Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2023:01 - Birthday Cake Lite-2023 - Cousins

2024-05-20 / 12:00


The P:0 trio is struggling to grow. Figure if they die out, I'll start a new set

SPT: 7.5 Days

The P:1 trio are looking quite happy and healthy though, and are actually getting some partial sun out on the front porch today.


A - 1 5/8" / 41.3mm SPT: 6 Days
B - 7/8" / 22.2mm SPT: 6 Days
C - 5/8" / 15.9mm SPT: 78 Hours
2024-05-25 / 12:00


So, back on 05/25, that replacement Birthday Spanking Pair:0/G:00/2023 came off of flowering lighting, and Jiffy Pot and all, is now spending its life in one of these nifty little planters from Dollar Tree, and is designated 05/11:12:14

SPT: 12.5 Days
Size (from lip of planter): 2 3/8" (7.3mm)

I really don't have a big major plan for this one. I am thinking it will be pretty much a desktop plant kept in veg most of the time, but then may get eventually treated with that colloidal silver stuff, and then her feminized pollen being used to feminize the Feyleaf-Generation:00/2022 that also was started, sprouted, and planted the same days as the the Birthday Spanking. And the Feyleaf will in turn get the treatment as well and cross pollinate her BDSP neighbor for a new Birthday Spanking Lite (got a further idea to make them proper Wildlings which then become the basis for two entirely new name and claims.)

I figured that when treating select flowers with the CS stuff, that feminized pollen can then be used to pollinate other plants, making their offspring feminized as well. If this works out, it is going to trigger a whole bunch of new little feminizing and cloning projects. Oh yes, oh yes.


In other news, both sets of Birthday Cake Lite sprouts have also come off flowering lighting.


Plant:0/Alpha withered up and dies at some point during the past 2 weeks, and a replacement was started (direct planted in Alpha's J-Pot) yesterday (05/29) As soon as it sprouts, it will go on 14/10 and get caught up with its siblings. Bravo is hanging in there, but has not quite cleared the lip of its J-Pot (so no measurement until next time the BC Lite part of the journal needs an update).


Meanwhile, all three subjects for Plant:1 are alive and well, though P:1/Alpha had a minor oops at some point. I can almost recall the likely moment when it happened. Now just handling her very very carefully in hopes that "sprain", as I like to call it, heals up. Both Bravo and Derpy Charlie are doing fabulous.

SPT: 12.5 Days
Size - P:0-C : 1" (25.4mm)
Size - P:1-A : 1 7/8" (47.6mm)
Size - P:1-B : 1 1/4" (34.8mm)
Size - P:1-C : 5/8" (15.9mm)
How do I attach an image that was already uploaded, or should I just upload it a second time? Copying and pasting the link after hitting Attach Image / from URL, does not seem to work, and there does not seem to be a way to just select one from my gallery.
2024-06-05 / 22:30

The replacement P:0-A never sprouted, so a new one, a much healthier looking specimen has been planted to replace it.
2024-06-15 / 12:00

Well, the replacement replacement P:0-A sprouted, but with no sign of any baby leaves, and it simply died a couple days later. So a replacement replacement replacement has been started. I'm thinking this one will warrant a pet project name related to Swamp Castle from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If you remember...

Listen, lad, I built this kingdom up from nothing. All I had when
I started was swamp ... other kings said I was daft to build a
castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same ... just to show 'em.
It sank into the swamp. So I built a another one ... that sank
into the swamp. I built another one ... That fell over and THEN
sank into the swamp .... So I built another ... and that stayed up.

Meanwhile, here are how its siblings are faring...


P:0-B : 1 3/8"
P:0-C : 2"
P:1-A : 2 1/4"
P:1-B : 1 3/4"
P:1-C : 3/4"


Sadly, the Pair:1 Trio is not looking all that healthy right now, and I am giving them all a good chance of croaking on me, with Alpha being the one most likely to possibly recover. However, I am not starting any replacements until there are actual casualties. I have them under ILC (Intensive Lighting Care) now. We will see how it goes.


Lastly, the Jiffypotted Pair:0-05/11:12:14 is looking quite lovely here, and outgrowing it's companion Feyleaf by at least one node.

