Well-Known Member
Thanks, Backlipslide! Those two pictures are the first good pictures I've seen that demonstrate a mixture of amber and cloudy trichomes. Just seeing your pictures will help me down the road. Call em up and see if they'll give you a commission because I think you just sold a unit.You should have bought one like This one.
This is the one I have, It’s a 30x 60x loupe. With lil led lights on each magnifier. The 60x is where it’s at. The 30x gives a picture of your trichs but theres no other view like the 60x magnified.
I’m not sure if Walmart carries these, I don’t think so.
30x ^
That’s a good sign indeed!
I’m glad Fred is getting fixed up!
I’m also glad Jeff Is in the warmth. Nobody deserves to be in the cold.