Grow Journal: GJCN420M-2023:00 - Feyleaf-2023 - My First Name & Claim

2024-07-13 / 07:30

Alright, here is the general update for the Feyleafs and Feyleaf Lites...


First Subject 0, aka S:0, aka Feyleaf herself (the Feyleaf S:0 each season always gets the pet project name Feyleaf, about the only one of mine where the strain and pet project name are the same, at least for now.) I do have the name Muskflower standing by for another strain, but it will also likely end up being a pet project name as well.


Next up is a genuine S:01 boy, which I have not yet named, sexed back on the 03-07 update. He has long since revegged and is standing by for later in the season to pollinate his other sister...

S:02, also unnamed other than the S designator. All I am really hoping with this one is to get a decent supply of Generation:01 seeds (currently on Generation:00)

Though some smokeable bud as well would be acceptable in addition to seeds...

Next up, my only remaining Jiffypotted Feyleaf.

I have not assigned a S: Designator for this one yet. Will determine its role once it grows up a bit more now that it is potted properly...

And then the last active Feyleaf I have is happily vegging out in one of the small Dollar Tree planters.
Feyleaf Neighbor.jpg

This one is part of another double cross project to be bred with a Birthday Spanking Pair:00 in order to create a new pair of Lites (half breeds) which will be further bred to a new name and claim.

Thinking it over further, to be a double cross, they will have to either both be female with feminine pollen (from the magic silver sex change potion, as I like to call it) and then pollinate each other, or if one is a boy and then of course, breed them together and then task another already existing but opposite pair to produce seeds as well. At least I DO have males for both, so however these end up, I will be able to do the other regardless.

Whether their pots get upgraded or not is still up in the air. So far, they are looking like they will do just fine in their little DT planters, so likely will have no need to risk stressing them out with an upgrade.

Next entry is the other half of the Feyleaf project, the Feyleaf Lites.
Time - 10:30 (Damn! How is it still morning? Oh yeah, ran out of sleep about 05:30, been happening a lot lately, 05:30 or 06:30 typically...)


S:00, the primary for Feyleaf Lite. No pet project name yet. This one, I am definitely going to try to keep unpollinated. I want her growing out to her full potential. She is a prime candidate for taking some cuttings though, in my drive to actually successfully clone.

This is the gal that, during the sexing and reveg phase earlier in the year, did get knocked up by my Wildling:01 S:01 boy. Seed pods appeared, and started to develop, but after the reveg, there is no sign of them at all; which completed my little half assed science inquiry and experiment to see if a knocked up plant can continue developing seeds while revegging. The answer appears to be No.


We DO have a confirmed S:01 boy for Feyleaf Lite. I'm not really certain what he will be used for though, since I am not specifically planning on doing a "breedback" with one of his sisters to make a new "noble bred" pure, and I do not have a suitable name picked out yet. I mean, I could do that, and it will likely happen anyway, but that is not a goal of this grow. He will likely be used to pollinate something else to start a new Lite/Wildling/Pure cycle. No matter what though, after his reveg, I should be able to keep him indefinitely until his big moment comes.


Next up is this pair, that were designated Bravo and Alpha when they were started together on 04/29, sprouted 05/01, and J-Potted on 05/02. The sexing results are inconclusive, so we will just see how they pan out later in the year.

For now, I am simply naming these Red and Blue, a precise, but not too imaginative name (to quote Mr. Baggins); and will go ahead and make proper name tags for them.


We also have one last Feyleaf Lite, also of unknown sex that needed planting. I believe I had this one under some intensive lighting care as well as in a "cone of shame" (TP roll core to keep it upright while it strengthens up.)

It is actually an upgrade from the styro cup that it had been growing in, and I was able to transplant without stressing by first getting the soil damp and slightly loosened, gently knead all around the cup, flip the cup over and put palm over opening with plant gently secured between index and social finger, and gently smacking the bottom so it all came out in one mud and root ball, with everything intact.

That was my penultimate styro cup planted plant. Last one is a Wildling:00 that will get the same treatment when I update the Wildling:00 journal. After that, the only thing styros will be used for is drip catchers for J-Pots.


