Hash Hounds Nirvana Super Skunk & Papaya in Soil

Damn fine grow, my brother! Just wait, I believe the smell will come out at harvest time! And holy crap, talk about a plant able to withstand a hurricane, the freaking stalk on the vanilla kush is crazy!!!!!
Hi, Hash Hound. Nice garden.

This interests me because fem seeds that are marketed today as feminized are a good way to cover tainted hermie stock, and sell it for more. True females that seed either through stress or force leads to a scary f1 for "turns hermie, easy" that's why a feminized brand needs to come from real female clones that were tested not to go hermie unless you really try.

Then most of the time a hermie seeds itself. This is garbage. A fem that goes male needs to at least to hit a female clone that usually won't hermie, cutting the chances of f1 of that hermie easy trait to 1/4. Then I would grow out as many as the seeds as possible and sex female. These seeds should all be fem if the pollen came from a true female.

The idea would be to quality check the seeds to make sure you get gems that's don't go male but today's seeds sold are not even doing this in their programs.

So the point would be... Get regular seeds, find females and be happy you don't have no freaks in your garden. If it hermied you should get rid of it. Or at least don't grow it again. I consider the practice of propagating hermies, offensive.

Seems like there are plenty of "non-feminized" strains that have a tendency towards hermaphrodism with only moderate stress, too. So I cannot really blame it on feminized seeds. One assumes that the breeders are using gibelleratic acid (not exactly my cup of tea) or silver thiosulphate solution to block the ethylene receptors (err... I think) in the plants so that they produce male flowers instead of using stress to do it. I also figure that they do their best to keep stress to a minimum. So they may not see any evidence of hermaphrodism on-site.

I do wish that breeders would stress-test their strains, but I wish that universally - not just for the feminized seed lines. I'd like to blame the companies' quest for "bigger better stronger faster" to satisfy their customers; I've heard that some of the more "attractive" (to some) boutique dog breeds tend to have various health problems as well. But there were always strains that had a tendency to go hermie at the drop of a hat, and often they were pretty special other than that. There do seem to be more now though, so it could be. (Even some of the landraces of old were known for turning shim in response to a little stress.) I'd kind of like to blame Sam the Skunkman for it too, lol, but I guess he's not responsible for all of the problems in the cannabis world.
TS, thanks for stopping by.

I am real pleased with the health of these babies. I think the plants like being pampered. They get rotated and a drink every few days. Once a week we take them out to inspect. Then back in, rotate and give them a drink.

On the hermie issue, I think it was a false alarm. The Kandy Kush in suspect looks real close to the way the pic on line looks, so I think she is female.

So for 5 feminized seeds of this grow, so far all females. (of which 2 were freebies)

The last grow I did was 5 regular seeds; 3 were male 1 hermie and 1 female.
Disaster strikes the Vanilla Kush

Took them out to inspect today and the top 6" of the Vanilla Kush had a strange different color to it and when I peeked deep inside where the color change had stopped, wam, bud rot.
Took the scissors to that baby and snipped of the top 6". Salvaged some of the bud. Put half of it on a coffee filter in the oven with just pilot heat, and the other half in water to experiment with water cure.
Pinched most of the big leaves off to open the rest of it up to get some air in there.
Now its off to research more about the bud rot.
Re: Disaster strikes the Vanilla Kush

Took them out to inspect today and the top 6" of the Vanilla Kush had a strange different color to it and when I peeked deep inside where the color change had stopped, wam, bud rot.
Took the scissors to that baby and snipped of the top 6". Salvaged some of the bud. Put half of it on a coffee filter in the oven with just pilot heat, and the other half in water to experiment with water cure.
Pinched most of the big leaves off to open the rest of it up to get some air in there.
Now its off to research more about the bud rot.

Man that sucks Hash. I hate bud rot, pm and any kind of house mold. Hope that's all that's affected, I'm sure you'll be on high alert. Good luck!
Another one gets the rot

Caught some early bud rot on the Papaya top cola about 8' down. Had to cut that top off. very little rot, but enough to have to snip her off.

And things were going so good. ninth week of flower, but still about 50 clear 50 cloudy no amber. Hate to have harvest the whole room early
Hash Hound thats rough i feel for ya did you happen to take pics i like to be able to recognize it if i see it on mine sorry again for your loss:peacetwo:

sorry i did not take pics. I was on a routine inspection visit when my friend pointed out a weird color on the Vanilla Kush. We thought at first it was to close to the light and was getting dried out or burnt. All the bud above the bad spot on the stem had a paler look about it than the rest of the plant. Sort of looks like mite webbing, but more beige/gray in color and thicker. And it was buried way deep inside the bud at the stem (which was mushy)where it was the worst.

On the Vanilla Kush I suspect it was to moist where a very large fan leave was pulled of the main stem and it was very moist there. We have pulled very very few leaves, but at the few spots where we did, that is where the mold seems to be showing up. Some of the spots actually looked very wet. I guess they never get a chance to dry out inside those huge colas.
Same thing on the Papaya for the most part, except the mold on the Papaya is right about where the stink bug (which we have never seen again) went diving into the cola. All he needed was to have one mold spore on him to infect the plant. Or it might be damage it caused by eating the plant at the affected site.

Here are some pics from google that look real close to what I see on mine


Pulled a bunch of big leaves yesterday. Needed to get some better air flow and hope the rot does not spread. Will inspect them today if more is present, might early harvest, but really don't want to have to do that.

In the 9th week of flowering. Soooooo close to being done.
Bud rot seems to have been contained to the affected areas that we cut out earlier this week. Will check on a daily basis to make sure.

Bud sample preliminary test smokes; the Papaya and Super Skunk, eh... nothing special so far.

The White Widow so far so good, not very long lasting though. Kandy Kush, did not sample.

The Vanilla Kush, to quote my gf, who's not a daily smoker, "paralyzing, and sedative". To me, it does seem to have the strain description properties from the seed bank "strong, long lasting high allows the mind to relax and eases muscle tension."

Papaya with main cola cut off due to the bud rot


Super Skunk

White Widow

Kandy Kush


Vanilla Kush with top cut off


Man that bud rot is some ugly lookin stuff thanx for takin the time to post that pic. The buds you have left are lookin mighty good:peacetwo:
I figure we lost about an ounce of each cola we had to chop. We cleaned off the bad and quick dried the rest, but that is still like a loss to me.

The other day I smoked a sample of White Widow with the gf, who happens to be a "white widow". She thought I was teasing her at first about the name, and it never dawned on me the connection til she made the comparison. She loved it, very nice high. Made her very , ahem,,, horny.

So the next day when I told her I wanted her to try something different, she said "Oh, so we're not gonna smoke more of the White Whore? We both cracked up on that slip up, but I will be using it for a future strain name, or mixed joint name.

Have been rolling a few test buds as I stated a post back. Had little bit of each left so rolled a mixture of; Papaya x Vanilla Kush x White Widow x Northern Light (from the last grow). I think if it was a strain I would call it "the Recliner",,, wow what a nice buzz.

Since we are growing 5 strains plus having some Northern Light from the last grow. I look forward to mixing up some of them in to interesting concoctions.
Finally got around to sampling the Kandy Kush, which is behind the others in maturity. Probably more sativa in her than the others. It's a Reserva Privada strain of OG Kush {Chemdawg x (Lemon Thai sativa x Hindu Kush, Pakistan indica)} X Train Wreck (indica sativa hybrid)
It was a pleasant surprise how good it was. Head and body stone. She's only gonna get better with a few more weeks of maturity.
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