Has Anyone Growing Under HPS Seen This?

Well yer listening to one person only, so not sure a bunch more will help

By upping the nutes the plant needs isn't upping all of them

Read what the plant needs and adjust accordingly

Good luck
Seems it's not only top leafs but large fans as well. I would highly suspect that it is perhaps the nutrient concentration or a very slight pH adjustment. What do you normally run for pH?
I second what this guy is saying. Looks like excess salts in your medium has caused ph issues. Or if dwc just straight PH problems :D
Alright, I’m going to keep this as the primary thread for my current plant issues as I had a few previous ones open.

What I’ve done:

-Drained and cleaned both reservoirs.
-Currently running/ flushing clean PH 5.8 water through system.
-Recalibrated all 3 PH meters just in case, all reading true.
-Removing everything from soup except calmag and bloom base. Given this is full on diagnosis mode, less shit the better.

Next steps if this doesn’t work:
1. Turn off Chilled Logic pucks altogether and only run single LED.
2. If a small branch gets affected, cut it off to see if everything’s white or if there’s a ring which will indicate fungal pathogen.

This is hands down the weirdest thing I’ve seen on a plant/ grow to date, and unfortunately I’m doing too many new things (new lights, first time DWC, etc.) on this grow to be able to quickly diagnose.

Grow feels pretty textbook and things on the surface appear to be correct, so if this doesn’t start to resolve it my only thought is too much light (not necessarily light burn but just more than the plant can handle), root problems, or fungal pathogen. Worst part is some of plant is crushing for 30 days. Stress mode, engaged.
Are you keeping water temps at or about 65 degrees? You may want to up the pH a tad as well. Maybe go to 6 for a bit. See if they like the up swing. It may not see like a bunch of difference from 5.8 going to 6.0 but it is actually 2 times more alkaline. If they seem to like it then try 6.1'ish lol.
During veg I was running 64-65F with a PH of 5.5-5.8. When issues started in flower I raised WT to 67-68F and bumped PH up to 6.1. Problems seemed to get worse, so I’m back down to my veg standards (64-65F and currently 5.7PH). If no positive change happens I may bump it back to 6.

This plant is weird shit, and really aggravating. Below is bud size from right back corner on day 30 (not even the biggest) and yet I feel like this is my worst grow ever because I have what seem like important issues I don’t know how to fix. Appreciate everyone’s help and if I sound like an asshole to anyone’s recommendations - please realize I’m just frustrated and tired of throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks. Not my intention to rub ppl the wrong way or make anyone feel like I don’t value opinions.
On additives like calmag and Hydroplex you run full strength, reason ya use an additive

So I'd up those, probably dbl suggested to kick em in the butt this nute feed
Doubling these would put my EC at well over 3.0

In previous discussions you said you run at like 6-700PPM. So it’s not that I’m not listening to you, it’s just not adding up to me. I don’t think ppl running over 3.0 is a thing...
You can buy raw nuts which can help with these little things.

I like to mix all my nuts at least half strength sometime 1/3 to the appropriate ratios, then I can add little extras like calcium and b-vits etc.. if I have room left in the ppm range ill add more NPK/Base nuts at the appropriate ratios until my ppm is where I want.

That is just what I would do in your situation, I can only imagine how stressed you'd be... Hang in there you and her will get though it!
@fanleaf I think you may have been correct about salt buildup/ overfeeding, thank you! Still very early, but I haven’t seen any additional spreading of that issue as of this morning... but will keep a close eye.

It has me wondering if this pheno doesn’t like Hydroplex or CarboLoad, or if one of those exacerbate that particular issue.

In any case, the plan will be to run on this reduced feed (bloom base and cal mag only) at PH 5.7 for a while and see how things progress. This is the first day I feel like it hasn’t gotten worse, so don’t want to mess with it.
Fuck. Whatever this is it’s spreading across plant. Fanleaf sounded pretty confident about salt buildup... adding more nutes is only going to increase EC and this is where it gets tough. I’m going to drain and run PH’d water and then reset nutes. Man these colas are huge and this is so annoying. Guys, this is officially at DEFCON 1 - please feel free to solicit this to anyone you know as I could really use the help. Just assume I’ve already tried all the “usual” fixes.


If it's not ordinary senescence it could be one of these deficiencies Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table - RQS Blog
Hey guys thanks for checking in on this, appreciate it. Some leaves still are a bit jacked up, but the buds really look beautiful and have incredible pistils. Things seemed to calm down post flush once I backed down the off the PK/ carbs.

It was kind of funny because I have multiple carbon filters running inside/ outside the tent that almost eliminate the smell entirely... and there’s been times I’ve thought, “hmm for a skunk this really isn’t too strong, I wonder if messed up the development.”

However when I tripped the breaker vacuuming yesterday to clean (which killed all the fans, lights, etc.), my ENTIRE house, I’m talking ENTIRE house and outside absolutely wreaked like skunk weed within minutes. I have no idea what the weight will be, but I’m anticipating a very pretty, potent, smelly, and good smoking outcome.

Curious to see how the buds start to form over the final weeks.

Surprisingly I think it was too much PK, or the way I introduced it (too much, too abruptly). This particular pheno has really struggled with bloom nutes, most likely because of me. Still learning this line Botanicare line - overall I really like it and feel confident in veg, just don’t have bloom ratios fully dialed in yet. Next time I think I’d stick with veg base longer into bloom and then really ease into the bloom base and Hydroplex (PK boost).

I’m running some additional clones in coco with VegBloom instead of Pure Blend Pro, curious to see if those encounter any of the same challenges in flower.
Here’s a few fan leaves that were messed up but I left on the plant and have gotten worse... if it provides any additional color on what the problem could be. Posted all these images on another site too, so far it’s mainly just speculation it could be this or could be that, but nothing concrete.


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I’m almost certain this is root cause...

drum roll please.

Manganese... you dirty, dirty girl. On the surface it all checks out - yellowing, burn symptoms, the works. I’m 99% this was it as I’ve been a bit maniacal trying to figure this out and this one hands down makes the most sense (to me anyway). In my case I don’t think it came from high pH, but rather a switch to RO water during the the grow. May want to file this away in mental notes for future. A part of me was suspecting micronutrient, but never would have thought.

My plant left, manganese deficiency right.
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