Grow light help

Those (or any blurple LED) are not something I would recommend, it's low grade components and covers less than half of your closet, and the internal fan is noisy.

I understand DIY is not for everyone and might look challenging at first glance, but if you're hellbend on LED you have to build it yourself to get something worthwhile on your budget. Decent off the shelf LED lights are pricey, and the cheap ones are not very good

Getting HID might be the way to go, 2x 250w HPS would do decently in your closet.

By the way do you have ventilation in the closet?

Also No I don't, I'm going to have to figure out a way to ventilate it myself
Honestly, I think building one would be the way to go; I live in Canada see, so which stores would offer the right kind of led lighting to buy to build my own?
I can easily scavenge scrap computer vans and get them running (What battery should i use)
Do you have any instructions or could you even possibly make a video?

I'm pretty much looking for an easy to build one that is simple but would give full spectrum or atleast good red blue light, aswell as enough wattage for my plants; Definitly LED, (saves the most, hydro wise) Or if there is a nice one for around $200 i could buy possibly even one that needs assembled i just need a good one for my closet

The world is your backyard. I'm in Canada, but I ordered from Shenzhen KingBrite Electronics Co Ltd through Alibaba. It took less than a week to arrive by courier. Check out GrowMau5 on YouTube for lots of informative DIY videos. If you're in Nova Scotia, send me a PM and I can give you a hand.
What do you guys think of this light?

It's cheap affordable and looks like it'll get the job done although i would like an experienced person opinion as soon as possible!
In that case I think you should get an extraction fan and a carbon filter (if smell is an issue) then get cheap HID lighting.

Ventilation is a necessity, even you don't have heat issue, you need to frequently exchange the air in the grow space.

I'm just tyrign to think about how cover up the ventilation, it's probably going to be extremly noticable no matter what though
The thumb rule in this business is the more money you pore in this the better the results, IF you know what you are buying. In the long run leds win this race, if you have the money and are going to keep doing this buy quality from ex Timber. The electrics and mekaniks of this is almost the same which light you buy hid or leds.
The thumb rule in this business is the more money you pore in this the better the results, IF you know what you are buying. In the long run leds win this race, if you have the money and are going to keep doing this buy quality from ex Timber. The electrics and mekaniks of this is almost the same which light you buy hid or leds.

I don't think this is true at all. There are many lights out there for lot's of money, even incredibly expensive, but not so great at performing. Even more with lot's of promises that can't be backed up.

The problem with lights from Alibaba is that they are Chinese!

What's wrong with that? The components used by most big name manufacturers are made in China. BridgeLux, Citizen, CREE, Samsung, and Meanwell all have manufacturing facilities in China for the products we use.
pretty sure almost everything on the planet is made in China.

Take a quickw alk around your house for 5 minutes, and count how many things are made in China, lol..
I work and live here in the USA. I make my money in the USA. I try to buy as little as possible from China. I know LED chips are not made in the USA, Meanwell is Taiwanese. But, circuit boards, housings, wirings, assembly can all be made in western countries by the people who are the actual consumers. Just saying Chinese manufacturing is not always a good thing for us and our economies.
Hey long time lurker here, I am currently building my first grow room, I just ordered a light, 260 watt quantum board kit with a Meanwell HLG-240H LED Driver, for my 3' x 3' tent. My question is, I want to automate light, what timer should I use for this? Also I have several power outages a month in my area, do quantum boards self recover when power comes back on?
You could get one or two of these. They work pretty good and are 115.00 right now.

Or you could get one of these for 189.00. the work much better than the LED's in my opinion

That's how I got these to grow this much in two days.

This is Tuesday night.

This is what they looked like this morning
Hey long time lurker here, I am currently building my first grow room, I just ordered a light, 260 watt quantum board kit with a Meanwell HLG-240H LED Driver, for my 3' x 3' tent. My question is, I want to automate light, what timer should I use for this? Also I have several power outages a month in my area, do quantum boards self recover when power comes back on?

You need a timer that recovers your settings, the qbs turn on when the power comes back.

I'm not sure if it recovers after a power outage, but try to check out the Sonoff pow r2
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