think I can afford to for my home-made pots. :rofl:
I generally never use worm castings.
I did mix a bag in the soil 3 months ago to breakdown a bit.
But Bokashi, Frass and @DYNOMYCO are my secret sauce.
That way it never changes ph in your medium.
Worm castings in coco are a pain in the tucas.
You should be resting until you feel better.
Take care of yourself my friend.

Stay safe :cool:

@Mars Hydro

FC 3000






Thank you @Mars Hydro

Stay safe :cool:
Wow, sexy par chart. I wanna take them to the prom.
Is this a serious question? The sexy par chart light is without a doubt better.
That's why it's attracting every moth for a mile to my house.
It's like close encounters when your sitting on the Loo at 2 am.
The window lights up like a beacon.:oops:
You need shades to go # 2. :rofl:
The ladies seem to have hit a growth spirt so I'm happy with it.
Hopefully the neighbors are too.:rolleyes:
Hope your doing well my friend. :ciao:
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cool:
That's why it's attracting every moth for a mile to my house.
It's like close encounters when your sitting on the Loo at 2 am.
The window lights up like a beacon.:oops:
You need shades to go # 2. :rofl:
The ladies seem to have hit a growth spirt so I'm happy with it.
Hopefully the neighbors are too.:rolleyes:
Hope your doing well my friend. :ciao:
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cool:
Yeah that’s the best chart from a MH light I’ve seen yet. It even beats my FC-E6500!

I'm trying to work but it's getting hot


Stat can't handle the sun


Out of the sun


But I'm not

Stay safe :cool:
Just make sure you got lots of water is the in-line working? Maybe need a 8”?
Hey TC I bailed, couldn't do it, still not feeling great.
It's cooler inside.
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Hey TC I bailed, couldn't do it, still not feeling great.
It's cooler inside.
Hope your good my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Hey Bill just rest or wait until sun down and I’m doing alright in a lot of pain tonight but last shift of the week then interview tomorrow I got this!

Let me introduce the team


Coco is in blue cups for easy
identification when watering


Getting ready to be fed




Bill284 Method


Team Coco


Everyone gets fed @Remo Nutrients today

Stay safe
I must have missed some, I'll check tomorrow :rofl:
Oh yeah the red solo's.
Pic's tomorrow, hopefully it's not 100 f again.

Stay safe :cool:
Woot go Apple Betty! Lol they look great Bill :)
Thanks TC :ciao: , must be nice to get paid to surf the web. ;)
Be careful of your back.

Stay safe :cool:
I like that . Bill method. LMAO. Roger that.
Try it if you want big healthy plants. :thumb:
Hope you are well Dust.

Stay safe :cool:
Hi Bill! How are the plants handling that heat? I can't find Frass-n-Dazzle anywhere is it just a Canadian product? All the Frass I've looked at is 2-2-2 or 3-1-2 or something like that. I'm going to re-make my transplant 5 gal bag and use less Frass, @Jon and I have the same stuff. I've been using a lot and my plants are probably getting too much N.

Thanks and take care!
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