Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Damn, didn't work trying to use the "spoiler" feature.
Oh Fer fek sake I'm sorry.
I thought when you said you downloaded it you had watched it.
Fek fek fek sorry.

Stay safe :cool:
Random question guys... has anyone used anything like these before for checking the soils wetness?

Do I win a prize? Anyone else guess Apocalypse Now?

You're forgiven.
One of my favorite lines from the movie.
I love that scene, the ceiling fan and chopper.
What are the charges?:rofl:
Lots of fantastic ones in there.
I'll sprinkle them in here and there.
Oh yeah your prize.
Full BBQ dinner , Cowboy steaks, portobello mushrooms, baked potato and Cesar salad.
Air fair not included.
But your welcome any time.
The BBQ is ready and waiting.

Stay safe :cool:
No, sorry Greenie. Any instructions on there to share? Def don't want to poke around in a solo cup... I suppose goes without saying.
Heyyy maan thanks for the reply. Erm not in solo cups but bigger pots like what im using now. Leave it in there for maybe half hour then go back to check ???
Is that what has been giving you all this greef ?
Yup the same coco being used in small coco Hempy and the auto clones also in solo cups are planted in Cannas coco. Clones seem to love the coco. It is definitely buffered with a good rhizosphere stuff as the young roots went crazy on it. But don't know about the Cal & Mg.
Time for another cross country trip! I’ll drive this time. Gotta rebuild my Integra GSR’ 1.7 b series and turbo 1st. Or get a pickup. That’s on for this winter. I know, you don’t like Hondas… but I love driving slow cars fast. Light ones. Fast cars have so much performance they’re only fun on track… where I prefer high perf go-carts! I had a 911 turbo once. Once. Proper death machine. I dig motorbikes though, def want one. Had a few. Couple crotch rockets, gixxers and fire blades. Nothing special. Speed and rpm please. That’s why I like my honda, 9krpm. Could go for a Hellcat as a cruiser, good cross country machine if can afford the fuel.
Random question guys... has anyone used anything like these before for checking the soils wetness?

I use them to make tags from.
Great for labeling little ones.
Don't use it for moisture though.
Good for steaks too.

Stay safe :cool:
Time for another cross country trip! I’ll drive this time. Gotta rebuild my Integra GSR’ 1.7 b series and turbo 1st. Or get a pickup. That’s on for this winter. I know, you don’t like Hondas… but I love driving slow cars fast. Light ones. Fast cars have so much performance they’re only fun on track… where I prefer high perf go-carts! I had a 911 turbo once. Once. Proper death machine. I dig motorbikes though, def want one. Had a few. Couple crotch rockets, gixxers and fire blades. Nothing special. Speed and rpm please. That’s why I like my honda, 9krpm. Could go for a Hellcat as a cruiser, good cross country machine if can afford the fuel.
I raced for Honda back in the 80's McBride cycle.
Nothing wrong with Honda.
Drove a 911 when I was 19 working at Labbatt's.
Put it up on the front lawn of an Apartment complex at 100 mph on the way to a Booze can after closing the peelers.
Missed a pine tree and a concrete fence post by inches.
Kept my foot in her and never even stopped. :rofl:
What a weapon that was older model 70 something.
White with black stripes loved that car.
Bought a 70 Chevy impala when I was 15 cops never caught me till I was 16,
the actual day I got my license , fekers.
Huge drive-in mobile.
You could fit 4 people in the trunk.
Crashed that one onto my neighbors front lawn.
Bit of a pattern.
After that I put a 302 V8 in a 76 Ford Pinto, I know why right.
Freeken hilarious.
Lots of fast cars and bikes, along with broken bones and concussions.
Grab a hell cat and drive on out here I'll line up a BBQ with a few local members. :thumb:
We can swap war stories. ;)

Stay safe :cool:
Good to see you growing again my friend!
Hey DeeBoy. Hope you are well my friend.
They say you can’t keep a good man down.
Me either. Hehe.
Take care.

Stay safe
Well from what Ive heard about the wet dry cycle and emilyas paragraph on watering technique im guna try stick to that. ive up potted to16 litre fabric pots and furst off gave them around 3 litres each slowly around the centre then the outside. Theyre still quite heavy after 3 days since doing so. Im thinking to give them another day or 2 keep feeling the pots and go from there. I dont have a set out plan but just to pick them up everyday, observe and see how I go lol. Any suggestions??
How's your enviro, temp, rh and do you have fans blowing on the plants? Just building a mental picture. Wouldn't think of suggesting anything otherwise. Your instincts will always be important too, be sure to share those with anyone you seek advice from, they're often very important even if not 100% accurate Rx-wise. I'm sorry I don't know if you have a journal, but there's no set style or commitment really that I can surmise, though the strident, sometimes disciplenary-sounding instructions found on this site and others may indicate otherwise, it's just a place where you can have more undivided attention. 3-5 gallons can take quite a while to dry out, often with new plants. Esp. in my greenhouse, dammit! :D
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