GROWant Journal - SIPs & Living Organic Soil - Sub Irrigated Planter

On days like this I am glad 420 exists. Reading around here makes me able to not think about the harsh realities of life. My good friend was put to sleep yesterday after a long and expensive fight for his life. He will be sorely missed. Allthough it took all my savings to not save your life, it was worth the shot. I love my cats and I would do anything for them. Rest in peace dear friend
On days like this I am glad 420 exists. Reading around here makes me able to not think about the harsh realities of life. My good friend was put to sleep yesterday after a long and expensive fight for his life. He will be sorely missed. Allthough it took all my savings to not save your life, it was worth the shot. I love my cats and I would do anything for them. Rest in peace dear friend
My brother lost his beloved best friend yesterday too. Tough times my friend.....our thoughts are with you.

Overview of everything

High Density

Short & Sweet

Fast & Vast she's already showing some pistils

The last 3 pics are Wipeout Express
Two of them look iffy, the other one is looking good.
These Autoflowers were crafted by Heavyweight Seeds.
We got them from fellow 420 Sponsor Herbies Mobile
My impressions so far, meh. Definitely some funky leaf variations and a couple runts. We will see how they flower.
Dropping by for a quick look Around!
Nice growth on most of them. LOOKS GOOD!
That next to the last pic....looks like she had a rough weekend. Lol
I went back and looked at your organic list, top dressing, companion plants.
Have you thought about using
an organic CO2 booster......your straw inoculated with mushroom spawn. Would naturally covert more than 50% of its mass into CO2.

Have a good week Gee!
Dropping by for a quick look Around!
Nice growth on most of them. LOOKS GOOD!
That next to the last pic....looks like she had a rough weekend. Lol
I went back and looked at your organic list, top dressing, companion plants.
Have you thought about using
an organic CO2 booster......your straw inoculated with mushroom spawn. Would naturally covert more than 50% of its mass into CO2.

Have a good week Gee!

That's some great info about the mushroom inoculation. I'm definitely going to have to read up on that.


This Wipeout Express had to go. Not sure what happen with her. Oh well

Wow, what makes that happen to a plant? Especially it what seems like such ideal conditions. . Glad you got another one to take its place .

This grow is going along so nice. Looks great!
Poor little feller'

Well, if it was a little fella - probably good riddance! Wouldn't want a fella in there messing with things!

Wow, what makes that happen to a plant? Especially it what seems like such ideal conditions. .

I'm not to sure. I do have some worms in there so I guess it's possible they disturbed the roots some how. I don't want to rush into saying it's genetics, and I have no problem admitting if it was growers error. That being said I have some funky leaf mutations on a couple of my other autos from the same breeders.
I'll post some pics of them tomorrow.
Okay gee. Couple questions. You seem like a seasoned grower. The high density. That weird twisted growth and patchy stuff. I have it on one of my plants is it contagious? Or just genetic?

Sorry to see you lost a plant :(
Hope the others will make up for it!
I have seen those twisted leaves in several strains of autoflowering plants. They in general usually look uglier than their photoperiod sisters. I believe it's because of the ruderalis genes, ruderalis ain't a pretty plant
GroWant - What would you do if you got horribly sick all of a sudden and had 40 rooted clones ready to go but you're too sick to rebuild your setup and you have to delay those clones somehow so they don't die.

I was thinking about giving them some proper light, not too intense cause I don't want them to develop fast, just don't want to lose them either. It's for that 32 plant grow I've been preparing for months now. I can't do the room rebuild in this state but I bet I will be able to figure out a way to keep 40 clones alive another couple of weeks

Really open for ideas here folks - They're in peat pellets and final medium is going to be leca (clay pebbles) - if not I would just plant them in soil in very tiny pots
GroWant - What would you do if you got horribly sick all of a sudden and had 40 rooted clones ready to go but you're too sick to rebuild your setup and you have to delay those clones somehow so they don't die.

I was thinking about giving them some proper light, not too intense cause I don't want them to develop fast, just don't want to lose them either. It's for that 32 plant grow I've been preparing for months now. I can't do the room rebuild in this state but I bet I will be able to figure out a way to keep 40 clones alive another couple of weeks

Really open for ideas here folks - They're in peat pellets and final medium is going to be leca (clay pebbles) - if not I would just plant them in soil in very tiny pots

That's a tuff spot. If you know you are still a few weeks from getting going and you just want to keep the genetics. I would just save 3 or 4 and pretty much turn those in to my mother plants. Then you can just take clones as needed.
That's definitely not a quick fix I know but besides throwing everything into solo cups with soil I'm not sure what the best solution for ya would be.
Hope you feel better soon. I'm looking forward to your new set up
I have seen those twisted leaves in several strains of autoflowering plants. They in general usually look uglier than their photoperiod sisters. I believe it's because of the ruderalis genes, ruderalis ain't a pretty plant

Yeah I always see some weird leaf patterns in autos. These are just looking really rough
Okay gee. Couple questions. You seem like a seasoned grower. The high density. That weird twisted growth and patchy stuff. I have it on one of my plants is it contagious? Or just genetic?

Sorry to see you lost a plant :(
Hope the others will make up for it!

It's a genetic thing. Not contagious. You'll get some weird looking leafs with autoflowers sometimes.
It's a genetic thing. Not contagious. You'll get some weird looking leafs with autoflowers sometimes.
Yup.....same seed.
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