Grandpa Likes To Squeeze Stuff: Solventless Extracts, Rosin, Pressed Here!

Pictures please @Modest grower :love:

@Blazinjones sorry you lost happened?

Had family come an destroy my whole garden broke some lights an took the rest all except 1 150 w QB light an my lil mars ps1000 but its kinda fuked up but i managed to clip the cord dwn an rewire the wires so half of it atleast turns on now lmao. But yea they took about 2 pounds alil over of all my highbrix buds i had curing plus ripped up all my 14 of my other hb plants tht i still had growing am whatever gear they didnt take they destroyed so i only managed to find a few photo clones they missed in my cl ol ner bucket in the bathroom but a dam tree fell directly on top of all 3 i ahd going outside so now idk if ill b anle 2 clone the clippings if they will make it yet or not i hope so but we will see. Then i found a few auto beans i had put offto the side but thts only jus a few beans which i los 2 cause my dogs ate the fukn plant as it was growing an 2 didnt germ so i got the 4 going now is all thts left so gotta get all new gear an pretty much start from scratch again. But ill get there jus guna take sum time.

You know it! I'm probably going to do a tester and use that on a joint and then if all goes well start smashing a bunch lik @Old Salt does (slightly smaller scale for me) and use that in my dab pen. Looking to use these sativas I have to curb my drinking and increase exercise.

Got enough that it should get me to where I want to be!
Hey @Blazinjones don't take this the wrong way (please?) But hard to call them family. At the same time my sister and I didn't talk for two years before the 4th of July and now we are good again so maybe it's just something that needs airing out. None of my business but just throwing that out there. Also, on lemon cheese dabs so my reading and attention to detail are compromised

Ah read the took all the rest part. Yeah that's a complicated one. Sorry mi amigo!
Yea im jus guna ramp up security here abit an then start over am do it even better then last time so then my plants will be even better lol. But yea shit happens sumtimes u jus gotta roll with the punches an now i know tht i cant let ANY1 OVER any mre lol.
Rule 1: don’t tell anyone. Except the 420 fam. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Seriously, that sucks bud.

Yea but i mite have probation cumn up at the end of the month so mite have 2 shut dwn 4 abit anyway so atleast it wont hurt as much having to stop now lol. It jus sux cuz i love to have my garden cuz shit man its helpd me 2 get off the streets an drugs lol. So its like what i guna have 2 do now lol. But b4 u no it ill b back at it again or shit mite go in my favor an hopefully not any p.o n ill b all gud jus to continue on lol. But we will see n yea i learned my leason bout having alil better privacy altho i learned it the hard way i atleast learned it lmao. I jus figured the fam who fuked me wudnt be my own mom an her boyfriend like wtf. Specially after ive helped them out so much in the past i cudnt believe it. I guess it jus proves its always the ones u least expect it to come from wen shit like this happens.
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