And that is the Feyleaf and Lites update. Here is the entire brood, minus Feyleaf herself, of course...

All that is left to update now are Purple Ghost Candy, Wildling:00, and Wildling:01, plus the 4/20 Challenge subject. And of course, I will be doing up the Guttersnipes and Mutts journal among those as well.
2024-09-12 / 12:00

Up next on the general updates are Feyleaf and Feyleaf Lite. Not certain off the top of my head if this can be done in a single post, or if I will need to split it into two...likely split if with Feyleaf and then Feyleaf Lite. But we will see.

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First of course is our Primary out in the cage, Feyleaf...(only plant with a pet project name same as the strain name.)

Her growth has been pretty slow since she was planted, but hopefully, as Summer ends and we head into Autumn, she will have a big growth and development spurt over the next month or two. She is most definitely heavy with Feyleaf Lite-PR:01/2024 seeds from the Birthday Spanking Pair:01 boy that was next to her.

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Here we have everything else Feyleaf not in the cage. That would be 6 Feyleafs and 7 Lites.

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First off, we have Filly, aka S:02, who will be claiming one of our three remaining 5 gallon buckets to finish the next 2 months in. And she is actually serving her primary purpose for the S:02 plant, breeding the next generation.

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She is, in fact with bearing Feyleaf Generation:01 seeds, due to getting pollinated by Auburn, her S:01 brother.

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He did a fine job, and has since had his remaining pollen collected, and then got prettied up to see if he produces more before end of season.

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We also had a second boy, S:03, nickname Misti.

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At the time this close up shot was taken yesterday, only a relatively small amount of his pollen sacs were ready to blow (he was a late bloomer). He was able to get a few turns with Filly though, and thus, she was seeded via Gangbang pollination, like Jezebelle, my Birthday Spanking-PR:00/G:00 this year was. Feyleaf out in the cage next year will be G:01, of course, which is why I am not going to try to overwinter this year's Feyleaf out there, like I am still planning on doing with the Purple Ghost Candy primary.

To be continued, due to maxing out the pictures for the post...

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And of the named Feyleafs, we come to our final, S:04, Ifnata. Since Feyleaf subjects next year are going to be all G:01, I am now pondering what to do with this little lass. I am thinking that once I have a 5 gallon bucket freed up (which will be after harvest, unless we pick up another or two next time at Bi-Mart), she will get upgraded to be a full fledged indoor Winter grow, to be flipped early Spring for budding and seed making. In fact, that will be when I try the colloidal silver potion (which will be placed on her crown and top two or three nodes, so she can self pollinate and make Generation:01(f) seeds. If I accomplish that, it will be one of hers that goes in the cage next year.

Anyway, I am trying to reveg her, even though she does have a couple seeds showing, which I am pretty certain were from when she was sharing desk space with the Feyleaf Lite S:05 boy that was revegging with her.

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I am fully expecting the seeds to vanish upon completion of reveg. So, I have a bit of the foliage trimmed away around them so I can monitor them daily and snip them when it looks and feels like they may be viable. If I do get anything from her seeds, I will be declaring them also Generation:01 Feyleaf, but Pair:01 or :02, whichever I am up to by then.

Feyleaf Tokens - TK06 and TK16.jpg

And here we have our tokens, TK:06 and TK:16. TK:16 isn't looking so hot right now. In fact, it looks about the same as it did when the above shot was taken a day ago. Oh well, if TK:16 doesn't make it, then the next Feyleaf Token will be in the 2xx series and will be a G:01, but the 2xx series won't begin until after harvest and all new seeds are added to the lineup.

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And lastly, again, about a day after I started this, we also have S:02 - Filly upgraded to the 5 gallon bucket that previously housed Birthday Spanking-Pair:00/G:00 S:01

Sizes as of yesterday...

S:02 Filly: 15" (38.1cm)
S:03 Misti: 32" (81.3cm)
S:04 Ifnata: 4.25" (10.8cm)
TK:04: 1 3/8" (34.9mm)
2024-09-13 / 15:30

And here is the Feyleaf Lite part of the update. All pictures and measurements are of around 24 hours ago, FWIW

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First up is our biggest and best, S:00 Foxxy. I believe this is my oldest Feyleaf Lite as well. This was the one that, during reveg after first flowering, got knocked up by Wildling:01/2023-S:03 and started making actual seed pods, which disappeared after reveg was complete.

