I have seen more GDPs from Ken come out green lately but I would like to stick with his stock. It is great that Nukeheads says they have made seeds with his stock. That is great but if they really just F2'd them and want more than Ken's own than it is a little pointless. Even over seas I can get kens for $140 for a pack of 10 regs or the same price for a pack of 6 fems. $23.33 for the fems as opposed to $30 per seed from someone that just carried on the work... For the regs its 14 a seed as opposed to 24. There is a seed bank in the US that carries his gear and its $100 per 10 pack. They just never have the GDP or the grandpa larry.
PotChimp has been breeding his GDP for a couple years now. I think he lost his original clone he had kept around from the original pack, which is unfortunate as it was gorgeous, but he has an S1 that is nearly as nice. None of his other S1s look as good for whatever reason. They all seem to produce good amounts of frost but most do not seem to have the color.
It is great that you are continuing the line Chris!