Size : 8 3/4"

So that's all I got for this belated update backdated to the 15th. I should have more to add hopefully tomorrow.
2024-07-11 / 08:15

Alright, this little update will be at least a 2 parter, as I am covering the entire Birthday Brats (That is Birthday Cake Lite and Birthday Spanking...would cover pure Birthday Cake as well if I had any left, which I don't) project, including little side projects. So, we start with the surviving Birthday Cake Lites


Only two survived, Pair:0 Bravo and Pair:0 Charlie


As long as they are not both boys, I am hoping to eventually breed them both together to bake a third Birthday Spanking line, which would be designated as PR:2 (or PR:3 if I go ahead and pollinate one of my Pair:1 girls with a Pair:0 boy. I am going to call those kissing cousins (sibling plants, but from different lineages, so to speak).

They got planted together in one pot yesterday.

I am going to take a wildass guess that Bravo will likely be a girl and Charlie a boy; just judging by how much taller Charlie has grown over Bravo. At any rate, I am just going to let them do their thing and let them flip naturally outside when the time comes; unless they get a growth spurt early on, then I may go ahead and try flipping them to sex and do a reveg. It's not like end of season has to be end of grow for them. Right? :)

Heck, even if they both end up being girls, I can still have them mate, when I apply that silver solution stuff to some of the flowers to make feminized pollen (they could still cross pollinate).


And now the next day, they are still looking happy and healthy.

Birthday Spankings are next to cover, which I am going to at least attempt to get through today. Got 4 that still need upgraded; one is in a styro cup and the other three are in Jiffypots...
Time - 16:20

Alright, here is the rest of the update on the Birthday Spankings.

First of course, is Subject:0 from Breeding Pair:00, the Primary for Pair:00, which is mostly hopefully going to just get to grow out and flower and bud this Fall, and nothing more. It is one of the Bucket Brigade, growing up in a 5 gallon bucket.


I am likely not even going to try cloning her, but we will see. I will revisit that notion come August. Hopefully she will be nice and bushy by then.


Next up is the official Subject:1, the first male. Now, I am not currently planning on breeding him with a sister in what I call a Breedback (since I don't have a suitable name picked out for the new pure strain; but that is not totally off the table either. He is going to be participating in another thing I am calling a double cross. That means he will do the dirty with a Bubblegum Lite girl to make a new Wildling, and likewise my Bubblegum Lite boy I already have will do the same for one of the BSP Lite girls.

And then, we have his little brother, designated S:03 (the odd numbered subjects, at least perhaps through S:5 tops) always indicate boys, and even numbers are girls, with S:0 being the primary, S:2 being the second girl and the one slated to be mated with an S:1 (either a sibling or any other S:1, or even with feminized pollen).

When other subjects become "significant players" in a project, they will be assigned the next appropriate S: designator of course. But of course, no one gives a rat's ass about that sort of thing, so I will shut up with all this minutae now...

The Pair:01 S:0 primary is out in the cage to mostly be grown out to a normal harvest. If the opportunity arises to pollinate it with another S:1, I'll do so. I also intend to take a few cuttings next month after she has grown up a bit more.


So next, we have the Birthday Spankings (Three Pair:00 and one Pair:01)

The one in the styro cup had a successful transplant into one of the pots identical to what the Birthday Cake Lite Siblings are sharing.


The pair in the Jiffy Pots each went into one of these flimsy tall plastic planters.



And due to image limit for the post, this is to be continued...
I actually only have one other Pair:01 active, and can't recall if it was ever sexed.


I THINK it might have been and came back female, but still not 100% positive. I will just have to wait and see when it flips au naturale come Equinox. After that, we will see what its role will be; very likely if a girl, she will get pollinated by one of the Pair:0 boys, most likely S:3 (making what I will decree Generation:01/Pair:02), while one of the many Pair:0 girls will get hit by a Pair:0 boy to make (Generation:01/Pair:00)

Meanwhile, it is now sole occupier of my last 5 gallon bucket.

And finally, I have one last Pair:00 Birthday Spanking that is part of another double cross project.

This last one is being paired with a Feyleaf Generation:00 and will hopefully result in either a 2024 Feyleaf Lite, 2024 Birthday Spanking Lite, or a pair of feminized Feyleaf Lite and Birthday Spanking Lite (if I get them to pollinate each other after making female pollen from both.)

They are going to live out their lives in these small Dollar Tree planters instead of becoming Bucket Brigade.

That's the wrap up for the Birthday Brats. Here is the entire brood, not counting the Pair:01 out in the cage, of course.

I will likely get a couple more Pair:01 Birthday Spankings going tonight, seeing how so few I have going. That can be a little mid season project, once I have all current journals caught up.

