i never felt a new batch buzz, from that fan leaf batch, but there were sooo many strains, jumbled in .. still worked, for pain. u know... if the girl says nada, bout a huge, bag of dryin leaf... i might do that, again, with just iso. 1.5gr... 90, retail. most of us pull the amt of fan leaf i used, over 3 days, maybe, when the 4x8, is half thick, with bush. problem is, where to stash, such a bag... nah nah... counts towards product weight. not savin squat.

have we seen THE COLLECTOR movie? equally as kreepy, for anyone with a seed problem. if u know someone, with a seed addiction, in need of help, please call 800-give-2-spare. a friend with giftweed, is a friend, indeed, but lest we never forget, "it's all good", because we do not look giftweed, in the mouth, do we?
"ACCEPTANCE": the first step, is admitting u have a problem...

the day one realizes that their sexuality holds them back... is a dichotomy of a very very VERY sad day.

sigh... being a "guy"... of course! i have to see EVERYTHING for myself, to accept it as gospel... how many decades must i waste, on blue light?!!!
I've been on another site

this will b off topic

and will have nothing further to say

so spank me


since being shamed away

for an American with a disability

i have had the most amazing

daily adventures

logged on another grow site



i just quit em after 6000 posts

and the advertiser bonus of

roughly 400 pages and 40000ish


mods make money there for this

the people don't want to discuss gardens

when people are dying

and are being hushed


free country

entirely acceptable

for site owners to dictate

one may always scream elsewhere

and lose members

begin each day

checking one box

helping one stranger

who cannot do for themselves

expecting nothing in return

i promise u all

you will have

the greatest adventures




respect existence

nothing more

none of this

if i don't get mine attitude


help a stranger

respect existence

social distancing

doesn't mean

not speaking


i did a social study

i live where i live

because people stop

with compassion

for strangers

not anymore

3 grocery stores

25 people

only one

looked me in the eyes

and spoke to me

i would break this chain

help me

mr Simpson changed my life


he doesn't even know my name

and he just gave it away

i hope our people

your people

are okay

we cannot afford bigotry

at any cost

love thy neighbors as thyself

unless they're a different color

of different beliefs

we're so ignorant

we don't even know

we dunno

we don't require toilet paper

to survive

how many countries

even have water

on tap

much less



swimming pools


so why a wall

are we not all humans

good day
my name is Douglas Chapman

and i think it's wrong

you know who you are

and so



i think it's wrong

you leave her name

you know exactly what

and whom

we owei believe

you owe

a little sparechange

how dare you

how dare


do not let it happen

if y'all do

we have the greatest power


one boycott

one vote


a little



the other guy

knows your code

get with her

y'all inspire we





i wasn't asking
I'm handing in my notice
vegas run, yesterday. didn't have much time.
ran all over n/e vegas... lake mead... took side streets through to Henderson... not one green cross, did i see. i meant to check out seeds of the locale. notta one.

as i look at my girls, today and had to excuse myself to vomit, after what I've let my grow sink to... because the weekly flushes freak me out, and sometimes get let go, for over a month, now... i might look to novice strains, after these most recent pops because I'm just to mental, now, to put in the time and while i actually like the recent results of neglect... seeing my plnts suffer for a week, before i address their symptoms, pisses me off... this ain't a choice, for me. i think cannabis plants are amazing; beautiful and i mean down to a chick gettin wet because she's horny, trying to extend life... the parallels to the human anatomy are breathtaking... so it upsets me to have to look at em for ruining my lovely g's commercial xmas... the stress of flushes, i never enjoyed doing, send me into schizo episodes... so because I'm capable and u know- actually love the idea of creating strain combinations and oil combinations it's conceivable nobody's done, before.... y'all know this appeals to me/we... it's a love hate, thing and i am at my wits end over seeing deficient ladies.
i ocd defoled, today... again...
i mean, i went in there, to take pics, loathe, the chlorosis... meant to decide about transferring seedlings, or culling and basically... grabbed coffee and ran outside.

my journals are meant to track my grow, my schizophrenia progression, speak to people, listen to their inspiring stories and share their achievements, struggles... lives...
i mean to link people with needs, with those whom have surplus; hopefully local charities, globally... but even my story, evolves and has become something more... linking knowledge across pot, peer platforms, without disturbing the population, of each site.
i track my pot experiments and discoveries, as well as the people who share theirs, with we... and plop em on my threads.

for example, the last few days, I'd been approached by a light sponsor, with a 2-500watt, entry level light and nothing in the r&d department, to offer.... this, does not appeal, to me. I'd crawled up the bum of their tech and they could do better; they have nothing to offer me. i made suggestions.

i also put forward a list of names of people we commonly see, helping in triage. just because they have thousands in lighting, does not mean a skilled, altruistic grower, does not mind, a 9sf expansion op, to help advance our tech... and just because a grower, is a rookie, or low budge... does not mean they can't make miracles, by noon... so i tried to line up a sales rep, with a dedicated, grower.

