Graytail's 3rd: 4x4, HiBrix, Latest LED Tech, Lots Of Light!

Mornin Gray....What a nice job training brotha!! All the canopies are shaped nice for the ride. What Sweetsue said about the Desfran....your not kidding girl...looks all peacefull and harmless right now but....but.... Anyhow Gray, fantastic lookin work ya got done there bud...your gonna have the need for lotsa jars. Cheers and have an awesome day pal.:thumb:
What a sweet thought - a need for more jars. Kinda warms the recesses of the old heart, eh Graytail?
Yes you do Duggan. Maybe take out stock in the company that makes jars. LOL!!!
Absolutely beautiful Graytail! How big are the squares on the floor 4"? Just trying to gauge the width of those monsters. You may have mentioned this before but what do you do with your cuttings? You mentioned you soaked in water and they took to the soil. I have yet to clone anything but I want to now on my high thc:cbd strain. I want to keep some cuttings until I get them tested to see which pheno I have is going to be the keeper. I don't have a cloner but I see you just use cups so any advice will be followed to a tee. Thanks Graytail.

The tiles are 6 inches. :cheesygrinsmiley: But it looks wider from the top than it really is. It's only about 2.5 feet across - the OHS fits beside it in the 4x4.

I've done all sorts of things with cuttings. I've done big ones and small ones, in peat pods and soil, with and without Roots!, covered with a dome and uncovered ... Several months ago, I forgot a couple cuts in a cup of water and found 'em after a few days, so I planted 'em and they did better than anything I'd tried. So next time, I took a bunch of different cuts and left them in the cups. They all grew long roots in the water and very easily took to soil when I planted them. I even kept a couple in the cups for weeks and they grew roots 5-6 inches long. :thedoubletake:


But the following attempts have grown translucent gummy stuff on the underwater stems and it hasn't gone well in general. But I'm pretty sure my humidity (until recently) has been too low at under 40%. I'm going to keep trying to nail down the rooting-in-water method now that RH is up in the 50s. I carefully washed the cup this time to see if that helps. But I was very pleased to see the OHS cuts root in soil so well - they never drooped and the new growth is bright green. They were in cups of water for over a week without any signs of rooting. The ones last fall clearly showed nubby root nodes after a week.


I did a bunch of Tikal cuts yesterday, too, and I expect that to go well. We'll see. I dropped a pinch of Roots! into the cup and a single drop of Tea. :cheesygrinsmiley: But it's definitely worth experimenting with - I'd recommend letting them sit in the water for a day or two before planting, and see how that goes. Humidity and heat are Very important.
Gray- Do you change out the water in the cup(s) every few days?
Gray- Do you change out the water in the cup(s) every few days?

No, I haven't. That would probably help with the gummy stuff. :cheesygrinsmiley: The pics are in water that wasn't changed out at all.
No, I haven't. That would probably help with the gummy stuff. :cheesygrinsmiley: The pics are in water that wasn't changed out at all.

My water got cruded up after about a week. I began changing it about every 5 days and had no problems after that.
I wonder if rooting hormones and/or Roots! might add to the slow sludge creation (?).
My water got cruded up after about a week. I began changing it about every 5 days and had no problems after that.
I wonder if rooting hormones and/or Roots! might add to the slow sludge creation (?).

some of the kit blooms after a few days when reconstituted/diluted if not used in time.
GT, so did your Panama improve(taste., effect, etc) with age?

I'm not sure I'd say it "improved" with age. It's been my experience that the best terpenes are found in the first couple weeks. That's when they're fresh and dynamic, altering from day to day, outgassing the more volatile ones while others settle into permanence. I much prefer fresh herb, still a bit moist. :cheesygrinsmiley: Yum. :slide: And there's a period after a month or so when they've usually settled into their long term stasis - rich, deep aromas. From there, it just seems to fade for me.

However, there are interesting potency changes - cannabinoids react differently. Often, a strain will improve in that way. I'm pretty sure the Panama I smoked yesterday is buzzier than it was when it was fresh. It seems as strong or stronger, and the thickness it had is diminished now. That's a bit counter-intuitive, so I find it interesting. You'd think that age would cause degradation and decay into CBN and other undesired cannabinoids.

That reminds me of something from back in the day. Has anyone ever heard of a CO2 cure? The idea was to alter the cannabinoid profile by filling the jars with CO2 before sealing them.
I'm not sure I'd say it "improved" with age. It's been my experience that the best terpenes are found in the first couple weeks. That's when they're fresh and dynamic, altering from day to day, outgassing the more volatile ones while other settle into permanence. I much prefer fresh herb, still a bit moist. :cheesygrinsmiley: Yum. :slide: And there's a period after a month or so when they've usually settled into their long term stasis - rich, deep aromas. From there, it just seems to fade for me.