Next two are going to be pretty short (Bittersweet Pie Lite and Bubblegum Lite). Should be able to easily knock both of those out tomorrow, if not even later this evening. After that, comes Feyleaf and Lite, the Guttersnipe Mutts (which should get their own journal. In fact, that will happen, yes); Purple Ghost Candy (@SeedsMan), then Wildling:00 (at which time the one surviving subject of the 4/20 Challenge will get planted, and Wildling:01 (which will also likely be a short update)
No pics for this (would just be a shot of a Jiffy Pot filled with dirt and a name stake anyway, nothing really picture worthy).

Just started a single Birthday Spanking Pair:01-Generation:00/2023 in a J-Pot. More when and if it develops.
2024-07-21 / 16:20

Yesterday, the Jiffypot planted Birthday Spanking-PR:01 was just starting to break the surface.

As of today, it has fully popped and its baby leaves are spread. And that is how I consider a seed direct planted as sprouted...

Time to Sprout: 4 Days
I think I am going to revive one of my sexing experiment journals and add these four midseasoners once they are all sprouted and ready to be put on 14-Dark / 10-Light flowering lighting for a couple weeks; likely through mid August. Updates will go there, with the relevant parts also echoed in their individual journals.

That said, the other three were just starting to break out last night, but have not popped yet as of this morning, but I am expecting at least the Bubblegum Lite to be fully awake by 16:20 (4:20 this afternoon).

Mid Season Backups - Starting to Sprout.jpg
2024-09-07 / 14:00

Now for an overdue general update on all the Birthday Brats I have going (that includes the Birthday Cake Lites and the Birthday Spankings...

Starting with the Birthday Cake Lites.

NHN-Journal-0002-82 - All Birthday Cake Lite Subjects.jpg

Technically, I have four distinct groups of BCL, The Plant:0 "twins", the Plant:1 Trio, The Eggheads, and the individual Plant:0 and 1 in germination napkins, just sprouted yesterday morning.

NHN-Journal-0002-83-BCL-PL0 - Piper and Firefly.jpg

This is the pair I named Piper and Firefly, intending to grow them up together, and hopefully breed together as well, whether traditionally or by colloidal silver solution on Firefly to pollinate Piper. However, I think I may have fucked off too long on this side project, and they are likely both far too along in flower to do naught but grow out and harvest.

NHN-Journal-0002-84-BCL-PL0 - Piper.jpg

I am at least attempting to reveg them. Here is a close up of Piper, who does appear to be a girl, though a bit scrawny compared to Firefly.

NHN-Journal-0002-85-BCL-PL0 - Firefly.jpg

And Firefly also ended up being a girl, well before I could ever get around to getting the magic sex change solution too. However, as fate would have it, it does appear that Firefly is with seed.

NHN-Journal-0002-86-BCL-PL0 - Firefly Seeds.jpg

I counted 5 so far here and there, rather sporadically "placed"; the picture shows three of them. And with so few of them compared to the amount of buds she is showing, I suspect she may have self pollinated, making these most likely feminized seeds. I am going to presume until and unless she shows otherwise that these are indeed female seeds, and with this being a self pollination, the ultimate "Go fuck yourself"...or noble breeding you can do, I will be designating these a new lineage of Birthday Spanking Generation:00, since BSDP G:00 always comes from two Birthday Cake Lite siblings or "kissing cousins". These will be Birthday Spanking-Pair:02/Generation:00/2024. With as few seeds as she is going to make though, I will also be designating these For In House Use Only, with one likely being part of next year's main grow, and at least another finally for cloning practice and making more feminized seeds.

So instead of an attempt to reveg, I am going to plant both together in a 5 gallon bucket tomorrow and see how well they finish over the next 2 months outside.

NHN-Journal-0002-87-BCL-PL1 - Ducky Trio.jpg

And then we have the Plant:1 Trio. All three are looking pretty good, and until I really determine what I want to do with them, they can just be happy houseplants. I mean ultimately, two of them will breed a Birthday Spanking Pair:02 or 03 or whatever, but for now, they can just do what they are doing. No hurry. In fact, after the most recent Token sproutings, I likely will not be starting any more Birthday Cake Lite:2022 seeds until 2027.

