Hello , i just seen you were gonna use this soil outside after this grow ,just wanted to point out that you can reuse this soil over and over again as long as you stay with the organic nutes (gia green etc ), organic soil only gets better with every use , i just remove the large main root ball , add some compost, worm casting and grow again in it ,a little mycorrhiza when i transplant my seedlings in to it , works great, don't worry about having to remove the roots just the main center root ball , the root hairs die off and add even more organic nutes to the soil plus it allows the beneficial bacteria to continue to grow , saves money and time , you can even add some of the other organic nutes gia green has insect frasse soft rock phosphate ,kelp meal etc , i use a felt round pad on the top of my pots to help keep the moisture in on the top of my pots and just water right over top of it , if adding dry nutes i just lift it up and sprinkle them in under it .I was a a die hard coco grower before but this organic soil growing,it is so much easier once you have built a good soil base to work from , no refilling pots , just water ,saves a lot of time and money , my yields with coco were a little bit better and faster but the quality was better with soil and yes you can taste the difference and i find soil buds tend to cure quicker and more evenly ,just my 2 cents