Green Knight - Hydro CFL - Auto Bomb - First Grow Journal

Looks like it's around 2oz. Comes in at 61g currently. It's likely to lose some more weight as I've only dried it until the stems just snap, and it's now in a jar with a mini hygrometer. I'll get it to 65% RH and then all's good for the cure. So probably just under 2oz once it's lost the last bit of moisture and is curing.

I'm pretty happy with that. The only slight disappointment is the buds aren't nearly as full and dense as I would have liked. I think this is probably a lighting issue and the downside of the cfl, but apart from that all's good.

Smoke-wise it's very nice; much better than when brutalised in a microwave quick-dry, and the taste will only improve with curing. I won't give any 'tastes like citron' descriptions I'm sorry because I'm not very good at that. It tastes like nice weed. The smell's a bit grassy at the moment but is very fragrant and sweet once it's been in the grinder. Again I reckon this will improve with curing.

Very happy with the stone; it doesn't hit you in the head after a couple of tokes, but creeps, taking 10-15 minutes to build and then you realise you're really stoned. Nice and uplifting and chatty, and it doesn't nail you to the sofa. All good basically

Glad to see that you are around 2oz! I hope to see the grassy smell go away on the buds I have drying. Your journal is a huge help to me with the Auto Bomb grow.
Thanks iSmokes. I'm sold on getting an led at some point. I'm thinking i need to do it sooner rather than later though - i need to do it in the next few weeks really for the berry bomb expt. to be fair, or I'll have to wait until after the second non-defoliated grow. Which will be shit and ages away. I reckon a 90W one I've been eyeing up will be perfect, and it will have a much better footprint, filling the cupboard! Unfortunately hid/hps would give me mental heat issues. I'm currently just trying to work out how I can sell upgrading my light so soon to my wife!
Cheers spring, I'm glad it's been helpful mate.
Even though the quality isn't quite as good as I'd have liked the amount's reassuring. There was loads more space to be utilised in the grow cupboard so I think with a decent scrog and training to maximise the space (and more light!) it might be possible to get 5-6oz from the space. I'd need to do the maths, but if I got a 90w led, the extraction uses about 30w, veg cupboard and pumps use about another 40w I reckon...... 168g probably wouldn't be a bad efficiency
Just realised I never posted the last photos:

Nice grow bro!!

I've reported this for completed journals, and am gonna read your newest. I like your simple approach to growing. Show good results are possible if you just keep your plants happy, nothing more...
Peace and God bless,
Thanks GT, really pleased you liked it and thank you very much for the kind comments and also for the reps, much appreciated mate.

Have to admit I've complicated things a bit for the next couple of grows - I really want to see the difference defoliation does, or doesn't, make. Very different to this grow but hopefully you'll like it!
Thanks DrT (and thank you also for the reps). Hope you weren't too tired for work today! I can sympathise mate - I often get caught up reading the journals on here and then all of a sudden I realise the time!
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