I am implementing a policy of quality test sprouts on seeds only after 5 years now. Though like with my Wildling:00/2019 seeds, after 5 years, at least 1 each will be sprouted and grown out, noting key time marks as usual (time to sprout, time to pop (when the crown and first fan leaves show), time to flower (under normal conditions or simulated normal conditions, since they can be flipped whenever), time to harvest (including the seeds if any are produced)

And when seeds to get old enough to have their virst viability check, that will become an annual thing (Heck, Wildling:00 actually does have that now with my annual 4/20 Challenge, the subjects of which are always WD:00/2019)

NHN-Journal-0002-88-BCL-PL1 - Ducky Trio - April.jpg

Alpha from this set, which also gets the pet project name April (named for one of Disney's Daisy Duck's nieces, is coming along just lovely in her tin planter. Of course, if Alpha ends up being a boy, then it will get renamed to Huey.

Bravo is now named May, and will become Dewey if it ends up being a boy.

NHN-Journal-0002-89-BCL-PL1 - Ducky Trio - May and June.jpg

And of course, Charlie is now named June, and will become Louie if it ends up being a boy.

The Eggheads have not been forgotten either, C:00/C:01 - with their dirt bolstered with coffee grounds, of all things, and getting some outside time under full sunlight.
NHN-Journal-0002-90-BCL-PL1 and 2 Eggheads.jpg

They are back in for now. The heat out there was pretty brutal today. Really don't have any big hopes and expectations for the Eggheads, really. Biggest objectives was to see what could push through the bottom of the carton or otherwise see just how far along they could develop in this tiniest of grow spaces. And the results have been pretty meh. Any that push through by Halloween will get upgraded to at least the small Dollar Tree pots (cell and all) and start intensive lighting care to see if I can gain some Necroplantser points. :)

And lastly, only because this hits the 10 picture limit per post...

NHN-Journal-0002-90-BCL-PL1 - and 2 TK10 and TK11.jpg

Here are what I decree TK:10 and TK:11. These are the first born of my second round of Tokens, to ultimately be grown out in little 2 ounce plastic Solo cups. These were started on 2024-09-05 at 03:00 via the wet paper towel germination technique, and were sprouted a 29 hours later around 08:00 yesterday.

And now the stats thus far on the Birthday Cake Lites...

BCL-PL:0 TK:10 - TTS : 29 Hours
BCL-PL:0 TK:11 - TTS : 29 Hours
BCL-PL:0 Firefly - SPT +12 Weeks, 5 Days / Size: 15" (38.1cm)
BCL-PL:0 Piper - SPT +12 Weeks, 5 Days / Size: 14" (35.6cm)
BCL-PL:0 EH-C:00 Size: 3/4" (19.1mm)
BCL-PL:1 April - SPT +4 Weeks, 6 Days / Size: 1 1/4" (31.8mm)
BCL-PL:1 May - SPT +4 Weeks, 6 Days / Size: 1 3/8" (34.9mm
BCL-PL:1 June - SPT +4 Weeks, 5 Days / Size: 2" (5.8cm)
BCL-PL:1 EH-C:01 Size: 3/8" (9.53mm)

Second half of the update will be the Birthday Spankings, and I THINK I can do it in a single post...
2024-09-08 / 11:00

Continuing the Birthday Brats update with the Birthday Spankings...

NHN-Journal-0002-91 - All Birthday Spanking Subjects.jpg

Including sprouts, between the Pair:00 and Pair:01 Spankings, I am counting at least 11. And out of all of those (numbering the Tokens, Token sprouts, and Eggheads among them), I ended up with only 1 surviving girl.

NHN-Journal-0002-92 - BDSP-PR0-S00.jpg

Being my only Birthday Spanking Girl, she has her work cut out for her. Not only am I still hoping to get at least some usable bud off her (obviously only going to be a token amount), I am also determined to get Birthday Spanking Generation:01 seeds this year, and she has been getting it twice a day from all four of her brothers, using what I call Gang Bang pollination instead of one on one: S:01, S:03, S:05, and S:07

NHN-Journal-0002-93 - BDSP-PR0-S00 and her Brothers.jpg

Guess I really need to come up with a pet project name for her soon. I am holding off collecting her brothers' pollen (each will be gathered separately of course) for a while longer, as they keep producing for their sister. I've been keeping them on the porch railing, and been spanking the boys over her at least twice a day. They still have plenty left in them, so may as well keep going like this until she shows seed pods.

The Pair:01 (formerly S:00) that was out in the cage ended up being a boy. So I have redisgnated him my S:03 for Pair:01, then we pulled him, waved a couple branches of his pollen over the Purple Ghost Candy and Feyleaf out in the cage (they are with seed, making PGC Lite and Feyleaf Lite PR:01/2024) and replaced him with Bitter Sweet Pie Lite S:00.

