

Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing you guys and girls have been helping me with the whole process . now I need more help I'm growing a watermelon auto flower it is 55 days old today .but it says that I should harvest her in week 8 or 9 but I don't think it's ready I really never grew anything so I not sure what to look for when it's time to harvest the plant. thank you in advance for your help best wishes. Ted


Hey Ted,

Beautiful girl you have there!! So there’s tons of fresh spikey pistils on the plant, to us that’s an indicator that she’s still growing and not ready at this time…

Those pistils will turn dark and crinkle up, but often this is when another flush or another wave of fresh new pistils will begin to emerge.

Stay right here and on this faq page over then next few weeks and we will guide you as she progresses.

Looking good, no worries at this time she’s doing her thing perfectly!

Breeders estimates are great for ballpark info but it’s always best to watch the plant. She’s got a couple 3 weeks easy… maybe more

nice work, thanks for sharing
Thank you for all the information this site is so helpful with teaching us new growers what to do and how to do it I never grew anything in my life I'm so happy I have this community to ask questions and get answers that are rock soild I'm glad I still have longer with this plant . Thank you again
This is my first time growing you guys and girls have been helping me with the whole process . now I need more help I'm growing a watermelon auto flower it is 55 days old today .but it says that I should harvest her in week 8 or 9 but I don't think it's ready I really never grew anything so I not sure what to look for when it's time to harvest the plant. thank you in advance for your help best wishes. Ted



I think you should read those things as “55 days in flower” not “55 days from seed”. 8 or 9 weeks of flower not the whole life of the plant. Hope that’s helpful.
Thank you I believe, we'll I think iam in week 3 of flowering and some of the leaves are looking like they have sun burn but it's not sun burn because I see it on a couple of leaves on the bottom. Of the plant so it's not sun burn its just a few of the leaves that have this thank you for all your help with my plants


I think I found the problem I have a ppm meter well being a fool I just thought this is easy use the meter to read how much food you are giving her ph the mixture and your good well when I was using the ppm meter I didn't read the paper work that came with the ppm meter so I had no idea about the little 10× so like a jackass I was reading the meter when it got to 800 on the meter I was good .well I found that you have to times 10 when reading the meter I gave this plant enough food for 10 plants I don't even know if it's going to live I flushed the plant with a gallon of ph water j guess I will wait and see what happens
I think I found the problem I have a ppm meter well being a fool I just thought this is easy use the meter to read how much food you are giving her ph the mixture and your good well when I was using the ppm meter I didn't read the paper work that came with the ppm meter so I had no idea about the little 10× so like a jackass I was reading the meter when it got to 800 on the meter I was good .well I found that you have to times 10 when reading the meter I gave this plant enough food for 10 plants I don't even know if it's going to live I flushed the plant with a gallon of ph water j guess I will wait and see what happens
That does not look like fertilizer burn to me, if the amount of fert. was *that* much above what the plant needed you would see a mostly dead plant. It looks more to me like she was experiencing a shortage of something, are you giving cal-mag? If so, are you putting it into the water 10 or more minutes before adding the food?
Although I assume she wants more of everything since she is now fully in flower.
I've never used ppm with soil, are you growing in coco?
ETA: Also, a 1 gallon flush will not fix it if you really did overdose that much (You want 3x the container volume at least). I think perhaps the meter is off, or the plant needs/wants more than you've been giving it.
No I don't let the cal mag sit for ten minutes before adding,nutrients but I will from now on . So many people that don't grow thinks it's so easy to grow .but the little things like letting it sit for ten minutes is so important and I had no idea that I should let it sit for 10 minutes ,thank you .it's my first grow . It's not as easy as people think I'm so glad for this community because I probably would have given up by now .Best wishes Ted
in not sure what you mean I grew in ocean forest and my first grow I messed up bad when I was reading the ppm meter but I never knew about the 10× on the ppm meter I flushed the plant and the ppm number is 513 ×10 if that's the way you read the meter I'm wondering if I should cut it down now and start over
your media will determine the steps to take to fix things if you've overfed it.

if it is ocean forest -
flush the plant with 3x the volume of water of the pot. ie: if the pot is 1 gallon, flush 3 gallons of water through it. you don't need to ph it.

after that you have 2 options -

let it sit overnight then immediately re-feed at a proper balanced level - or -
wait for it to hit dry out then re-feed at the correct level.

i normally choose the first option.

if you were in another media you'd do the process slightly different.
Thank you so much for helping me I can't believe I did something like that . This plant means a lot to me and I don't want to kill her not yet anyway I will flush her and let you know how she is doing as soon as I can thank you again bluster. Best wishes Ted
I’m curious what you have fed the plant? What size pot it’s in?I only chop it if it has like no buds. Yours has plenty of buds and maybe you can save it. I’m sure the group here will be able to get you in the right direction. It’s an auto and it’s in flower so who knows, the timer is ticking for it. Good luck and next grow you will start with so much more knowledge than this run.
Definitely do the flushing as mentioned above, pray. I would let it dry out a bit before refeeding. I feel if you overfed her then let that get through her before feeding her again. Give her a few days of just water. Then back to your regular schedule. Good thing you caught that booboo meter mishap. 🙏
Thank you so much for helping me I can't believe I did something like that .

no worries. everyone who grows has done something similar.

This plant means a lot to me and I don't want to kill her not yet anyway I will flush her and let you know how she is doing as soon as I can thank you again bluster.

it's definitely got a pk / overfeed burn. the flush will help. you could add h202 to the water to really clear stuff but it's not a deal breaker if you don't.

Definitely do the flushing as mentioned above, pray. I would let it dry out a bit before refeeding.

i like to at least get some background nutes in there. i also try to flush through enough water that there really isn't much left after for nutes in the media.

I feel if you overfed her then let that get through her before feeding her again. Give her a few days of just water.

a little more dangerous now in flower. it's looking to build bud and if it can't pull from the roots it will eat the rest of the leaves. i'm 50/50 on it looking at the pics.

Then back to your regular schedule.

have you had an overfeed in flower @JiggiLotus ? you have decent experience with autos.
I used the ppm meter because I didn't need a gallon of nutrients so I tried using the ppm meter but I didn't realize that their was a small 10× on the ppm meter so when it called for 900 ppm I mixed until the ppm said 900 but I didn't understand the 10 × so I guess really the ppm was 9000 if you times it by 10 so I'm so confused I flushed the plant with 6 gallons of water . I just can't believe I probably killed this plant 2 days ago she was beautiful and now looks horrible thank you for all your help .I know I won't ever do something like this again best wishes. ted
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