Hafta's 100% Sativa Panama Multi-Stage Harvest CST Plus Droughting

Phase 3 Harvest

This ...............

P3 D12 harvest-1.JPG

And this ......
P3 D12 harvest-2.JPG

Here are some photos of Control bud C-1, the only major cola to experience the entire grow.

P3 D12 C-1-1 (2).JPG

P3 D12 C-1-2 (2).JPG

P3 D12 C-1-3 (2).JPG

P3 D12 C-1-4 (2).JPG
Looks awesome, H!
Why do you put the aluminum trays underneath?
Looks awesome, H!
Why do you put the aluminum trays underneath?
It is really dry here and already 100 deg. F (A/C dries things out). The trays have towels in them that I wet with RO to increase the humidity (slow dry the bud). The best I can get is around 35 - 40%. It takes 7 - 8 days to dry, acceptable.

Grow Summary

This journal began on day 61 of flower, day 105 from germination. I decided to start this journal when I decided to drought the plant.

Panama photo-period, 100% Sativa from Crop King Seeds. One seed germinated.
2' x 3' x 6' Cabinet Hydroponics
Kind 450 XL LED, (2) 9 watt 5,000K supplemental 24" fluorescent LEDs
Lotus Nutrients

Total grow time ..... 150 days (105 days flower, includes 7.5 days drought, 4.5 days recovery)
Three different harvests:
Phase 1 ... 172 grams (64 days in flower)
Phase 2 ... 43 grams (88 days in flower)
Phase 3 ... 196 grams (105 days in flower, includes drought)

The plant was 22" tall (above res deck).
We (the wife, her friend, and myself) cut, trimmed, and dried 221 branches (14" maximum length).
Total yield (manicured and dried) ... 411 grams, 14.5 ounces, 34.25 grams/ sq. ft.

Brief history

I grew in the bay area during the 70's, 80's, and 90's. I moved and didn't grow again until January 2021 when I retired and decided to grow indoors (I live in the desert). A hydro cabinet seemed to be the best option (after many hours of research).
My first cabinet grow was a couple of " Autos", Jack Herer and Super Silver Haze. I was going to see if my outdoor techniques could be used indoors. I had never been exposed to "Autos" before. Jack Herer matured in 10 weeks and SSH in 14 weeks. The training techniques were extremely successful and the plants outgrew the space and interfered with each other. Only one at a time from then on. Both strains have cured for more than a year and are extremely high quality hybrids.

This Grow

I grew a photo-period Sativa since that is what I was most familiar with. I also prefer the energetic effects.
I wanted to find out a few things with this grow. Some cannot be answered until buds are at least partially cured.
Specific colas were identified and harvested at each Phase for comparison.

1. What would be the optimum flowering time to achieve the preferred effects?
This will need to be determined with cure. Phase 1 has increased in potency with cure. There were very few additional amber trichomes at Phase 2 harvest. Samples of all 3 harvests are very potent and energetic.
2. Could CST (Constant Stress Training) be utilized to increase yields in a cabinet?
CST training works extremely well. I ended up with over 100 cola sites (perhaps too many) and a wonderful root system. There were NO sagging nor twisting colas, even during drought. The potency left nothing to be desired.
3. What would be the optimum node to top for best yields?
I will top after the third node in the future. There was little to no light penetration below the canopy. Although I removed 30 - 50 leaves every day during veg, they were removed to provide light to the tops. I do not defoliate beyond that.
4. Is the lighting sufficient?
The two 9 watt, 24", 5000K fluorescent LED supplemental lights were insufficient. I never had the main LED further than 12" above the plant so the footprint was diminished to 2' x 2' (the outer 6" were under exposed). I am adding two 65 watt full spectrum LEDs for the next grow.
5. Is a multi-stage harvest beneficial?
This is also to be determined once the control buds are somewhat cured. The additional lighting may also affect this result.
6. Will decapitation increase potency?
I saw a sudden increase in trichome production following Phase 1 harvest (decapitation). It is difficult to compare effects when each sample is extremely potent. Must wait for some cure.
7. Can droughting take place in hydro?
The simple answer is yes. I was able to generate conditions that allowed droughting to take place in the specified time frame (7 - 11 days to achieve the proper LWA).
8. Does droughting increase potency in hydro?
Once again, it will be a couple of weeks, at least, before having a partially cured droughted sample. My test bud was extremely potent and lasted all afternoon, but so was Phase 1 and Phase 2. I did notice a definite grittiness when trimming the dried bud from the branches. It was as though some of the trichomes had crystallized. They were also VERY sticky. It put a friendly neighbor on the couch playing his ukulele.
Very well done. I love how you were able to stretch the drought out in hydro. I'll be referring back here when I get there with mine in a few weeks. Thanks for the thorough write-up.
Nice read Hafta!
"Phase 3 buds are drying.
The trim has already dried so I thought I'd throw in a couple of photos of kief."
I have never seen a picture if kief that close up and it made my mouth water...yum, yum!
You documented it superbly! :woohoo:
As I do my daily open/ separate/breath process with the droughted harvest, I'm seeing something unique. I have collected at least one cup of "bud shake" already. This appears to be sugar leaves that never re-hydrated after drought. I am VERY gentle with finished product so there is very little jostling of the buds. I'm not sure if this is specific to droughted hydro grows or if this is experienced with all droughted harvests.