NHN-Journal-0002-94 - BDSP-PR1-S01.jpg

Meanwhile, out on the front porch, happily in a 5 gallon bucket, and slated for pollen collection really soon, hopefully today even, is the designated S:01 for Pair:01. I might even go as far as to say this one is "betrothed" to its sibling in my Mid Season Replacements group.

NHN-Journal-0002-95 - BDSP-PR1-S02 - Tiffany.jpg

Granted, I don't know if this is girl or boy yet, but got a name already standing by in case it is a filly. I also went ahead and just now spanked her brother over her for good measure. I figure if a pollinating happens, it will get aborted upon reveg. Also figuring the Midseason backups are also in flower right now, and should get put on 24/7 lighting upstairs in my office to get them revegged for the Winter.

NHN-Journal-0002-96 - BDSP-TK02 and TK03.jpg

We also have one of each Birthday Spanking among the initial Token subjects, designated TK:02 and TK:03. I also gave TK:03 (the Pair:01 Birthday Spanking Token) a few hits with S:01 for good measure.

NHN-Journal-0002-97-BDSP-PR00 and PR01 TK02 and TK03.jpg

Then there are the two Egghead subjects, EH-C:02 and EH-C:03. C:03 is looking best of all of them. Still just letting these babies do their thing, and if they make it to Halloween, they will each get put in their own planter, egg carton cell and all, and nursed to health over the Winter.

NHN-Journal-0002-98-BDSP-PR0 - and PR02 TK12 and TK13.jpg

And then we have the second round of Tokens, still in their germination towels, TK:12 and TK:13. And seeing how these are really growing fast, I just might have to go ahead and get them, along with the BCL, Feyleaf, Feyleaf Lite, and Wildling:01 Token sprouts planted tomorrow; and the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite, Bubblegum Lite, and Wildling:00 are not sprouted by then, they will just have to be a day or two off from the others. If any of those three do sprout by tomorrow morning, then planting will be delayed one day and they will go in together after all.

All that is left is to get Pair:01/S:01's pollen collected and his dead foliage removed. No need for any picture for that though.

And the stats on everything...

BDSP-PR:00 TK:02 - SPT +26 Days / Size 1" (25.4mm)
BDSP-PR:01 TK:03 - SPT +26 Days / Size 1 1/2" (38.1mm)
BDSP-PR:00 S:00 - SPT +18 Weeks / Size: 13 1/2" (34.3cm)
BDSP-PR:00 S:01 - Size: 25 1/2" (64.8cm)
BDSP-PR:00 S:03 - Size: 29" (73.7cm)
BDSP-PR:00 S:05 - Size: 24 1/2" (62.2cm)
BDSP-PR:00 S:07 - Size: 26" (66cm)

BDSP-PR:00 EH-C:02 Size: 5/8" (15.9mm)
BDSP-PR:01 EH-C:03 Size: 3/4" (19.1mm)
BDSP-PR:01 S:01 - Size: 26" (66cm)
BDSP-PR:01 S:02 Tiffany - SPT +7 Weeks / Size: 3 3/8" (8.57cm)
BDSP-PR:00 TK:12 - TTS 29 Hours
BDSP-PR:01 TK:13 - TTS 29 Hours

Next update (looks like I am just going alphabetical) will be Bitter Sweet Pie Lite, which should not be quite as extensive an entry.
Time - 16:20

Just a small update here...
NHN-Journal-0002-099-BDSP-PR01-S01 - Snipped and Groomed.jpg

All of Birthday Spanking Pair:01/S:01's pollen sacs have been snipped and collected, and a lot of his dead foliage has been removed. Now we see if he produces more over the next couple months and if he pretties up as well.
NHN-Journal-0002-100-BDSP-PR01-S01 - Pollen Saved-0.jpg

I am not taking any chances on the pollen molding this time.

NHN-Journal-0002-101-BDSP-PR01-S01 - Pollen Saved-1.jpg

Now, in addition to a couple desiccant packets, I have got a couple pinches of white rice in the baggie to also serve as additional desiccant.

