GROWant G5 HiPAR Pro Series & Bignugz420 Team Up To Make Some Big Nugz

So congrats to Canada for being the First Nation to legalize cannabis this was a gift to me from my local Hydro shop and I plan on giving it to king Bc he is a Canadian and I think it would be a dope necklace charm, king you are a good dude , grower, and have been there as a friend so much respect and I look forward to getting this to you
it was pressed by my local Hydro shop and they wanted to do this for all good customers so I know next Xmas I'll get another one so no big deal, king pm me to give me address to mail it to please who knows you might find a bud or a bean or something else as a surprise
Now that's kinda awesome right there
So my new genetics will be here tom so tonight soak rockwoll and going to do paper towels method just to watch success rate
Can't wait for new genetics to get here use my heat mat and my old school paper towels method and see if they will pop I want to get them in DWC ASAP to get some big ladies I hate sprouts I always clone and I am just not having any luck with clones, I am gonna do tracking for beans today it said by 8pm but who knows they could be there already if you haven't order from SHN you gotta try them out gets to you in DAYS not weeks I am so excited for my mesphito genetics and kill it in the auto game under PS GOLIATH, I am also getting some beans from 2 friends one is there own crosses and one is sending some great genetics thank you to both of you and you'll see beautiful ladies with those beans I'll make you proud
Got my new genetics so GROWant LED G4 HIPAR pro will be in use again soon with. My autos yea buddy
Seed plants are much better I think if you have the seeds

They are better, better stretch better health better everything but i love my mothers and love cloning to get a bunch of ladies I can always get more beans but I love SOG AND I do have good results with them
My Growant thread will start again soon so watch for it to come to a theater near you
GROWant back in action
brand new Ripley OG
temps Good Rh needs to come up so I am gonna adding it on somehow today
Ripley OG top feeders
weird one of heavyweights seeds
4 autos in DWC , under GROWant Led
I plan on germ some MOSCA SPECIAL MIX BEANS REG, if I get males I'll save pollen and cross breed, and if females then clones either way it's good genetics
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