If the sugar leaves don't re-hydrate, it might be preferable to harvest a hydro grow immediately following achieving the desired LWA to prevent "over-drying" the sugar leaves.

I pulled a small bud from the control C-1. It had only one week of cure. The high is definitely Sativa, very strong, very clear. and long lasting. The taste and fragrance stays with you for HOURS in both your mouth and sinuses (even after eating). Very impressive.

I'm headed to the high country for trout fishing for about ten days (ahhh retirement). I will get a really good idea of Phase one and Phase two effects. By the time I return Phase three should be ready for comparisons.
As I do my daily open/ separate/breath process with the droughted harvest, I'm seeing something unique. I have collected at least one cup of "bud shake" already. This appears to be sugar leaves that never re-hydrated after drought. I am VERY gentle with finished product so there is very little jostling of the buds. I'm not sure if this is specific to droughted hydro grows or if this is experienced with all droughted harvests.

If the sugar leaves don't re-hydrate, it might be preferable to harvest a hydro grow immediately following achieving the desired LWA to prevent "over-drying" the sugar leaves.

I pulled a small bud from the control C-1. It had only one week of cure. The high is definitely Sativa, very strong, very clear. and long lasting. The taste and fragrance stays with you for HOURS in both your mouth and sinuses (even after eating). Very impressive.

I'm headed to the high country for trout fishing for about ten days (ahhh retirement). I will get a really good idea of Phase one and Phase two effects. By the time I return Phase three should be ready for comparisons.
Have fun fishing and tokin Haf! Sounds perfect!
I'm headed to the high country for trout fishing for about ten days (ahhh retirement).

I just spent 4 days in the Easter Sierras chasing fish. Only caught a few small ones but had a blast. Ten days sounds awesome!

Enjoy your trip!
have also heard that a 24-36hr darktime before you flip to flower will take off weeks of flower time; now we are talking 100 sativa's ? right, If so veg at 12/12 and flower at 11/13 even to 14/10 for 6mo's plants !
Yes, we are talking about 100% Sativa here.
I have heard about the 24/36 hour pre-flip dark period but have yet to try it. (I've only been growing indoors about a year, two cannabis grows (one auto) and a high yielding Roma tomato grow,300+fruits)
I can understand the 12/12 veg since Sativas are mostly equatorial. I've also read about 11/13 flowering periods. Please explain about the 14/10 flowering cycle for 6 month plants. What prevents it from going back into veg? Do you leave it at 14/10 during the entire flowering cycle?
Yes, we are talking about 100% Sativa here.
I have heard about the 24/36 hour pre-flip dark period but have yet to try it. (I've only been growing indoors about a year, two cannabis grows (one auto) and a high yielding Roma tomato grow,300+fruits)
I can understand the 12/12 veg since Sativas are mostly equatorial. I've also read about 11/13 flowering periods. Please explain about the 14/10 flowering cycle for 6 month plants. What prevents it from going back into veg? Do you leave it at 14/10 during the entire flowering cycle?
understand what you say , 14/10 cycle can keep a plant growing indefintely but 12/12 to 11/13 - once at 11/13 take off 15 minutes every 4 weeks staring around week 6 (for 16-20 weekers) Some sativa's will only flower under a short light cycle (Oaxaca) So basicly once you hit 14/10 should be on your way to harvest. Hope this helps ( OR starting at 18/6 veg and flower at 12/12 take 15 minutes of every 5-6weeks for a 4 month flower) basicly work up to 14/10 cycle thru flower cycle --12/12 for 4 month flower ( standard)
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