NHN-Journal-0002-102-BDSP-PR00-S03 - Top Performer.jpg

Lastly, I have determined that of the Pair:00 boys, S:03 is going to be the only one from which I save his pollen. He has proven to be my top performer in that regard, and once I can confirm S:00 is with seed, he will get his pollen collected, while the other three continue banging their sister as long as they have the dust to put off. Once they are done though, they are truly done and all that will remain will be their little trunks kept as dancing poles for beans, peas, and morning glories.
Birthday Spanking - Pair:00/S:00 is now upgraded to a 5 gallon bucket as of 09/11, and is showing no signs of drama queening. I have also assigned the name Jezebelle to her, and the main Pair:00/S:01 (formerly designated S:03) boy is Azrael.
NHN-Journal-0002-103-BDSP-PR00-S00 - Jezebelle Upgraded.jpg

Here is Jezebelle out back next to Reneen (Bubblegum Lite-S:00) in the shadows of Inky and Pinky (@SeedsMan Purple Ghost Candy S:01 and S:02)The Birthday Spanking-Pair:01/S:01 boy has been decomissioned, due to my Feylaf-PR:00/S:02 needing his 5 gallon bucket.
2024-11-15 / 20:00

Jezebelle, my S:00 Birthday Spanking G:00 is still in her 5 gallon bucket, and judging by the sampling I just had of some of the fiddly bits and a small but substantial bit of bud, she can use a bit more curing time, and will be revisited once the big three hangers are done.

I also collected a total of 19 seeds off that sampler. She was pollinated by all four of her brothers (S:01,03,05,07) in what I call gang bang pollination, and, sure enough, she has a nice load of Generation:01 seeds on her. The initial sampling produced 19 healthy looking seeds, plus a lot of preemies (very blonde or green and nonviable, failing the squoosh test). I just started 4 of them in a damp paper towel, and when sprouted, they will get little Solo cups within a day or two, as part of the TK:3xx Token series, (a bit earlier than planned). First girl will become the Birthday Spanking that goes out in the cage next June. Second will be the one to get bred with first boy to make G:02.
2024-11-18 / 08:00

BDSP - PR-00 - G-01 - First Sprouts.jpg

So, this morning the first 2 Birthday Spanking Generation:01 seeds from Jezebelle and her brothers have sprouted. Hopefully, at least one will be a girl; and if so, will be one of the 4 out in the cage next Summer. A couple days and they should get Token cups.

BDSP-PR:00/G:01/2024 - S:00 - TtS: 64 Hours
BDSP-PR:00/G:01/2024 - S:01 - TtS: 64 Hours

In other news...

BCL - Piper and Firefly Curing and Cured In Place.jpg

The 2 Birthday Cake Lite Plant:0 siblings, (Piper - B, and Firefly - C) have been happily curing in their bucket since everything was brought in. Piper is not quite ready yet, judging by how her couple of buds and seed pods feel, and she only has perhaps 1 or 2 bogarts' worth of smokable material, including the sugar leaves.

Firefly, on the other hand, has already provided 2 full samplers of her bud, and 36 seeds total so far: 2 started in a napkin, 24 in a "time capsule" baggie for long term "archival" storage, and 10 thus far for general use. The General Use ones will likely be retired though under the 5 Year Rule. Now that they have been proven and have gone on to reproduce and make new seeds, the originals get put away until 2029, then I will do a pair of them as a viability test, and again in another 5, then bump to 10 after that. Exceptions will be a future Token series later in the post season. Still got a potted one and a couple Dollar Tree potted siblings hanging in there as well. Those are just whatevers for now, though the 2 in the DT pots should get bred together later if the boy survives my handling. At the moment, they are undergoing reveg, so we will see what direction I go with these come late Winter or early Spring.

Firefly's seeds, produced via Free Love pollination (pollen from plants completely unknown) are now designated Wildling:05/2024. Piper's will get their designator when they are collected, of course.

Firefly's seeds were started around 16:00 hours on 2024-11-16
2024-11-19 / 20:00

Both of Firefly's seeds have sprouted, with a new journal opened for them..
2024-11-20 / 16:00

CN-Tokens - 3xx Series - BDSP-x2.jpg

The two sprouted Birthday Spanking - Pair:00/Gen:01/2024 seeds have been planted in 2 ounce solo cups as of yesterday (2024-11-19 / 22:00). This begins the TK:3xx series of Tokens, with TK:300A and TK:300B. First to be revealed as girl will get promoted to S:00 status and be planted into a Jiffy Pot to become one of the 4 cage girls outside next year. And of course, first boy and second girl will be doing the dirty to make G:02 seeds. Not sure how deep I should go in that regard afterwards though. How many generations deep of what I prefer to call "noble breeding" might I go before really weird shit starts happening? :)

For now, anything to report on these two will be covered under the Timing Studies (aka Tokens) journal.

TK:300 - SpT+56 Hours
TK:301 - SpT+56 Hours
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