GrowStealthLED 600w ProBloom - White Widow - AK47 - Amazon Aeroponics

that sucks.. still interested in the light

I have the 600w Pro Bloom Tyrell. I am happy with it too. I'm using it on a small hempy grow (not journaled) presently in flower. I use a 1k HPS for my main 5x5 tent grow only because the area of coverage isnt there with one unit. I would need to run two units for my grow area and the $$ just aren't there atm. But that's my fault, not the lights. I can also say they back up their lights well with customer service.
yeh sounds really well.. i found a guy with a refurbished 600w pro bloom and a blackstar 900 watt fsf.. 900 for both.. i jumped on it.. wonder if i can still get any kind of warranty on the pro bloom even though i bought it second hand /refurbished
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