Hash Hounds Brixperiment with Doc's Kit

Sorry to hear bout yo lil hickup Hash. I've been following along in the background(to lazy to long on at times) and hope your ladies pull through. They still are looking good though. It looks like you're on ya way to supreme product following da Doc. Hope when you follow the Doc's prescription, they come on around. Rooting for ya!!!!!:cheer:
Question Doc;

I am already planning the next grow and starting some seeds soon using the other half of the soil from the current grow.

It still has never formed any sort of fuzz on top and the soil seems fairly dry. The temps are now 50ish in the garage.

Is there something I should do to the soil to give it a boost? More water? Molasses, tea?

If not, and there is still no fuzz on the soil in a month, is there anything different I should do when I transplant in to the soil?
Question Doc;

I am already planning the next grow and starting some seeds soon using the other half of the soil from the current grow.

It still has never formed any sort of fuzz on top and the soil seems fairly dry. The temps are now 50ish in the garage.

Is there something I should do to the soil to give it a boost? More water? Molasses, tea?

If not, and there is still no fuzz on the soil in a month, is there anything different I should do when I transplant in to the soil?

No need to worry about fuzz.

Just wet it down, stir it up, and it should be good to go.

You only get the fuzz in very warm temps, when the soil sweats inside the can.
Will do Doc.

Gave them a little more pruning yesterday, anything lower that didnt have a bud forming or very tiny ones are gone.

It's amazing how the lower branches catch up to the top when you LST the main cola.
Will do Doc.

Gave them a little more pruning yesterday, anything lower that didnt have a bud forming or very tiny ones are gone.

It's amazing how the lower branches catch up to the top when you LST the main cola.

BTW, i gave you some bad advice about your soil. If the garage hasn't been over 50 and your soil is dry, that's because nothing much is going on microbialy. When the soil is cooking, the can will sweat and moisture will form on the lid, etc.

Please get that can somewhere warm and water it. You could use a weak tea if you like.....no nutrients, just the tea.
Ya Doc it was strange. It wasn't as wet as I thought it should be.

Squeezing a clump in my hands and it didn't stick together, and it felt fairly dry. That is what confused me.

The lid wasn't saturated, but had moisture all around the rim.
I do have Stump Tea and Myco Madness (both powders) which have Mycrrohaize and other bacteria if that would help get the microbes in action Doc.

There's plenty of microbial life in the soil. That Tea product is silly strong that way.

After consulting with a nursery manager friend of mine today on another matter, I ran your issue by him and he had another observation:

When your soil was cold and moist, the good bacteria and microbes went dormant, along with most of the bad ones. But there are a few pathogens that sometimes do well in cold, wet soil. And those pathogens could be plaqueing you as well.

I say I send you another kit when this is all over and you pretend it's your first one.

It's not so much that as getting the soil energy up without nitrogen.
Again, this drench I'm sending should do the trick.....I hope.

Seriously, it isn't an exact science, this internet garden diagnosis by jpeg thing. But I think we'll be OK.

I think they have recovered very nice and are healthy. I'm just a bit concerned about the trichome production.

Normally I am seeing enough trichomes to give me a woody at this stage of a grow.

I am confident they will be top notch buds.
I fed today with TEA and ENERGY. Foliar with BRIX.
thanks for stopping by thatoneguy91

I checked your journal too, nice start so far.

You'll be cranking out top notch buds for sure with OC+. And if you don't like the results, which I doubt, all you lost was $15.

Trying another line of nutes can run over a $100 in no time, and may not have as good a result.

I wish they would come out with an organic line of OC+. Dynamite had one, but they were bought out by someone and I still haven't seen them making the organic line yet.

I am waiting for Doc to come up a high brix version of CRF. :idea:
Thanks Hash, hopefully everything turns out. As long as they come out as good as they did with my gh products ill be happy, and so far the only problem i have had was with the pH. As long as that stays in check they thrive, and maybe might grow quicker if i get myself a better t5 ho light. Im still confused as to wgat the high brix kit actually is. Could you explain it a bit for me?

And i second that notion on an organic crf.. But i havebeen exploring those two, and have found espoma which might be a good rought to check out if you could find an organic mineral supplement to add in one of the layers of perlite? But theb again espoma might be a TRF im not 100% sure still researchibg and havent really gone to in depth with it cuz im pretty happy with how the OC+ has been workibg for me.

Anyways nice grow, im going to read your journal from the beginning and get a beter handle on whats going on with this High Brix :)

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