Hash Hounds Brixperiment with Doc's Kit


Haven't top dressed yet, I thought that was after 2nd week of bloom.

They are a 12 days from transplant, and still in veg. The newer growth seems to be looking better than the older growth.

White Widow the youngest of the plants with the smallest root ball that I didn't mess with seems to be the healthiest.

That STRESS really stinks after sitting a few days.
I'm not real sure about the temps in the garage, but I am guessing in the 40's.

It cooked for 9 weeks.

Only transplant water so far. Once at the original planting and one more dose at the transplant 12 days ago.
I'm not real sure about the temps in the garage, but I am guessing in the 40's.

It cooked for 9 weeks.

Only transplant water so far. Once at the original planting and one more dose at the transplant 12 days ago.

I was hoping you were going to say it was cold. The soil never cooked! Temps can't get much below 55 or so. If the ground is cold the composting process is slowed even more.

Couple that with the fact that they haven't eaten much and we have our diagnosis. Feed them! They need energy. Give 'em some transplant too, if you have it left.

Hold off on the recharge till it says in the instructions.

You're gonna be OK.....just feed them pronto!
Watered yesterday with ENERGY and TEA.

Today they got their weekly BIRX.

The plants have recovered from the droopiness and are standing tall, but the color leaves a lot to be desired. The newer growth looks ok, but anything pre transplant looks pale.

The WW is 2 weeks younger and suffered the least from the transplant and has caught up to the others height wise. Also shows the least leaf damage. I honestly think it had to do with me not scoring the root ball of the WW.

I never did it before and I never had plants go south like that after a transplant. I am confident they will recover nicely.

You can't tell the color from this pic, but you can see they aren't drooping any more.

My friend is a bit upset with me so far on this grow. And he doesn't really like the brix high of the last grow.

WW is front right, she looks nothing like the last WW from the same breeder. Which I have stated before is the best pot I have smoked this century. I sure hope she turns out as good.

Watered yesterday with ENERGY and TEA.

Today they got their weekly BIRX.

The plants have recovered from the droopiness and are standing tall, but the color leaves a lot to be desired. The newer growth looks ok, but anything pre transplant looks pale.

The WW is 2 weeks younger and suffered the least from the transplant and has caught up to the others height wise. Also shows the least leaf damage. I honestly think it had to do with me not scoring the root ball of the WW.

I never did it before and I never had plants go south like that after a transplant. I am confident they will recover nicely.

You can't tell the color from this pic, but you can see they aren't drooping any more.

My friend is a bit upset with me so far on this grow. And he doesn't really like the brix high of the last grow.

WW is front right, she looks nothing like the last WW from the same breeder. Which I have stated before is the best pot I have smoked this century. I sure hope she turns out as good.


Keep on 'em bro. They'll turn around.

There are only 2 things different on this grow, compared to the others:

1.)soil didn't cook in a warm enough environment\
2.)cutting bottom of roots....should only cut sides. (I don't think this is such a big issue.)

They'll come around as soon as the roots settle down and start eating rocks. Keep on 'em with the feeding.
Thanks for stopping by Taylor

The PE is 7 weeks, Ds and MR 6, WW 5.

They were started under 3 23w cfls and have been under the 600w HPS for 2 weeks now.

Will most likely flip 12/12 this weekend.
The plants seem to have recovered. I will post some photos soon.

My friend is getting more upset with this grow. He doesn't like relying on foliar a bit. We are spoiled by the previous grows that have for the most part been trouble free and healthy as can be.

I am hoping when he lights up a true high brix joint, he will realize it was all worth it. Actually so do I.

This is about our 10th grow, and we keep experimenting with different strains and methods every few grows.

I want to get it down to what has worked the best and stick with it for a while, then hope the grows will be on cruse control, concentrating more on plant canopy manipulation to improve the yield. That is until I start experimenting with hydro. :laughtwo:

I personally think a good grow, other than the yield, is 90% or more the strain, and the other 10% is the different methods we use, ie. nutes, lights, pots, etc, where we try to eke the most out of the plant.

