Green Closet's First LED Soil Grow - Blue Dream - Sour Diesel - God Bud

Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Thanks GF, thats what I was thinking. I'd have pollen all over my house. Hopefully none of the hermies gave off any pollen yet.

Here's my survivor.:Love: Hopefully she does some amazing things. On a positive note, she's has plenty of room to spread out now and make herself comfortable.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

new member here just subscribed to your grow. after reading all the posts looking forward to seeing you reach the end.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Looking good Green :thumb:
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

new member here just subscribed to your grow. after reading all the posts looking forward to seeing you reach the end.

Welcome, this is a great place. What does 2BLgL want to be called? 2B?
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Update: Flower day 19

She has really stretched out a lot since the start of flower. After I removed the other three plants from the grow area she has started to spread out a bit it looks like too, she seems much wider than she was. Buds are forming pretty nicely, I removed a lot of the larger fan leaves today to get some light into the lower bud sites. I was going to wait until day 21 of flower but I'm super impatient.

She has some crazy undergrowth which I still haven't cleaned up. I'm planning on taking some clones from the lower branches she's pushing out, but i still need to get some growth hormone and something to plant them in. I've never clones before so I'm hoping it turns out okay. I'll take pictures of the cloning process when it takes place.

Here are some pics.
All pictures were taken after defol.

Thanks for looking!
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Looking great Green! Your grow is making me think about switching to LED. Plants seem to be loving them. How much did those bad boys set you back?
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Thanks Wizard. Yeah all my plants have loved the LEDS so far. Anybody who tells you that LEDS don't work has either never tried them, has bought some cheapo brand LEDS, or aren't using the lights properly. I don't remember exactly how much they each cost, but I know that they were each around $150-$180. I bought the 135W Lighthouse Blackstar first, and realized it didn't have enough coverage so I then went and bought the 300W topled reflector. I would eventually like to try a large MARS II light, or a large Diamond series because I have heard good things about them. Either way LED is the way to go IMO, you save a lot of electricity, internodal length tends to be much shorter under LED, less heat, less equipment needed, they're lighter, and bud density and resin production tends to be higher without affecting yield if your using the lights properly.

I think the reason many people think LEDs aren't as good as HPS is because they under light their plants, they will buy one tiny LED and use it on 10 plants, and then claim that LEDs don't work when they're light starved plants don't produce. No... the problem is that they tried to spread one LED too thin.

Furthermore, although they may be a larger investment initially, I feel that LEDS will pay for themselves in the long run with how much electricity you save monthly.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

I just checked out the Mars II and damn do I want a couple of them now, haha. Its going to cost a pretty penny but like you said, its totally worth it a few electric bills later. Thanks for the help Green! :Namaste:
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Still doing the research for setting up a small personal secret grow, I know I want to use LED's but now trying to figure out if it would be better to go Hydro or soil. I plan on only doing 1 or 2 plants at a time and want to maximize the yield so I only have to grow like twice a year, my think is that in between grows if I go hydro i can grow actual veggies the rest of the time. But your results have shown me that LED is the way to go but do you think some of the issues you have run into could have been avoided by taking the soil out of the mix and being able to control the nutes and ph with more granular control.:peace:
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

My main issue was that I didn't realize how hot the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil was nutrient wise. I'm also using the Fox Farms liquid nutrients, which are were much stronger than I realized. Putting both of those together I had a really HOT situation going on for my plants and they suffered from it. So your right I could have avoided some of the issues I had if I wouldn't have used a hot soil. But if I would have been more informed about the potency of the Fox Farms products initially, I wouldn't have made the same mistakes.

I would eventually like to dabble in the complexities of hydro, but for now I like the simplicity of soil. Not only does it seem more natural for the plant to grow in something it evolved to grow in, but soil can be more forgiving by helping to buffer incorrect ph and other issues as well. You just gotta know your product before you use it!

But yeah, if your trying to go for stealth and efficient LEDs are where you wanna be. Veggies grow great under them too. I had a tomato plant and pepper plant under them for a little while before planting them outside, and they loved it too.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?


Today I cleaned up the underside of the plant. While I was trimming I took a couple clones as well. While I was at the local garden store looking for rooting hormones (they only had the powder stuff) I found these nifty little gel rooting cups and decided to try them out. Apparently, these cups have all the water and hormones the cuttings need to take root, you just pop them threw the top and let them go. It was $3.50 for two cups, I figured it was a good deal. They are reusable as well. I have three cuttings in each cup, and have them under a humidity dome. Well see how well they work this is my first time cloning so I don't have extremely high hopes but you never know.

And heres a bud update, 21 days since the flip to 12/12.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

I'm watching those gel cups Green. I'm 0 for about 20 in clone attempts. If they work for you I'll definitely be looking for them.
I've been on the same Fox Farm merry-go-round as you. Now the only product of theirs I'm using is BIG BLOOM. It's the only organic nute they make & it's a good source of phosphorous.

Your lone survivor looks healthy as all get out and thanxx for giving us a white light photo of her.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

fox farm you cant go wrong with it. reason there dry n twisted is to dry. I water mine every 36 hours under 78 degree temp seem to do very at that. ratio.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

need to strip most the leaves off. but few so plant don't need to worrie about 15 leaves. 2-3 is fine. less it worries about better it can worrie about roots.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Are you being serious? And if so can I ask why also, how do you feel this process helps the plant or the roots?
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Thanks Broke, yeah shes doing really well, throwing bud sites out all over the place. I almost feel like she has too many.. And I know the pink LED photos are annoying, sorry for that, t's just more convenient than removing her just to take photos as she's getting fairly large now and I only like to remove her to water. I gotta put a regular light in there just so I can take photos. And hopefully the gel cups work. What appealed to me the most was how easy and convenient they are..

Joe i think he was referring to the clones?? If so, is that sound advice with having only two leaves on them? A couple have four.
Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

Good night Green Closet, finished reading your journal now :)
Cheers for another fellow grower using Leds.
So, I saw your grow hasn´t been that smooth but this lady you got left is turning out really well: bushy, healthy and well spread. :goodjob:
The cloning cups are really cool! Hope they work well for you as the mother looks like a keeper to me.
What I really found funny in your grow is you mixing the seeds in the begining, it´s like it was a mystery grow all along.
To me, the lady has clear Indica dominance. It will be fun to follow along and see how those buds turn out for ya.

Thanks again for the share with my Royal Medic. Those droppy leafs you noticed have been like that since the begining no matter if I have watered/feed her or not. She has been a bit weird girl all along. The roots are still out of the pot, they turned a bit more yellow now but still there & I haven´t been leting them sitting in water anymore. She (finally) showed sex and it´s now flowering full strengh.

Re: Green Closet's first LED soil grow - blue dream, sour diesel, god bud?

I guess if they come back to comment it will be clarified. I hope you are right. I still dont get how it would help the roots even on a clone. Hope there is a explanation. It may be something I dont know about so im all ears or well in this case eyes.
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