Happy August Everyone!


Well-Known Member
its august, and all of my outdoor friends should be looking at some really nice buds forming, I am new here, I planted my outdoor plants in a not so good spot so I want to ask you all to show me yours. I hope that everyone is having an awesome day, and that life is treating you, if it isn't then it might be time to treat life. I always get a good feeling when helping others, especially for nothing in return, go figure sometimes when I am turning down compensation lol. trust me it will make you feel good to help someone who could really use the kindness, taking out the old ladies garbage and stuff like that is free. welp I hope that I hear from you, make today epic friends. :lot-o-toke: :420::blunt:
its august, and all of my outdoor friends should be looking at some really nice buds forming, I am new here, I planted my outdoor plants in a not so good spot so I want to ask you all to show me yours. I hope that everyone is having an awesome day, and that life is treating you, if it isn't then it might be time to treat life. I always get a good feeling when helping others, especially for nothing in return, go figure sometimes when I am turning down compensation lol. trust me it will make you feel good to help someone who could really use the kindness, taking out the old ladies garbage and stuff like that is free. welp I hope that I hear from you, make today epic friends. :lot-o-toke: :420::blunt:
Couple pics of the 420 greenhouse. August first 2024
No buds yet in Northern Ontario.
But girls are happy and we are all having a great day. :yahoo:
Glad your doing well.

My Helper :love:

I grew 12 pounds last year and gave away 8 of it.
Made a lot of people happy and I didn’t take a dime.
Karma Baby :Namaste:
Hoping for 20 this year, that'll make everyone happy :lot-o-toke:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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