There are many mornings where i will come downstairs, plop down on the couch aiming to start the day and I crash for another hour or so. Hell the first time I took it, I took it when I normally smoke, 11pm or so.....and didn't feel much until about 1am. Went to bed and tried to get up at 9am. I crashed on the couch until noon LOL. I learned not to take it after 6pm. I am moving that up a little earlier now.....I try to dose about 5pm now. I might end up moving it up to 4pm.
Ms Stank took some after she though she got her dosing down. Well we took it on a full stomach and it hit her like a ton of bricks. She was seeing stuff, hearing stuff, LOL, just a plain ol good much so she looked at me and said "Fuck I am high, I need to go to sleep". Poor thing took about a 3 hour nap and woke up and was better. We cut that dose in half LOL.