Grand Daddy Black Grows A Stack

Take the rest of the day off whether the missus says you deserve it or not!
I don't need no stinking permission.

I run this house and everything in it! (The washer, dryer, vacuum, etc.) :)
Congrats on the KB takedown!

or...Monday night trim jail!..

Enjoy the game, GDB!
And Happy harvesting whenever it happens!
Thanks Carcass.

That game was fun to watch. Denver choked in the red zone over and over again!:cough:
Hello growers.

It's Flip + 95 and this grow is approaching the end.

Yesterday I posted trich pics of the untrained Black Cherry Punch.

Today's trich pics are from the trained one.
t bc trich 9-12-22 (1).jpg
t bc trich 9-12-22 (3).jpg

It's time to go out on a limb with another bold prediction:

I'll be chopping these before the end of the month!

Thanks for stopping by.

Hello growers.

It's Flip + 94 for the clones today and the Kera Bubblegum has been taken down.

She surprised me at the end. Her colas turned out to be of the light and fluffy variety. I had expected them to be hard and heavy. Still I'm not going to complain about light, airy buds because I've experienced just how potent they can be!

Her color also faded at the end, turning to a dull grayish, green.

Did I do something wrong as she neared the end? Probably. I am a notoriously bad closer. This one I think was under-fed at the end due to being rootbound. Water was just running through her for the past week or so, with seemingly no place to stop and let the plant feed. Live and learn!

Here's her obit pic.
Kera Bubblegum OBIT 9-12-22 F94.jpg

There was a lot to her but she ended up weighing in at only 290g wet due to the airiness.
Kera Bgum end pile 9-12-22 F94.jpg

I put her in my mesh hanger to dry. I don't think it will take her too long.

That leaves me with the 2 Black Cherry Punch plants still standing. I'm licking my chops over these two because their mom is awesome! If these get me anywhere near as loopy as their mom does then I'll be as pleased as "Punch." :)

Clones 9-12-22 F94.JPG

I didn't train the one in front and the other one just got some low stress training.

I put the one in front under the scope today:




I might give them a few more days or I might take them tomorrow. It's up to my Lazy-Meter to determine now! :)

Thanks for your time!

Congrats Amigo great harvest. :yahoo:
Hope your having a good day.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
That is a bold prediction :rofl: I think you'll get tired of looking at them well before then ;)
That is a bold prediction :rofl: I think you'll get tired of looking at them well before then ;)
Well, in his defense, he did say before the end of the month, not at the end of the month. Seems like he's hedging his bets though. C'mon GDB, take a stand!
Well, inhis defense, he did say before the end of the month, not at the end of the month. Seems like he's hedging his bets though. C'mon GDB, take a stand!
Geez Azimuth, I'm here bear-hugging a limb and you want me to stand! :laughtwo:
I looked up "drying marijuana in the pot" and could not find a single post on the topic. Is this because there's an advantage to disconnecting it from the roots before drying. Is it necessarily better that they be chopped and then hung upside down or laid on their sides or put in the fridge? Why not just leave it in the pot to dry?

It was really easy cutting off the branches and buds from the potted plant and just jarring it up. It's like I left out the whole step of hanging it to dry. (Well, because that's what I did, though not on purpose.)

As the wanna-be President of the Lazy Man's Association, I need to know! 🧐
I was just wondering about this very thing.. When I put a plant in the dark for 48 - 72 hrs, I thought, why can't I just leave in the pot? I have heard the outdoor growers in the seventies would let the bud dry on the plant and they could tell they were dry by the way they sounded when you shook them..
I was just wondering about this very thing.. When I put a plant in the dark for 48 - 72 hrs, I thought, why can't I just leave in the pot? I have heard the outdoor growers in the seventies would let the bud dry on the plant and they could tell they were dry by the way they sounded when you shook them..
You going to give it a try Dee?
That game was fun to watch. Denver choked in the red zone over and over again!
I'd give most of the credit to Seattle's d-line, even though the announcers kept talking like it was Geno Smith that won the game. Seattle would have lost pretty badly with an average red zone defense. I'd say Smith was meh.
Today's trich pics are from the trained one.
This one looks like it has more time than the untrained one.
It's time to go out on a limb with another bold prediction:
I'll be chopping these before the end of the month!
You are good!
I'd give most of the credit to Seattle's d-line, even though the announcers kept talking like it was Geno Smith that won the game. Seattle would have lost pretty badly with an average red zone defense. I'd say Smith was meh.
That's a good point, plus Pete Carroll prolly had some ideas about what to expect. :)
This one looks like it has more time than the untrained one.
I agree and that's ideal! :Rasta:
You are good!
Some have called me "Carnac." :)
Hello growers.

The untrained Black Cherry Punch was taken down last night on her Flip + 96.

Here's her obit pic:
untrained B Cherry Punch OBIT 9-14-22.JPG

Even though she was a small plant I did not complete the process last night. I managed to remove the branches and some of the fan leaves but then just left her sitting on the table (under a ceiling fan) overnight. Her buds are firm and quite sticky.
untrained B Cherry array 9-14-22.jpg

I'll finish up this morning.

One plant to go! :yahoo:

The trained Black Cherry Punch is the last girl standing (but not for much longer).
trained BCherry 9-15-22 F97.JPG

Thanks for looking in.

Did I do something wrong as she neared the end? Probably. I am a notoriously bad closer. This one I think was under-fed at the end due to being rootbound. Water was just running through her for the past week or so, with seemingly no place to stop and let the plant feed. Live and learn!

I might give them a few more days or I might take them tomorrow. It's up to my Lazy-Meter to determine now! :)

Thanks for your time!


I sympathize with your statement of being a bad closer due to being kinda of lazy as I'm the same. I will try again with the plants I've started indoors and hope my laziness doesn't turn up at the end again.

Oh yeah and Congrats on the harvests! I'll look forward to the smoke reports.
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