HappyHippyBeads' Soil Grow From Seeds 2021

@Nev the ones in the background that look healthier are the results of the flowering white widow “can I clone it?”clone project I’ve got in the same area.

every time I have excess plant material, be it cannabis, raspberry, rosemary, or lavender, I want to clone it :D

@Gypsy58 I know there’s some mites, but not as many as would cause that much damage. Hadn’t thought about light damage, but now that you mentioned it, they started turning yellow right after I got my light upgrade. Further evidence = the areas of those yellow leaves that are covered by other leaves are much greener. Thank you thank you! I appreciate the tip :)

This grow is so weird. I’ve never had to baby weed at all. It’s always been pop, plant, train, flower, harvest. Worst issue I had was a phos issue that wouldn’t go away for weeks in the Panama Reds. Even with all the challenges, I love growing it. Learning opportunities abound! :D

I’m also concerned about how sparse the root systems are/were when I repotted them. I’m currently running an experiment with Basil seedlings. When I thinned them, they had tiny roots, so I put them in the water-spray cloner box to see if I could bulk up their root systems. It worked. Roots grew on stem that previously had none. They’ll go back into soil in a few days. I’m somewhat tempted to try that with the Jack-she had the tiniest root systems, and the longest stem. Either way, I’m also going to turn down the lights on the seedlings.

I’ll see how they look in the morning when I get home and decide then.
For me it gets a little frustrating at times trying to keep my girl alive. All the light stuff is a little confusing vs natural light. But I'm getting it figured out lol. Now keep in mind that when I joined the forum I was 14 weeks into my grow. But, when I got my light and tent I had started 3 seedlings going and i put them all in the tent. When they got about 2 weeks old one of the developed the sacks so I pulled him out and continued with the others. Then at about 2 months the second girl turned out to be a male. I took the hanger cables and routed them so that when I hung the light, I had it drawn up with zip ties as tight as I could get it. My tent is a 2x2x4 and you could see the growth progress every day. She's not as bushy as I would like to see her, but she is growing. Going to start another grow in the next few days and will follow the advice of everyone to the letter. This time I will be using soil/dirt that I get from the farm. Brother in law is bringing me a couple buckets of the dirt and a bucket of last years cow crap. I have used them both for tomatoes once and i couldn't give them away fast enough lol. So gonna see how it will do with a new grow.

Will keep watching to see how she's does. Good luck and keep her smiling.
Day 16: RIP the old 24, long live the new 24

Sooo... yesterday before I left home, I (mistakenly?) thought I was giving them too little light and ramped it up to 100%. Came home to find 24's stem was dried out and crispy (not the soil though), but not quite all the way to the top. The foliage was wilted, pot wasn't light, but not heavy either. Roots were intact when I pulled it out of the soil. Just for "wonder if this will work"'s sake, I clipped her at the viable stem, and stuck her in the cloner. It's probably not going to work, and mostly b/c there's only a 1/4" sticking out of the puck (which I'm now going to change to a rockwool plug). /shrug IDK if it will work but I'm trying it anyway. I'm suspecting a fungal issue coupled with a too much light issue. I've not had either problem before, but I wasn't working with nice LEDs either. NFC where the fungal issue came in. I think it was a holdover from the mess I made with too much water. It might even be due to the mite treatment. She was never super healthy anyway. Ah well, pop, plant, live, and learn. To the hot compost pile you go.

The other ones are tenuously holding on to viability though. Jack's yellow leaves are crisping, and the yellow is moving up to the next set of leaves. I moved them down to the lower area, the one where I've got the cloner. It's a little bit further from the light. Their stems are stiff as well. they don't feel cool, like stems normally do when the water is flowing. They don't have the springiness I'm used to seeing in plants this small. There's a Tangie in a similar state as these girls. I'm going to go rinse off her roots and put her in the spraying water cloner. Not sure how well it's going to work since the stem is woodier than gives good results with cloning. Experimentation :)

I popped the rest of the 5-pack of 24's. Two got pots, the other two will get pots when I wake up. Pots have an inch of hot, a 3/4 inch of sprouting soil (peat+perlite commercial mix), some mycorrhizal stuff, then the seed and a quarter inch, loosely packed, of the peat+perlite on top of that. **hopefully** these ladies will grow green and glorious, give me cuttings, and react well to silver colloidal spray.

If you're wondering, those domes are housing yarrow seedlings which will grow into pollinator food for the great outdoors, and the long narrow tray seed starting tray started it's life as a rib tray in the deli section of our local supermarket :) Yes, it was washed first ;P and repurposed to hold the paper towel where I sprouted the 24's.