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Now, she is heavy with seed for real from her brother, S:01 Trixxi, formerly known as Red...
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These seeds are what I call a breedback, in which two Lite siblings are bred together back into a pure, but still not a pure of what the grandmother plant was. The new seeds from these two are to be called Woofle Dust-PR:00/G:00/2024; and the first girl that shows, the S:00, will very likely go out in the cage as one of the 4 primaries next year.

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This girl is designated S:02, and is also with seed...
NHN-Journal-0001-Feyleaf-and-Lite-88 - Feyleaf LT-S02 - Seeds.jpg

Really not certain what I am going to do with her at this time. Will probably put her in a larger planter (not a 5 gallon though) and just let her finish, and just declare the seeds another Wildling.

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Next is S:03, which is still just called Blue. This is the boy that knocked up Bethany, the Mutt, to make yet another Wildling.
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And then we have our third boy, S:05. He is actually revegged, but I am pretty certain it was his pollen that had knocked up my Feyleaf S:04, which makes another breedback. Only with the two being a pure and a lite, I am calling the offspring Feyleaf, like the mother plant, and will be Pair:01/Generation:00/2024.

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And then there are the Tokens, TK:07 and TK:17. Not much to say about them at this time.

And to wrap it up for the time being...

S:00 - 24" (61cm)
S:01 - 29" (73.7cm)
S:02 - 9.75" (24.8cm)
S:03 - 28.5" (72.4cm)
S:05 - 6.25" (15.9cm)
TK:07 - 1 5/8" (41.3mm)
TK:17 - 1" (25.4mm)

Of course, the measurements for S:01 and S:03 are moot, because they were both decommissioned last night, pollen collected and plants stripped down to just their central stem, to dry and cure as bits of what I call Feywood.

Instead of continuing alphabetically, I am going to get the Wildling:00 and Wildling:01 journals updated (to include the 420 Challenge journal), then press on with the Purple Ghost Candy and Mutts updates. Got a Bitter Sweet Pie Lite that needs the 5 gallon that will be freed up when one of the boys gets decommissioned.
2024-09-14 / 08:45

NHN-Journal-0001-Feyleaf-and-Lite-92 - Feyleaf LT S02 Planted.jpg

And yesterday evening, S:02 went into the bucket previously occupied by Bethany, the Guttersnipe-Mutt that went into the cage to replace the Bubblegum Lite boy.

Now she gets to chill with the girls out on the back deck until she is ready for harvest and seed collection.
2024-09-14 / 16:20

Was in the cage earlier today getting shots of Bethany and Blinky for their updates, and figured I would get one of Feyleaf S:00 as well while I was there...

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With the lighting and shading out there in her spot, I really couldn't get any good up close shots of her mass of Feyleaf Lite-PR:01/2024 seeds she is bearing from Birthday Spanking-PR:01/S:03's pollen after he was pulled and shaken real good over Feyleaf and Blinky.

Feyleaf PR:00/G:00/2023 - S:00 : 39" (99.1cm)
2024-09-29 / 19:00

Due to a minor visit from the Fuck Up Fairy, one of the 2 seed pods on the still revegging Feyleaf Lite S:04 came off the stem.

Feyleaf Lite-S04.jpg

Feyleaf Lite-S04 Seed.jpg

So, I went ahead and twiddled the green off it and started it darkwater. The seed didn't look TOO blonde, so should be a pretty decent chance of it already being viable. I was planning on doing this end of October, but oops on me. At least the second seed pod (which definitely feels like there is an actual seed in it) is still intact for a second try if this one fails.

