Greed: Why it will destroy our hope of legalization

Capatalism, the freedom of the independent citizen to charge any amount for goods and services rendered. Those who charge too much are driven out of the market through competition by those who are willing to offer their goods/services for less. This promotes a healthy exchange of privately held property.

The inverse is Socialism, and while this great country pushes dangerously towards it, it remains a philosophy that I for one am not complacent in adopting. When you permit the government to take from you all you have... you will have nothing. :peace:
I have been having a hard time with my response here, as this discussion in opinion based and not fact based. I want to respect all of the opinions presented and there is no such thing as a "wrong" opinion. Many of us think differently and have different opinions, and I am having some trouble supporting my argument without critisizing others but I will give it a shot.
I think most would agree that greed is a bad thing. I can not think of a single case of greed being positive. Grred is the basis for the theory of capitalism, it would not exist without greed. Now, I will conceed that capitalism "in theory" (like socialism and communism) are sound principals but in reality due to human nature are unfeasable. The evolution of capitalism is corpratism. When capitalism is left unchecked it develops corperations that become so powerful that they literally remove thier own competitors, destoying the basis of capitalism itself. Being that the entire structure of capitalism/corperatism is based on greed then any argument supporting it would come from a greed perspective.
I will also note that if you look into the true meanings of the words you will find that capitalism is counterproductive to democracy. Democracy will become weaker as capitalism becomes stronger.
I will not waste my breath trying to convince people that I am logical, especially since most of the western world has been brainwashed to believe the tennants of our leaders. For example; With every reprint of economics textbooks there is a systematic removal of the chapters that deal with "Ethics" and more chapters are devoted to "profit".
Poverty is a result of capitalism.

I welcome more discusion on these subjects. No opinion is right or wrong.

I have been having a hard time with my response here, as this discussion in opinion based and not fact based. I want to respect all of the opinions presented and there is no such thing as a "wrong" opinion. Many of us think differently and have different opinions, and I am having some trouble supporting my argument without critisizing others but I will give it a shot.
I think most would agree that greed is a bad thing. I can not think of a single case of greed being positive. Grred is the basis for the theory of capitalism, it would not exist without greed. Now, I will conceed that capitalism "in theory" (like socialism and communism) are sound principals but in reality due to human nature are unfeasable. The evolution of capitalism is corpratism. When capitalism is left unchecked it develops corperations that become so powerful that they literally remove thier own competitors, destoying the basis of capitalism itself. Being that the entire structure of capitalism/corperatism is based on greed then any argument supporting it would come from a greed perspective.
I will also note that if you look into the true meanings of the words you will find that capitalism is counterproductive to democracy. Democracy will become weaker as capitalism becomes stronger.
I will not waste my breath trying to convince people that I am logical, especially since most of the western world has been brainwashed to believe the tennants of our leaders. For example; With every reprint of economics textbooks there is a systematic removal of the chapters that deal with "Ethics" and more chapters are devoted to "profit".
Poverty is a result of capitalism.

I welcome more discusion on these subjects. No opinion is right or wrong.


I respect your opinion. I think everyone should stand up for what they truely believe in.

You are right! Greed is very bad! That is why greedy corporations and businesses usually go broke because of the free market system. If a product or service is not worth the cost, people will go elsewhere for a better product.

Because capitolism, I am able to order my medicinal seeds from Amsterdam and shop around for the best deal and quality. Because of Capitolism my health is better because I now comsume my medicine with a vaporizor.

There is a big difference between Greed and a business / corporation that treats customers fairly and gives a great product or service. That is why Capitolism works.

That is all way to true
But this happens with everything
greedy and wicked people find a way to twist the good things into a mess
The Internet is a great example. The Internet was originally meant to be a tool to help mankind but now you will find all kinds of bad things on the Internet.
The things people will do for their own gain is just disgusting.
Ok, I admit I am new to this site and this is the first thread I have read through. That said, I did not think this would be so depressing. Yes, greed has been written about over and over for thousands of years and more often than not the general concensus is, greed is a destructive human fault. This fight will be a long one. Pharmiceutical, recreational, or a combination of the two the government will make flawed decisions. Decisions that are up to the rest of us not in the government to voice our concerns and work toward an amicable solution. That is how we got to this point.
In some states you can grow your own medicine, in others you can still be put in jail for life. This is the fight we face today. Just because it is safe in your nighborhood don't forget about your brothers and sisters that are still having their lives turned upside down for having a plant growing in their garden.
Yes, as time goes on ideologies and human faults will screw things up but those will be the good days of this fight. I know this is about opinions and I respect that. None of my fellow posters are wrong, but in my opinion worrying about my plants being taxed or having to fight to maintain the right to grow beats the heck out of having the door to my grow room kicked in by the police and then being led off to prison.
I am as up on all this as much as you all are so bare with me, but I do know that capitalism is good. There is greed in all forms of society, whether it is a country run on capitalism or socialism. The balance just changes. At least in a capitalistic society, we the people can manipulate through the power of purchasing or the power of not purchasing any said product of our choice. In turn, companies will rise or fall and things change. Ignorance breeds greed. We as the people of a capitalistic society also have a responsibility to pay attention to 'all' forms of our government (national, state and city) and vote, attend meetings, or peacefully make aware situations that need to be addressed. With that said, it is a lot of work especially when families are struggling to make ends meet or raise a family and just don't have the time to get involved. Sadly without these folks things are slow and pockets get fat, whether it's the politician, the drug dealer, the big company, etc.

For me the bigger picture is of what cannabis can do for the good of the whole, environment and all its inhabitants, and is what really drives me to want to push for legalization. Hemp is an incredibly useful resource alone. It would create a new industry and a lot of lively hood for many people. The whole cannabis family is full of potential. Not so worried about the loss of the people being unable to grow their own medical marijuana because I truly believe that in the grand scheme that right will inevitably be given to all. It may take awhile but I just can't see that it will be taken away by big fat companies or governments. At least I hope I'm right!! Knock on wood...

i think a big problem is that we praise cannabis as a meds but thend to lead more growing an enjoying of it once u relize the real benafits from it there really is no argument but the problem with being turn into a mass health aid is where the abuse lies its never truly a 100% win for anyone
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