Grand Daddy Purp - Mainline - Hempy Bucket

I can't PM you, apparantly I don't have permission to do this. I'll post here if you don't mind.

Having trouble sourcing koolbloom liquid / dry where I am. Still trying, but seen ghe bio bloom.

Sale of GHE Bio Bloom - Bloom Activator 30 ml

Dees that look suitable as an alternative or can you suggest a more cost effective solution.

Peroxide, 12% @ 5ml per gal?

Calmag I got has N, should I try source another?

I'll likely have many questions but I'll research first before bombarding you.

I don't use kool bloom any more. I run lucas formula straight up with no added supplements. I was burning my plants up when i was using kool bloom. My peroxide i use is 3% but i think you'll be perfectly fine with the 12%. I use general hydroponics calmag with out any problems.
Current Grow, i didn't have time to do a journal for.
On the left Critical Kush 52 days flowering
on the right Gorilla Clue 10 days flowering
I don't use kool bloom any more. I run lucas formula straight up with no added supplements. I was burning my plants up when i was using kool bloom. My peroxide i use is 3% but i think you'll be perfectly fine with the 12%. I use general hydroponics calmag with out any problems.
Have you noticed any difference in growth vigour or quality or meds without additives?
Have you noticed any difference in growth vigour or quality or meds without additives?

Every time i've used the kool bloom ive had no increase in quantity. Every time though i burn the leaves up good using kool bloom. I stick to the main nutrients and have no problems growing little monsters with high quality smoke
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