Proof of that is my White Widow is constantly a 10 no matter what method or how much care I give it.
I grew one of her clones last summer in a 2 qt container with one scoop of OC+ and clipped leaves experimenting on her. Didn't even put her outside until first week of August. She turned out just as good as every other time I grew her. She was actually the stickiest plant I have grown so far.
Once everything catches up with its self your buddy will chill out. When he see's the amount of tric's on the plants at week 3 of bloom he'll realize those foliar sprays are worth the little bit of "trouble" they are. Don't let it discourage you HH, they'll be bad ass plants I swear, just stick with the instructions :) That last ww wont have much on what you're about to have!!!
Your journals are awesome Hash Hound. I wanted to thank you for journaling. I actually read a lot of your OC+ stuff and i loved the pics of the mineralized soil plants. Like you, I too have followed DocBuds lead and primarily grow in mineralized soil and hempy's with OC+. I just got Doc's kit a few days ago and im planting seeds soon. I hope to start a journal soon to show what I have going. I wanted to thank you again because you asked many of the same questions I had and this saved me some time by not bugging Doc. I will be following along.

Every new method has a little bit of a learning curve (even though the directions for the kit are simple and awesome). Your plants will look ridiculous soon I imagine.
Don't let it discourage you HH,,,,

That last ww wont have much on what you're about to have!!!

I'm not really discouraged, but it's tough to have a partner who's upset.

I hope the WW is at least as good. I am leaning towards the last WW being some sort of freak pheno. It is WAY above most of the strains I have grown, and I have grown some good ones. If all the WW seeds from Dutch Passion female are as good, I don't know why I don't have at least one of them in every grow.

It was a Tude freebie from Dutch Passion. I had almost written her off for dead because she was such a slow starter and a runt at first. She turned out to be a legendary smoke. And I have had clone of a clone 6 generations and she is still as potent as ever.

I also have a WW freebie from Dinafem that will be a good comparison test when I grow her.

I have had bad luck with Tude freebies germinating, but when they do they are gooooood.

Thanks for stopping by Steppenwolf

I'm glad you like the journals. I really try my best to present a good outline of what I do. I preview my posts over and over to try to get things right.

I love learning about growing and sharing what I know. I have two very stressful jobs, and it is nice to have a place to take my mind off things and enjoy what I enjoy most.
Here are photos from a previous grow. They were all started 12/12 from seed as an experiment.

The two big plants are Nirvana SuperSkunk and Papaya, back right is Barneys Vanilla Kush started the same time as the Nirvanas, she was also slow out of the starting gate. They were 29 days old.

The two in front left are White Widow 29 days and Kandy Kush. WW and KK were also started at the same time as the others and were so small I thought they wouldn't make it so I put the WW and KK in the same pot to see what would happen.


here they are 2 weeks later. The WW is on the left.

Look how healthy and shiny they are with OC+ as the base nute.
It' been 2 1/2 weeks since transplant. They are 7 1/2 weeks total age.

Thay have recovered and 3 are standing tall, but the Diesel is still a bit droopy.

Pics ae shortly after foliar with Stress. A few fine roots were sticking out of the fabric pots

Room view

Pineapple Express was topped to try and keep the canopy more even, she is also the plant I did the spiral pruning to.
I expect her to really fill out now.

Droopy Diesel

Mohan Ram

White Widow wants to steal the show as
Hey Hash Hound!! just caught up with your journal and even though the ladies got off to a sort of rushed start, they are looking really healthy in the last few photos you posted and I am almost certain that you will have an amazing smoke after all said and done. High brix definitely opened me up to a new way of growing and even though I too am making adjustments in my ways to achieve the best possible crops, High Brix has raised that bar quite a bit :) Great job so far and I can't wait to see them bloom into beauties!!
3 weeks since transplant and they have recovered nicely.

flipped 12/12 on Thursday.

Watered with ENERGY and TEA and foliar with BRIX.

A few tiny root hairs popping through the fabric pots here and there. None are more than and inch and seem to just shrivle up.

I like the handles on the pots. Makes it easy to take them out and inspect. I hope it's as easy when the plants are bigger.

best I could do with the HPS still on.
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