Happy Friday all :) hope your day is full of unexpected blessings :)

For me it gets a little frustrating at times trying to keep my girl alive. All the light stuff is a little confusing vs natural light. But I'm getting it figured out lol. Now keep in mind that when I joined the forum I was 14 weeks into my grow. But, when I got my light and tent I had started 3 seedlings going and i put them all in the tent. When they got about 2 weeks old one of the developed the sacks so I pulled him out and continued with the others. Then at about 2 months the second girl turned out to be a male. I took the hanger cables and routed them so that when I hung the light, I had it drawn up with zip ties as tight as I could get it. My tent is a 2x2x4 and you could see the growth progress every day. She's not as bushy as I would like to see her, but she is growing. Going to start another grow in the next few days and will follow the advice of everyone to the letter. This time I will be using soil/dirt that I get from the farm. Brother in law is bringing me a couple buckets of the dirt and a bucket of last years cow crap. I have used them both for tomatoes once and i couldn't give them away fast enough lol. So gonna see how it will do with a new grow.

Will keep watching to see how she's does. Good luck and keep her smiling.
Thanks @Gypsy58 I appreciate the support :) Stoked to hear you're getting cow poop! Well-composted cow manure is gold :) I stopped by your grow journal and saw your lovely lady :) The time-release formula isn't the best, but your plants seem to be healthy. Found that when I don't have enough light, my plants were super leggy.
Thanks @Gypsy58 I appreciate the support :) Stoked to hear you're getting cow poop! Well-composted cow manure is gold :) I stopped by your grow journal and saw your lovely lady :) The time-release formula isn't the best, but your plants seem to be healthy. Found that when I don't have enough light, my plants were super leggy.
The cow poop has not been composted. When he cleans the calving pen he just piles it up in the bag and lets it completely dry out. The we just mix the poop in with the water. Works great that way. But before I start the new i am going to mix the poop in the soil, water real good to get a ph level the re-pot her. During the first 3-4 months i will just feed her ty he poop once a week and see where she goes.
Day 17: again, basically unchanged, not better, somewhat worse. Some of the replacements have popped, and went in soil. I popped one of the replacements back in the fall, and it started going into flower during 18/6. It's not supposed to be an auto, but even the clone I'd taken started flowering at the same time. I'm hoping that was a fluke. Another CBD by the same breeder, labelled as light/dark dependent flower, also went auto. Again, I'm hoping that's a fluke. If it seems like it's going that way, it's getting the colloidal silver.

The water cloner treatment helped the 24, but I really don't have much hope for it, bless its green heart. I changed my mind and slipped her into a rockwool cube after I took the picture. Here's the difference:

The one with the roots (not pictured) that I put in the cloner still lives. It’s basically unchanged from what it was yesterday. The roots don't look right though. poor, sad little roots. limp, translucent, and just barely clinging to life.

Miss Jack's looking nute burned on the tips, and miss sour diesel's still hanging in there. Since the stem is so stiff and dryish, I misted the foliage. At this point, it really can't hurt LOL.

They're all probably a lost cause, but I'll still see if I can't get them going again :) Must.Think.Positive :)
Day 18: Happy Mother's day everyone.

Sour Diesel appears to be growing again :) It's noticeably larger than the others, and there's some new growth at the base of the second set of true leaves. The stem's still fairly stiff below the cotyledons, but getting larger.

Jack’s about the same, stem is still stiff and thin, better above the cotyledons like all of them, and 24's greenery that I put in the cloning machine seems to be hanging on.

Replacement seedlings appear to be doing well.

Potted the paper towel popped seeds in some bitty clear plastic containers- I want to see the roots this time.

Day 19: Sour Diesel’s better- she's showing definite growth, and daily (positive) changes since yesterday.
The “clone the top” idea failed, but the tangie in water spray cloner made a new root!
Jack’s about the same. Replacement 24 has pushed through the soil.

Short post today, I’ve got to make food for a potluck :)

Two views of Sour Diesel - pepper sproutlings, valerian, and tomatoes in the background.

Jack's on the left, replacement 24 on the right. What is up with this batch of 24's cotyledons? First one was whack, and now this one. I've got more seeds, but this is causing concern with regard to my colloidal silver for many more seeds plan. Shoddy genetics?? Hmm... one of the four potential replacements still hasn't cracked. I stuck it in soil anyway :D

Oh I love a good potluck… Does your recipe call for tater tots on the top?:straightface:
I think we're talking about different things... What sort of potluck do you mean? Is that a particular dish? like a casserole?

