Growing Perpetual With SSgrower

Mean tree 🌳 SS grower
How does it taste? 😍
What did you put in them to make them grow so many buds?
When you LST or in this case "Scrog a tent" you flatten all the branches under the trellis net juust before or after "flip" to produce the desired effect of bud multiplication for yield. That is the desire for more "Cola " production & yield. SSgrower
I have a journal on another .org website my pic's upload fine there? Maybe if I could re-size from 7 mb to 1 or something, I got a new Phone a Samsung 54 and it's got a better camera but it don't like this website for uploading photo's? Linux X Samsung = problems!
I have a journal on another .org website my pic's upload fine there? Maybe if I could re-size from 7 mb to 1 or something, I got a new Phone a Samsung 54 and it's got a better camera but it don't like this website for uploading photo's? Linux X Samsung = problems!
have you got a computer? Maybe transfer them to computer / tablet and then upload. I would be surprised if it was a size issue. I upload large files. How frustrating!
I use Linux Debian 11 and need to learn basic "Bash" commands to upload from my phone and I just have no "time" for it. SSgrower
Ok, that sounds relatively complicated.
Linux has a "Terminal" Users go to that tile or feature to up & download programs they can then operate to achieve goals so it is complicated as learning to write code, Linux code. Windows & Apple just aren't my cup of tea, always updating and then won't work properly. So I continue on in Linux thinking one day I'll learn to bash! SSgrower
Have you learned to bash? We all looking forward to your pictures, lol
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