However, there are interesting potency changes - cannabinoids react differently. Often, a strain will improve in that way. I'm pretty sure the Panama I smoked yesterday is buzzier than it was when it was fresh. It seems as strong or stronger, and the thickness it had is diminished now. That's a bit counter-intuitive, so I find it interesting. You'd think that age would cause degradation and decay into CBN and other undesired cannabinoids.

That reminds me of something from back in the day. Has anyone ever heard of a CO2 cure? The idea was to alter the cannabinoid profile by filling the jars with CO2 before sealing them.

Dispos around town (not that I give much credit to it) will sell pre sealed "nitrogen" filled bags...
This is a very interesting discussion. I thought I was the only person who preferred the buds just a bit damp around the edges, if you will. You know my penchant for baking buds, and I've had a strong preference for fresh. I kept trying to work past it because you're "supposed" to cure it. The Medical No Name I remember with such fondness was smoked entirely fresh, and that was one righteous, buzzy high. What a week that was! Take two hits and immediately get up and get going. Lots got done that week. :laughtwo:

I'm baking some of the Dark Devil, only a week out from harvest (?) to take to Dale today. He wants to get buzzed at least once more and why not? This plant is so resinous that the branches are still flexible, and they're thin branches, but I've been smoking it from harvest (pure desperation) and I know it'll work for him.

But I'd noticed with my first harvest that there was a point between the second and third month when taste almost vanished, then returned with subtle changes by month three. When it happened I was concerned that I'd done something to screw it up and I was so relieved when flavor began to return. Nothing lasted any longer than that, so it'll be interesting to have enough on hand to feel my way through changes over months.

We're just this big wide-open science experiment, aren't we? :laughtwo:
Excellent description of taste and cure, Gray. :thumb:
Time for another update and, of course ... pictures!! :party::ganjamon:

I have three plants in bloom now - BH x Blue Blood, Orange Hill Special and Desfran. BH x BB is starting to show some fading in the old fans, and will probably lose the rest of them this week. She got an Energy feed today though, so we'll see if that helps. She also needed water today so she's a bit limp in the pics - bad timing. :cheesygrinsmiley: But the trichs are showing up right on schedule and the buds look like they're going to be tight and fat. So far so good.

Buddha Haze x Blue Blood - 134 days old - 24 days 12/12 - 16 since pistils




OHS continues to look Fine, with a capital F. I love the color! The closeups from the pics show the very beginnings of pistils. (She also needed water)

Orange Hill Special - 102 days old - 7 days 12/12




I got Desfran pretty well sorted out and trimmed up. I managed to get a dozen or so tops in a lumpy canopy, but I'm not going to mess with this pheno - gonna jus' get 'er done, y'know? :cheesygrinsmiley:

Desfran - 97 days old - 7 days 12/12



Tikal keeps arguing with me about whether all her strong leaders are going to point straight up and grow like crazy, or behave themselves and let the slow ones catch up. We have the argument a couple times a day, at least. In the pics, we've just had the discussion again for the umpteenth time and she's sulking and planning her next rebellion.

Tikal - 98 days old



Panama is taking a turn for the better. All the new stems are the right color and look pretty hardy. The second picture turned out funny because the camera got distracted by the white pot, but that's not distorted - that's what it looks like - 12 inches tall and 2 feet wide with 6 inches of canopy. :laughtwo: So ... this should be an interesting challenge. I took a brix reading from a typical leaf and it read a solid 15 so it's happy about something. This strain is such a gas to grow! - kinda like a box of really good chocolates.

Panama - 91 days old




It was time to top the BH crosses so they both started their training today.

Buddha Haze x Nexus - 71 days old


Buddha Haze x Destroyer - 76 days old



The two OHS cuts are clearly rooted and should get upcanned soon. :slide:


All three Buddha Haze x Utopia Haze seeds sprouted this time! These are the ones that were uniformly very tiny. I had my doubts when the first one failed to come up.


Utopia Haze x Carnival is doing well - 12 days old.


Here are the Tikal cuts I took last week. I planted two of them a couple days ago.


I also have my new seeds and dropped a Dr Grinspoon, a Carnival and a Channel+ into water to soak. :yahoo:
:bravo: I'm stunned. Not surprised, mind you, just stunned. Every one of your overhead shots stopped me dead in my tracks. Why do you live so far away? :laughtwo:
Outstanding update Graytail.
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