Halo Rainmaker


New Member
Has anyone used the company, Faster Gardens, for their halo rainmaker system? I ordered last week and haven't gotten a shipping notification or tracking number. The owner Larry has also stopped answering texts/emails/phone calls after the initial purchase confirmation.

Anyone have any experience with this company? ??
Hi, did you ever get it? I bought a 4 bucket kit off them a few days ago, but I haven't heard from them. I called, texted and e-mailed them. Not hearing anything makes me nervous.
I finally received a text back yesterday. He said he'd check on my order to see what the progress is. That makes me feel better. How are you liking their product?
It took much longer than I would have liked. The system however runs great. Definitely glad I bought and additional air pump and air stones for each bucket though.
It took much longer than I would have liked. The system however runs great. Definitely glad I bought and additional air pump and air stones for each bucket though.

I checked out the website last night and it was down. Non payment?
How long did it take to receive it?
I noticed that the reservoir was the only bucket to have the air supply, does it make a difference or did you just add another pump to play it safe? I'm a complete noob to dwc.
it took about a month to get it. Keep calling him and keep emailing and texting.

I added the additional air pump and air stones just to play it safe.
A month?! Holy shit! That's like 1985 mail catolag shit.
I ordered mine last week and it's scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
A month... Better you than me. I would've been on the phone with PayPal by week 2.
Just got mine in!
I have one concern so far, the feed lines are. ery thin. By the time the water gets to a bucket, won't the water be room temperature? Or even hotter due to the tubing being black?

Edit- The feed lines are 1/4", seems kinda small to me.
Beware!!!! After using the setup for almost 2 months appx 20 gallons of water found its way into my ceiling!!!

I am not sure what happened with the system but it dumped damn near all the water into the bottom of my tent....which then found its way thru my attic floor and into the ceiling
The lines are my only complaint so far. They're a little small and cheap. It almost overflowed when I first set it up due to a return line kinking up.
The seller recommends setting the submersible pump on a timer, so that the roots search for the water. I've been debating the logic of that, I'm not sure it's valid. I've been going with 15min on 15off.
Hi all, just wanted to give an update for future buyers/owners of this system.
Add air stones to each bucket! I had a the water pump timer crap out on me last week and the plants were on their own for about 12 hours. When I found them the plants in the 2 furthest buckets from the reservoir were severely wilted. The 2 plants closest to the reservoir were a little wilted, but nothing like the other two. Thank god all the plants completely recovered within 24hrs. I'm 99.9% sure the plants had depleted the oxygen from the water. The reservoir air pump was running, but without the water pump rotating the water I think the buckets furthest away weren't getting the oxygenated water. Had I had an air stone in each bucket I'm sure there would've been no wilting.
Over all I like the setup, though the return lines kink up waaaaaaaaaaay too easily and an overflow on each bucket would be nice.
Sorry just seen this.. I converted these buckets to use for soil... ended up one of the buckets cracked on bottom.
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