Grow Journal: GDP, Cherry Pie, Meatbreath/Sorbet


420 Member
GDP, cherry pie, meatbreath/sorbet and a random

Indica for the GDP
80/20 for the cherry pie
Not sure on the others looks indica

Flowering stage now for all
About 7 1/2 weeks into flowering

Indoor in a 36/36/72 tent

Soil , fox farm ocean with clay stones
5 gallon fabric bag, solo cups for the 2 smalls
Lights: Budgetled 1 red spec 130w series 2, 1 red spec 130w, series 3, 1 full spec 130w, 1 red/veg switchable 130w , 1 130w veg only

Ventilation: infinity T6 system , 3 fans , 2 on the bottom one on top blowing on the lights.
Humility provided by : Homech humidor
C02: homemade mix
Temps: day 80s , night , 70s
RH: 55% to 65%

PH: water in 6.5 to 6.8
Pest: Pug
Water: about 1 gallon a day for the big girls in the flowering stage. Before that off the wight of the pots

Nutrition: General hydroponics nutrients nova series, advanced nutrients bud candy and carbo load.

I probably forgot stuff , let me know if I did this right. Thanks for looking



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