A potluck in California is when everyone brings a different dish to the gathering rather as opposed to when the host puts all the food together. Host generally provides utensils, plates, cups, and a place to sit :D

Tonight's theme is nachos, so my part is pico de gallo, with enough extra to snack on here at the house.
A potluck in California is when everyone brings a different dish
Oh yes a nachos love them. I’m directly North of you and potluck is the same here but I’ve been to Minnesota and everyone’s hot dish had tater tots. Hahaha. I’m really not a big fan of the tater tots.
I think it’s a Minnesota thing.:smokin2:
Oh yes a nachos love them. I’m directly North of you and potluck is the same here but I’ve been to Minnesota and everyone’s hot dish had tater tots. Hahaha. I’m really not a big fan of the tater tots.
I think it’s a Minnesota thing.:smokin2:
Dude - I just looked some of that up. What I saw hiding under the tots seemed like shepherds pie... except when the cook got to the mashed potato part, it was too much work, so they just used the potatoes they had on hand.
My wife is from Wisconsin makes a tater tot hotdish pretty yummy
I’m sure it’s a very excellent hot dish but my memories of tater tots Is Taco Bell’s Mexifries years ago and it’s kinda ruined the tater tot thing for me. Maybe with a nice herb infused sauce.
Oh no! I had those... once... completely blocked out of my memory until just now.
@Nev now look what ya gone and done. You hurt his memory lol. But I am not one of those people who just pop them in the oven and eat but they are a lol better when you make them with the banquette Salisbury steaks and smother the with the gravy.
better when you make them with the banquette Salisbury steaks and smother the with the gravy.
Remember this?

TV dinners, they're goin' to my head
TV dinners my skin is turnin' red
Twenty year old turkey in a thirty year old tin
I can't wait until tomorrow and thaw one out again, oh yeah
TV dinners, I'm feelin' kinda rough
TV dinners, this one's kinda tough
ZZ Top
Day 20: Annoyed

The one 24 seedling with it's cotyledons on is still just that. Cotyledons and stem, exactly the same as yesterday. No true leaves like I'm expecting to see the second day. Another one looks whack. Like it didn't have enough energy to stand up straight and extend the cotyledons. So due to this unpleasantness, I'm poking around the replacement seeds' soil. And Look! There's a wee beastie! **might** be a baby red wiggler since I used the worm poop in the mix on the bottom, but I'm not sure. Annnd there seems to be mites in another plant's soil. Well, crap. Squirted some Azamax into the soil for now, tried to keep it off the stems (was that you who caused the damage Azamax?) and I'm planning to order a product from one of our sponsors. Haven't decided which one yet. Any of you have preferences?

Yes, I know, this grow is a hot mess.

I am disturbed. I'm not down with this plant sickness (heh. couldn't resist :D )

What I *want* to do is take the tents outside, lay them on their backs in the broiling sun, dry them out, wash them out, then spray with some ?peroxide? ?cheap vodka? Suggestions anyone? But I can't do that for another eight-nine weeks (silly Panama Red and your twelve week flowering time- and are you really Panama Red? Your pistils are white!). oh... wait... I forgot... I got a sexy new light from BudgetLED that would fit nicely in the retro-grow area... hmmm... everything else may be going on the outside seedling table for a week or so while I tidy up.

The bright spot from this morning, besides watching many honey bees being fed clean pollen by the sunflowers, was seeing that Sour Diesel is escaping it's funk- literally. It shed the dried hard skin on the stem, and now seems to have a proper stem. Jack still hasn't caught on though, neither has Gold Leaf. They're running neck and neck for who will win the skinniest stem competition- see the comparison shot with GL vs SD for well, comparison ;) .
Tangie's nice white root got longer, but it's just the one- cling to hope Tangie, cling to hope.

The swiss cheese that's in that dark area is about 2 feet taller than the one in the foreground. Stretchy. Not enough light I think.
Wave those pistils baby, wave those pistils :D

Sour Diesel has realized that growing is better than giving up
Gold Leaf, listen to any advice your sprout-mate wants to give

You've finally figured it out Sour Diesel :) ((hugs and pets))
@HappyHippyBeads it looks like you may have stalled in your grow.

Couple things I noticed:

Let the soil dry out completely before watering.

When your leaves start fading to a light green/ yellow it is most often that the plant needs feed.
If not done properly you see the result.

You are addressing the mite, so nothing there.

Are these indoor of outdoor?

I need to go do yard work, so I will get back to you soon.

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