If this one does sprout, then come end of next month, I will pull the second one and stow for later, then after she revegges (if she does), next flowering she will get heavily pollinated by Feyleaf S:05 (same full Feyleaf that got her this first time), and get a nice large batch of what I am going to call Feyleaf Pair:01/Generation:01. I figure breeding a lite with its pure counterpart is close enough to the pure as to be able to keep the pure's name, and bump the generation counter up one. :)
2024-11-06 / 20:00

S:04's seed did not sprout. S:00, hanging up in the bathroom, had a sample bud pulled, a couple bogart's worth, I think. It was good just like previous Feyleaf G:00 buds. 7 seeds were also gathered, and 4 of them started as Feyleaf Lite - Pair:01/2024, with the other half being Birthday Cake Pair:00-G:00/2023. Guess I should check up on S:05 soon and see if the next seed is ready.
2024-11-15 / 18:00

My S:02 Feyleaf G:00 is still in her 5 gallon bucket, but is now ready for harvest; so won't even need to be uprooted and hung up to cure once I am done with the remaining big three (of which the S:00 girl is one.)

Anyway, I pulled a sample from what I call the fiddly bits, the little buds and budlings usually down the lower half of the lowest branches. I suck at reviews, so I will just say, it works as intended and gives a buzz. I also collected a total of 18 seeds off that sampler. She was pollinated by all three of her brothers (S:01,03,05) in what I call gang bang pollination, and, sure enough, she has a nice load of Generation:01 seeds on her. The initial sampling produced 18 healthy looking seeds, plus a lot of preemies (very blonde and nonviable, failing the squoosh test). I just started 4 of them in a damp paper towel, and when sprouted, they will get little Solo cups within a day or two, starting the TK:3xx Token series, (a bit earlier than planned). First girl will become the Feyleaf that goes out in the cage next June. Second will be the one to get bred with first boy to make G:02.
2024-11-18 / 08:00

FL - PR-00 - G-01 - First Sprout.jpg

So, this morning the first Feyleaf Generation:01 seed from S:02 and her brothers have sprouted. If this one ends up being a girl, she will be one of the 4 out in the cage next Summer. A couple days and it should get a Token cup, along with any others that sprout by tomorrow afternoon.

FL-PR:00/G:01/2024 - S:00 - TtS: 62 Hours
2024-11-20 / 16:00

CN-Tokens - 3xx Series - FL-x1.jpg

The one sprouted thus far Feyleaf - Pair:00/Gen:01/2024 seed has been planted in a 2 ounce solo cup as of yesterday (2024-11-19 / 22:00). It is now designated as Token TK:301A, and if is revealed as a girl, will become the S:00 to go out in the cage next Summer.

For now, anything to report on this one will be covered under the Timing Studies (aka Tokens) journal.

TK:302A - SpT+56 Hours
2025-01-05 / 14:00

Well, I went ahead and collected the tiny amount of smokable bud that I was able to pull off of S:04, and the one seed still on her. The bud was barely enough for a single toker hit, just a pinch really. Tasted alright, and does seem to be boosting the buzz from my earlier toking of Piper's first bogart.

The one seed she gave will be started later today, if I remember. Also, among the dead tokens upstairs, is a Feyleaf boy that bred with the Feyleaf Lite girl for another breedback. If S:04's seed sprouts and produces Feyleaf-Pair:01-G:00/2025, then the seeds from the tokens will be designated Pair:02-G:00, otherwise they get to claim Pair:01-G:00. In other words, it is on a first sprouted, first named basis as usual.

And I think I will get both S:04's and the Token's seeds started probably in about an hour or so, or at least after this early 4:20 in which I finish off Piper's herb... and after I get the new journal actually started for Piper's seed. which will be designated CN-J2025-01 in accordance with my latest journal naming standards. :)

Well, the Feyleaf Boy / Feyleaf Lite Girl pair of tokens did not produce any seeds, and almost a full toker load of flower.

So with that, I am now starting Feyleaf S:04's seed.

CN - Ifnata Seed Started.jpg

And now to see if the Birthday Spanking Tokens made any seeds, or the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite and Bubblegum Lite Token breeding pair...

Update: No seeds from the Birthday Spankings, but 2 from the Bitter Sweet Pie Lite girl that got knocked up by the Bubblegum Lite Boy Token, which will make yet another Wildling if one survives.

May as well get those started tonight, I guess.

And between the three Tokens, I was able to collect enough flower for a full toker load (on average 5 hits) plus a bit of extra Bitter Sweet Pie Lite to top off. About to go try the mix out now.
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