healthy plant?

Yeah I've only got the one hermie and pulling the balls off as I see them. That sounds wrong lol anyway I'm hoping if this continues to show signs of hermie I'm just gonna cut my loss with that 1 as the rest seem to be fine I'm checking buds nodes everywhere for em though

Cheers sully
I'll take individual photos tonight and upload them but thats all 9 there. The leaves are a nice green I dont know why they look a little pale
wow 123 you have lots of work ahead of you, that's a lot of grow
what size are those pots?
what light do you use?
from here they look nice and healthy,the pale could be a bit of nitrogen call
looking forward to seeing them up close,get a better idea of the situation
i would say very nice for first timer,keep up the good work
take care and good luck
Hey man thanks for the feedback. Ive grown in a hydro tank twice before but this is my first time in coco so 3rd grow all together. I'll upload some in a few hours man. I veg'd them in 5 litre pots then put them in 11 litre for flowering. Im going to tie them down abit later to open them up abit plus I dont really have the height
yea i luv those pots i like to use the square type myself and those are perfect for me
ty to smoke for being generous with his journal but man with all that maybe start one yourself
checknback later
Yeah man I might make 1 & show the rest of this grow. Ive also got 5 incredible bulks & 1 royal queens critical but their still in the little pots
I will do that tomorrow mate. Good idea, I'm always to blazed too think about sensible swizzle lol. Thanks though.

And that grow looks healthy as man I'm thinking of updating my light bigger and brighter is better I guess lol
I've never used canna so I can't help with that. I know big bud is only supposed to be used week 2-4.
Cal mag is a good idea in coco but I've noticed if you use it until the end, even with a good flush I could taste it.
I usually stop cal mag 2 weeks before I flush. I then do a 7-10 day flush
Day 19 of flowering after ripping the nuts off that one plant I haven't seen any more signs I check morning and night. Anyway here's a pic not the best but difficult to eliminate them lines
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