i saw the rep, who may, or may not have been legit, publically shamed, over tech they were willing to support our people with. it's a rare enough thing, to see a sponsor, much less one, with their wallet open, to help us.
i had my own thoughts and did not list them, publicly. just because one has a good thing goin, with their lights, does not mean there is no place for entry level lightning. and adjustable led, with solid state heat sync... we didn't have those, ten years ago... 20yrs ago... we want to call it chinese crap, but seek samsung because they're so made in the usa u can't even buy their stock, without an application to japan. so let's not look gift weed in the mouth. you don't like what a sponsor is offering, on the cuff... pm them. don't chase them from the sites. we need to work with the companies who support us and TELL THEM... what do we need...
don't expect the light of the heavens, to beam from your gorilla... without them... where did a starter light get the adjustable intel? how is it affordable? not because a prevailing wage company in silicon valley made it in the usa. it's upsetting.
i run into this, speaking to pain managers, surgeons n pharmacists... because the dea insists on the exclusion/separation... like a drug dealer, askin a judge, what they need from us... and if we chase off sponsors, willing to subsidize us, trying to help those we love, on their death beds... what's that make us?
we r no better... no worse, than anyone else. please, keep it in mind. thank the sponsors and let's do our best to keep them from having to spend the time n payroll, finding the right people to represent them, well... and perhaps if we save em a week's payroll and aggravation in doing so... they'll be able to afford to sponsor another grower; possibly you... possibly me.
think about it... we get a noob, with a whim, humping the leg... or we present awesome candidates, we know won't take advantage of their generosity and will benefit from the introduction. what happens next?
this is what one refers to, as a rapport. perhaps one developes a trust... do we think they don't have examples of what their tech can do, without we... so when their r&d department has a new concept, with tech we cannot buy, yet, at any price... what is it we feel the vendor, desires? daily pics, of what their current, gettable line can do? or a concept car which needs test driving and time laps pics so when they roll out next year's model... it already has, examples...
and this light, the wealthiest and most diy handy of us could not afford, nor construct... perhaps has a new test model... so b cool to our mods, our sponsors... our people, on a global scale.
our bedridden loved ones, cannot afford for us to be so... cavalier.
processing lineup
charas nug bout 4gr
boiling down
my buddy's pup snake oil
ready to distill, solution
vfw xmas tree on saint patty's
lil levity...
effects of low rh and heat, even with diox
seedlings left in cloner, to stall, set n forget

told ya I'd get back to y'all on my toying with cbd
these r my observations

i crossed my 2015 fav, atf... with equilibrium genetics, cbd glue tide.
the concentrate returned roughly 25%, including gear attrition.
the smoke: 12 rips, by 26th minutes. no ceiling to the buzz, when i continued to smoke.
nice, controlled cerebral buzz. energetic, but a lil high, to function. no munchies. sober, by minute 60.
in oil, it helps counter the extreme buzzes, of a multiple strain, cocktail. limits duration of buzz. keeps the munchies in check.
i gave "my" collaborative strain, a 5/10. i prefer atf, on its own merits, but the strain has uses for my peeps, i just don't care for. i will keep cbd, in my genetics, to exploit these observations and my topicals peeps, insist on cbd's effects. though, i don't do clinic snake oil, that lasts four hours and has adultrants if i wanted, i could by, solo... my topicals r made with my garbage... roughly 1500mg, in half to one liter, of half iso, half coconut oil and they last arthritis sufferers, two days... without feeling like pinetar. u can add whatever fragrance u like, if any.
those, with shingles, etc... sensitive skin... i just tell em, to dilute the 450ish mg, 5ml syringe, with whatever oil, their skin can tolerate and this is 24/1 cbd/thc.
I've yet to hear back, but a scratch test: no issues. my being associated with people, can mark them. i will assume it helped, because a few anonymous drinks, were sent my way, the following day. i didn't have an opportunity to speak to them, without being seen together, again. it's better for them, i dunno their names, no maintain their phone number/s, as i take risks, to find veterans, in pain... to assist.
1804 morgan
rare enough...
interesting backstory.


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before and after pics
and no... I'm not neked...
what rso and my research on mr Simpson's coattails has done for me, from 9/1/19, til now.
337lbs+ down to 248... in march.
i put on 20, since... less cbd in my fold and less activity, volunteering with Larry the roofer to help veterans whom cannot do for themselves, fix their homes.


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as y'all know, I'm on other peer sites and it is my intention, to share research across them all.
i went kookoo, yesterday and didn't want to keep the mods busy, with reports of a crazy man, running around 420 threads, naked, with a sunburn so... sorry i was mia.
what have we learned, recently... well... lemme cover a few things because i don't remember what i mentioned, where n when:
seedling stalling... can b done. seedling cloning, check... stalling n resnipping clones, check... ummm... take ur oil to 240°... it'll still bubble, at 240, but remove from flame so to speak and it'll settle like it should, around 212 & under. you'll see n know the diff, if it isn't ur first try.
ummm... everclear actually can b uses @151, but ya gotta get it to 212+, and it'll b discolored and ... as i had given up on it at 190ish... when i redid it to 240... the color was uniform, til the redo and it's not what oil is supposed to look like, but going to 240 with it, was the second strongest stuff i ever made.
now, yesterday, on 400mg of twice distilled, godfather og oil... and 4ish, coronas... lemme tell ya..
u pray? u wanna hear a response? try that. pure, psychosis, but u could've decapitated me and with regard to a body, I'd simply have asked u
may i have another, please
i was speaking to another member and i feel these things are important, if ur into oil.

