Grngirl's Hydro PC case grow... My first time!


New Member
Hello everyone! I have been reading as much as possible on here and think I am ready to start my first ever grow. I have a hydro set up in an old computer case. It's tiny, but I am only growing for personal use. I looked for another set up like this one on this site but couldn't find a journal with any results. hopefully I'll be able to show how it works! here's a pic :)


I started with some bag seed that I got from a friend who smokes really cheap stuff, but I'm hoping if I take good care of the plants I will get a decent end result. I germinated them using the paper towel method and when I woke up this morning they had started to pop open!! This is what they looked like last night before I went to bed:


I'm hoping they will have roots by the end of the day. Ah! I'm worrying for the plants already!
I have roots!! Two of the seeds had nice tap roots (that's what they are called right?) this morning! I planted them, and have been staring at them for the last hour, but there is no change yet. Haha I will post with pictures as soon as something happens.

thanks for taking interest in my grow!
very cool, im excited to watch this one :grinjoint:

may i ask have you managed to light proof the pc case? i see 1 fan at the front there, is that an intake fan? if so do you have an exhaust fan too? are you running them off the power supply out of this computer? how many cfls do you have in there 2 or 4?

sorry about all the questions but i have a couple spare computer cases hanging around and ive always been interested in maybe using it for a small mother plant.
I can't claim any credit for the set up - I bought it just like it is offline. The screen is attached to the case by magnets so it can be used to move the plants close to the light and then to keep them from growing into the light as they get bigger. It has two fans on each side of the case (intake and exhaust) and you can see the light through the fans but so far it is really subtle. It's also only as loud as my humidifier which is really cool! And it locks! There are three separate plugs (one for the lights, one for the fans, and one for the air pump). I'm just going to get a power strip and I'll be good to go!

I'm gonna embarrass myself here... by cfls do you mean the lights? I have it set up with two 26w 6500k bulbs for the vegetative stage and am going to switch to 2700k for the flowering stage. Two bulbs doesn't seem like very much light though so I might try and rig it to four if the plants look like they need it.

I am so new at this! It feels like I am cheating because I bought the case with everything I needed. But I am learning a lot just fiddling with it, and I can't wait to build a bigger set up when I move.

Sorry for the long post! I checked on my seeds and they haven't sprouted yet, but it's only been a few hours. I'm just too excited! I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. :goof:
Hello everyone! It's been three days since I planted the seeds and nothing is happening! Does this mean I've done something wrong or am I just being too impatient?

I'm going to be out of town for the weekend so I guess I'll just cross my fingers and hope they have sprouted by monday!
Oh no! I took a peek at the seeds today because they still hadn't sprouted and nice roots that I planted them with were all dried up! I'm still not sure what I did wrong, but I am getting more seeds on friday and am going to try again. I will keep posting! Hopefully the second time will work.

thank you all for your intrest! I hope you stick with me :)
I planted them about half an inch down and kept the soil moist, but not too wet. I didn't want to over-hydrate them because I was away for two days and when I got home they were pretty dry. I gave them water for two more days but I think the damage had been done. Was half an inch too shallow? I am going to go with pan4's suggestion this time and plant them an inch deep in the rockwool.
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