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bro , keep 'em green
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bro , keep 'em green
How many lights - lumens do you have
Gutta nice ladies
looking good over there G! I love how you spread your cfls so nicely around the plants, and it seems like your plants agree with this notion
as for ph meter, it really doesnt have to be that expensive, you can pick up a cheap ph kit for a few bucks in your local hydro shop. it wont be as accurate as those digital meters, but it will at least give you the right idea about where you stand. I am in my first grow, and also using tap water, but i always get them into a balanced ph before i use them. the cheap kit works well for me so far. good luck
I have no clue about spring water ph, sorry. sounds luxurious though, hehe.
get the kit and it will put your mind at ease, it gives comfort knowing that you water by the rules.
good luck brother!
I was actually just speaking about a ph kit, like this one:
From what i see on 420 magazine it looks like the kit has magical powers lol
Ask Doc what the kit has...he'll say "microbes minerals and magic!"
Doc Buds HiBrix Blend...we call it the "kit" for short cuz when its delivered its all in one convenient kit lol. We use promix hp, earthworm castings and the amendment he provides. Have you seen my plants bro? Thats a result if docs kit
Scrubby, my on-line search has been unfruitful. Can you provide me with a link to buy Doc's High Brix Kit? Or do I just have to ask him myself? Thanks.