try taking your oils, up to 240°f... there's enough of a plateau, there to remove the heat, without running. it's just below first noid/terp, boiling point and as you'll b boiling off whatever other random impurities under cannabinoid bp's... it'll b bubbling, as long as ur above 212.

i thought I'd ruined 60ish mg of oil, using everclear 151, because i didn't have a choice, with recent happenings... it was watery, separated and discolored. i left em on my whatever tray, for over a month and wasted a half, to a pound.
i was bored... i put it back in the cooker... second highest high, I'd ever had. it's still discolored, but uniform light tan; not transparent, like the goods.

then, i took some premo, finished oil i had in the fridge, of godfather og... and redistilled, takin IT... to 240.
u pray? ever hear back? i took 400mg-ish of that, yesterday... and was straight up psychotic.
pain wise... u could've dissected humpty dumpty, without issue.

but these multiple strain cocktails, as i don't actually enjoy being high... I'm using around 6 decigrams for 24-48 & up to even 60 hrs, now. that's at least 33 yrs, for Simpson's pound per quarter, at negligible cost diff and 33 cent per day vs his $60 diet.

the twice done gog, was the absolute highest I'd ever been, last week, give r take

and what i found with these extreme double distilled, 240s, is that the 6 day oil cycle of day one only effects... i broke through it and took it out 3 of 4 days, with a buzz from same oil. the missed day, i was proving it, with the godfather og that I'd taken the day before I'm referring to as day one.
so exploit it, in whichever direction, applies to you.
I'm on number 6, including myself, getting people off that opioid poison, gratis. man, it is so rewarding, to hear someone on their back for a decade, just like me, is back riding his harley, with his club.

anything I've learned- it's yours.
i work at neg 40-60° below f, when the ir goes into overload... only wash twice. still, dropping the solubility, at those temps... the people i leave my trash to, have zero complaints about potentcy, in the edibles they specialize in, volunteering to help the veterans in their community, with pain.

i wash out the pot i use, with iso... making a double boiler of it, to insure it doesn't go above 212, add powdered lecithin, just eyeballed n then, if it's 500ml of iso- 500ml of coconut oil so there's 500+ mg in a liter of topical and the clinic snake oils, lasted me 4hrs, max. this stuff, they say is moisturizing; not like a pinetar... it's lasting them, 2 days and is probably 80/20 thc/cbd...
miss sweet sue, helped me realize, the chlorophyll, or when i made what u and i would refer to, as dirty oil, brought its own entourage effect because only the dirty oils, unlocked my girl's trigger finger, reliably and clean topicals, don't do that for her.

there's an article about ummm... chlorophyll with regard to this. i just don't remember oh... one sec


ok... you'll have to search
holistic benefits of chlorophyll. 420... i forget the rules about pics n links so...
cali run
won't b around
signed up on 4 sites, now

to bring n take our intel

across peer sites

not taking
promoting user movement

just sharing our experiments and observations across platforms
through the blinding shades of greed

so we don't all clone autos
more than once
so to speak

because it is not we and they

it is we and us
600 & 6.4
+8ml down
i gotta flush and take to 400ppm
no time
dealing with Learning the rhythm of tap water vs ro
6.2 both
when i get back

this weekend

next experiment

smoking 30%

edibles 2hrs 70%


not on my watch 100%

so let us try


bypassing liver

straight to bloodstream


imagine if we could dismantle pain



instant relief


is my goal

i need a carrier dissolution agent

and i have had root beer




in n outta my nose

by oops

and I'm still breathing

think nasonex

do not try this at home
our veterans stood in front of bullets

my turn
i need to pop some of those seeds

as well

atf x cbd

sux ash imho 5 outta 10

for my purposes

but i have sensitive skin

anti thc peeps

who demand it

works better than that atf cross in


to stave off



so while it counter n shortenz buzz

i have use for it

puup is a beast


having growed pho genz and

a second round

i know its heartbeat

kept written journal

at that time
just checkin in

nothing to report

have to confirm

with a second run

double distilled

to c whether it's just the 240 trial °f

or the double itself

creating stronger poopoo

because 2-4 decigrams

broke the 6 day reset cycle

4 days running

8hrs of madness n hysterical laughter

day four...

on a dose i took for granted

should not have gotten me high

even day 2...
there's definitely something to this double distillation

either the second go

or the 240° stop point

but on 1.2 mg... taken every day

just typically half that dose

the last 6 days, cept for maybe one

psychotic high


did not want nor need to b high


will attempt to confirm

once right n the haed and shall return

with observations

and this was a single strain run

lsd strong, without the visual aids

more like

get ur ash home


n baby... pull the drapes

wood ewe
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