Well the first transplanted bubba seems to be looking the best with a slight pray but she has light tips ,,,,,,, the really droopy bubba had to get her bottom leaves lopped because they laid on the soil after transplant but she started to lift her leafs about 5 min after transplant so I'm wondering if the promix soaked up some water out of the root ball , the blueberry had the most roots and seems to be chugging along problem free , NOTE TO SELF BLUEBERRY HAS LST BEAR , the God father had a weird mark along one leaf and didn't have many roots but got shoved in a 5g anyway , GODFATHER HAS MINNOW , i gave them all just enough water to blend the old soil with the new , I will be going on holidays again for roughly 4 days and I'm hoping to see some thirsty girls when I return , over all I'm happy with the transplant and I hope the other 2 bubbas that got transplanted later improve like the first one did , I saw zero signs of root rot , thanks for reading my rant