Grow Lights

What's a build sheet?
Model#:SS-600VP-56BH.I'll have to find the specs.warranty Mars G2.I sent photos of the lights and ballast to Mars Hydro,they also said they don't make them and that was it.There are some Asian symbols,I don't know what country though.They were purchased from a local growers store.There's a sort of logo that says Sosen.I also purchased second hand lights same from the same store,which grew my basil alright.
Thank you
There are 3 other ballasts with model # on the top,blank on front and back like the other 4.Model #:EUD-480S10ADT Name Invetronics,which I think go with the 3 Quantum Boards,all English,with metal base rather than black base like the Sosen.Quantim at 480watts each,that the staff at the store said they were phasing out for the 6 bar lights@650 watts each.I hope that's clear
Were you running the lamp at max brightness? maybe your plants got too much light.The staff at the store said they might be too powerful,lots of people start out using too much,vegged at circa 20-30 %,was okay not as good as stolen lights.Was exactly the same yield at 650 or 2 at 650 in a 10 × 5 × 6 ft. high.Stolen lights were 2@650 in a 4×8
Moving on,
You need 30 watts of quality LED lighting per square ft of grow space.
Example 4x4 tent = 16 square ft of grow space x 30 watts per foot = 480 watt LED light or lights.
2x2 is 240 watts
4x8 tent is 960 watts.

I have 11 Mars 300 watt grow lights they are not 300 watt lights I think they are 135 watts at the wall
,, gave a couple away still have them for back up, but these lights are getting phased out,,,,,,,,

I made/assembled three Cree COB 5 channel programmable with a makers controller 175 watt Led supply LED Kit
Cost about 2.50 $ per watt . < expensive <

I have 24 2v288 LM 301b Rpec HLG quantum boards @ 160 Watts per board . build cost . boards have gone way down .Mean well costs are up. bext guess 0.60 cents per watt
86 square ft of grow space.
depending on the strain but ten ,,, twenty gallon RDWC systems .
My boards/lights




No issues in helping spec out the components to assemble grow lights>
I can help teach you how to assemble/wire them in.
Best of luck

That's the 6 bar Mars G2.Ive heard of Cree,but why would staff say they don't make them,that they had a special manufacturer make them

Inventronics is another power supply manufacturer.

There are new grow light makers opening and old ones shutting down all the time. Can't say any more without more info.

yours looks atypical color temp LEDs. the yellowish leds are 2700-3000 kelvin, the blueish are either 5000 or 6000, maybe 6500 kelvin. The red are 660nm wavelength to augment photosynthesis.
traced the light to some knock-off in bulgaria. it's likely fugazi. it's not a mars light but looks like it's named that way to confuse the buyer. it's actually named a red farm mars g2. red farm is not a known mfgr over here.

sorry @Huge yields if you are in eastern europe you could have anything.

the similar mars lights are the FC-series. i'd have a look at those.
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