Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2024:00 - Wildling-00/2019

2024-09-21 / 12:00


So, back on Friday, 09/20, I was able to verify that Token Zero was quite well on with seed, also verifying in the process this one is a girl. And with that established, I figured it was time to get her upgraded and started on proper reveg, as I have post season plans for her...

Token Zero - Melody-00 - Ready to Plant.jpg

As of Saturday, 09-21, she has been upgraded to one of the recovered medium Jiffy Pots, where she will continue to reveg and grow until she can claim one of the 5 gallon buckets that will be freed up starting in November, after the main harvests are done)
Token Zero - Melody-01 - Planted In J-Pot.jpg

Now, as long as I remember to bring Melody in at night and put her in the reveg room, she should grow up quite nicely to be bred by Pandorra, her Wildling:00/2019 brother that ended up being this year's only surviving 420 Challenge subject.

Token Zero - Melody-02 - Next Day.jpg

Here she is 2 days later...aka as of now; at 4 inches high to the top of her crown; plus it looks like at least the second level of leaves are greening up again at last. My ultimate objective with her is for her to first grow into a mature plant with smokable bud, and second, to time her development so that when pollinated by Pandorra, having at least one offspring (which though technically would be a Feyleaf, will get thematically named as something like Drag'n Dream or something else dragon themed (the characters of mine that the names were pulled from are Dragonkin, so going to theme their offspring off of that idea. :)

That's it for now though. Not expecting another update until bucket day for her end of next month; unless she really greens up and grows nicely before then, then at least a small additional update at least; if it is really significant.
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