Re: Hair 'detox' products. Any input?
I went and paid a small fee to get my results, just to see how well it worked on my hair, even though I didn't pass.
Like I said before, my 1st test they didn't get enough hair and couldn't get a result, that's exactly what the paper said that they got back from the lab. The other 2 results were pretty disappointing considering what the products I used promise to us and how much they cost. The cut off is 0.01pg of THC detected in the hair. These products were supposed to "penetrate the hair shaft and remove unwanted toxins" and everything, HA, my first test I still got a 3.25, yeah- NOT EVEN CLOSE. At that point my hair had been washed with 3 products multiple times that all claimed to clean your hair by itself and they didn't get me anywhere near passing. I was clean up to the next test but there was probably still residual THC in my body that grew into my hair in that week from smoking so frequently for a year, because after doing all those steps for my 3rd attempt, I actually got a 4.78! Not only did all that effort not pay off- I tested higher! So all of those people out there claiming they smoke every day and just used Toxin Wash and passed are LYING, companies do make fake profiles and make fake positive comments about their products to make them look legit, but you can look at my results, there is just no way. And that site that says they did the study on 6 people and they all passed for THC, including daily users, is definietly a fake. Sometimes I take lortabs or perks and I did pass for those. I think if you only have a little of these things in your system it will work, but if you smoke or take pills frequently IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK. I know it's disappointing, but it's the truth unfortunately :/
To top off the disappointment, after using bleach and all that stuff on my hair I had a sore spot on the back of my head that developed into Shingles. Normally only old people with very low immune systems get shingles, I NEVER get sick, ever, and I got that and I was only 19 at the time! I'm pretty sure it was from all the stress I put my scalp under and then stressing so much in general, and not really eating that healthy, I just lowered my immune system too much. So, I wound up with $800 in hospital bills from that since I didn't have health insurance at the time. This whole situation sucked and I will never try to get a job that does hair testing again.
So yeah, if you are a frequent user Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner, All Clear Hair Purifying and Cleansing System, the Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser, and Toxin Wash all do not work. Don't waste your money.