Growing cycle for a n00b


New Member
Hey guys. I hope to be starting my first grow project in a few weeks. In the meantime, I'm trying to get some of the planning out of the way. I am extremely new to this and have no experience, so it will definitely be trial by fire.

I can legally grow 18 plants, but will probably start with 6. I'm on a pretty small budget initially, so think smaller. I've read millions of threads that have all been super helpful, but haven't really found anything on the cycle. As of right now, I will be starting with all clones. Do I start with 3 plants, and then wait until those plants are in the flowering stage to start the others? Do I just start all 6 at the same time? If so, at which point do I start the next group? I'm not sure if the next group will be clones again or if I will go with seeds the second time around.

Thanks guys.
Hey guys. I hope to be starting my first grow project in a few weeks. In the meantime, I'm trying to get some of the planning out of the way. I am extremely new to this and have no experience, so it will definitely be trial by fire.

I can legally grow 18 plants, but will probably start with 6. I'm on a pretty small budget initially, so think smaller. I've read millions of threads that have all been super helpful, but haven't really found anything on the cycle. As of right now, I will be starting with all clones. Do I start with 3 plants, and then wait until those plants are in the flowering stage to start the others? Do I just start all 6 at the same time? If so, at which point do I start the next group? I'm not sure if the next group will be clones again or if I will go with seeds the second time around.

Thanks guys.

Kinda depends on how much room u are workin with and how much light, but if its yer first grow, get a successfull harvest uder your belt before u get too many going, work out the bugs so to speak : )
its is up to you how you want to plan it, i wouldn't say go a whole harvest before your perpetural grow.. your at the right website for any questions.. if you want a perpetural grow you will need the 3 in a flower room and 3 in a veg room to start. both rooms get different hours of light..
For your first grow I would do a complete grow start to finish with nothing extra added. 6 clones is a great manageable number to start with. Once you get a feel for growing then start your perpetual harvest program.

That's exactly what I'll do. Thanks!

What do you suggest for a strain/s? With a dispensary opening on every corner here in CO, there are sooooooooo many choices!! The only strain that I know I want to grow is Grape Ape. I haven't had any luck finding any clones of it yet though. I prefer sativa strains, but wonder if a hybrid is a better choice for the faster harvesting indica traits?
its is up to you how you want to plan it, i wouldn't say go a whole harvest before your perpetural grow.. your at the right website for any questions.. if you want a perpetural grow you will need the 3 in a flower room and 3 in a veg room to start. both rooms get different hours of light..

I actually have a pretty decent size, dedicated space to use for my grow rooms. I'm using a very small mother-in-law behind the house that's only being used for storage now. I have a lot of work to do to prep it, but there are two rooms, one upstairs and one downstairs, both about 20 x 20. I won't have anywhere near enough equip to fully utilize the space any time soon, but it's nice to have that much dedicated space all to my plants. I'll start work on the perpetual grow after my first harvest.
Keep in mind that when it's time to flower your grow area will have to be 100% light tight. Meaning no light leaks. Sativa's as a general rule grow much bigger than indica plants. They need more head room and it takes a very strong light to penetrate a tall plant. Your first time keep it as simple as possible. Don't go crazy with a bunch of different strains. Each strain can have very different requirements for nutes.
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