Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2023:02 - Bubblegum-2023 - Pure Girls

2024-07-12 / 08:30

And now the update on the Bubblegum group, which at this point is just Bubblegum Lites plus one still untouched pure Bubblegum.

That said, that penultimate BG seed never sprouted. I did not have the highest confidence it would though, so no big loss. It really did look immature at the time. I will not be touching the last one until I have cloning and feminizing "mastered", something I will be getting to as mid season and post season projects after all the main journals are completed, starting with my best guttersnipe mutt (Okay, will be taking cuttings as part of that update, but the general push for cuttings and feminizing will be mid and post season work.)


First we have the S:0 plant out in the cage, the primary for the Bubblegum Lite grow. She is on deck for cuttings next month, and if any survive and grow up, feminizing after flowering (her cuttings, that is. I am going to try hard to not get anything out here in the cage pollinated by anything other than themselves, and that will have to happen naturally.

CN - Bubblegum Lite-00.jpg

S:0 does have a brother, designated S:1, and he is slated to be the Bubblegum Lite boy that will pollinate one of the Bitter Sweet Pie girls in my "double cross" project. If I can keep him around indefinitely, he will also likely be the pollinator in what I call a breedback, pollinating a BG Lite Sister and making a new pure but half breed strain (half breed because neither would be pure Bubblegums...don't have a name picked out yet though, so not specifically trying that with these yet.

CN - Bubblegum Lite-01.jpg

I only have one other BG Lite to work with right now and uncertain whether it will be a girl or another boy. Guess I should get at least one more going for good measure, like I am planning on doing with Bitter Sweet Pie Lite, Birthday Spanking Pair:01, and likely Wildling:01.

Anyway, this one has been given her own midsize planter. And here is my trio of all BG Lites thus far (not counting the gal in the cage...duh).
CN - Bubblegum Lite-02.jpg

Next to be updated will be the Feyleafs and Feyleaf Lites. And that will get me about half way through the updates... Oh-a-oh, and we're half way there. Oh-a-oh. Lemon on a pear...
2024-07-17 / 00:00

No pics for this (would just be a shot of a Jiffy Pot filled with dirt and a name stake anyway, nothing really picture worthy).

Just started a single Bubblegum Lite:2023 in a J-Pot. More when and if it develops.
2024-07-21 / 20:00

The midseason backup Bubblegum Lite started direct in a Jiffy Pot back on the 17th looks like it is starting to break out. I am predicting it will be popped by the 23rd. Once it is popped with the baby leaves spread, it will be declared sprouted, like I did with the Birthday Spanking Pair:01 midseason backup earlier today.

CN - Bubblegum Lite-03.jpg
2024-09-10 / 10:00

Bubblegum update here, SHOULD be a fairly quick one...

NHN-Journal-0000-51 - BG-Lite - Roll Call.jpg

I currently only have three active Bubblegum Lites, S:00 (Reneen), S:01 (Ivy), and S:02 (currently unnamed.)

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The Primary, the new S:00, since the one in the cage ended up being a boy, is Reneen. She is going to be allowed to grow out, and will likely get moved into a 5 gallon bucket to finish her last couple months before harvest...

NHN-Journal-0000-53 - BG-Lite - S00 - Reneen with Seed.jpg

And before collecting her seeds. Yep. She got knocked up by her S:01 brother, Ivy (who also did Honeymane, the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite out in the cage that replaced the Bubblegum Boy out there). I'm calling this a breedback, the boinking of two Lite siblings back into a pure. I still don't have a name for the upcoming seeds yet though, but will think up a good one by the time comes when they are ready. As a breedback, I want it to have a name related to the original (Bubblegum), but not Bubblegum, since it is still only a half breed of Bubblegum. And if I can't think of one that sounds good, I may go thematic, based on their namesakes; but that is too convoluted to go into here...

NHN-Journal-0000-54 - BG-Lite - S01 - Ivy.jpg

This one is called Ivy, my only Bubblegum Lite boy. He's the one that knocked up his sister, and the BSP Lite in the cage. Now that Reneen and Honeymane are definitely with seed, I will be collecting his remaining pollen sacs, like I did with the Birthday Spanking-Pair:01/S:01 boy, and pretty him back up with a trimming of dead material and see if he produces any more. Otherwise, he will be considered done for the season, removed from the pot, and the name recycled for next year.

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And the third one here is S:02, still unnamed. This was the midseason replacement started back in July. No idea if this one is a girl or boy yet. I have been letting Ivy do his thing with S:02 though; figuring if a girl, it will show a seed pod or two before reveg. It will remain in this little planter until otherwise needed, may perhaps be a Winter full indoor grow even, and cloning test subject. Who knows?

There is no Bubblegum Lite Token or Egghead at this time. In fact, there now will not be an Egghead subject at all, since that project will be wrapped up by Halloween, and no need for anything new there. There is a BG Lite being sprouted in a damp paper towel to become TK:05, if it sprouts by Halloween. If not, then it gets tossed and BG Lite will be included in the next round of Tokens (1x series) with the new arrivals that are coming in).

S:00 - Reneen : 16" (40.6cm)
S:01 - Ivy : 24" (61cm)
S:02 - Unnamed: 4.25" (10.8cm)

Next to be updated will be Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite, followed by the Mutts, @SeedsMan Purple Ghost Candy, Wildling:00/2019, and Wildling:01/2023, and the general updates will finally be done...just in time for the new postseason projects...
Time - 16:20

Just a small supplemental update for the Bubblegum Lites here...

NHN-Journal-0000-56 - BG-Lite - S00 - Reneen Bucketed.jpg

S:00 Reneen has been upgraded to a 5 gallon bucket. It was a pretty easy operation, identical to how we did the pair that went in the cage to replace the boys; but only required one person.

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She also has a chive companion now, which may be permanently assigned to this bucket no matter what else gets grown in it.

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And now, properly laden with seeds from her brother, S:01 Ivy, she gets to take her place with the other S:00 plants out on the back deck to grow out as best she can over the next 2 months.

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As for S:01 Ivy, his work is mostly complete. He has now been prettied up and all pollen sacs snipped and saved.

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He will get to remain as long as he is producing pollen.
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