Gozgrow's First Time Grow! First Time Aeroponic & 10 Plants

Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.


So quick update on my clones looks like 4-5. The fifth is slowly struggling to die lol. So I'm thinking 4 is going to be better than 5 anyway more room in the scrog for them. The one on the back left is thriving compared to the rest. Have a good day everyone.
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Hiya, Gozgrow :ciao:

I'm subbed and going to catch up today/tomorrow.

Happy to be along for the ride :surf:

Yay I'm glad your here Dres you keep it fun and real. And hopefully you can help me on some of my DIY projects I think I over complicate things sometimes. Lol.
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Maybe put a clear cup over it to lock in some moisture?
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Maybe put a clear cup over it to lock in some moisture?
Ooh good thinking sky- ill do it when I get home from work!
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.


Entering week 4 of flower, here are some pictures I just did a Rez change and really hate the technaflora ph up and down. It literally take me a minimum of 1 hour to ph my water. I'm so used to general hydroponics ph up and down. Any way my poor ladies are about to touch the t-5s' anyone have. Good idea what to do I'm leaning twords bending them over, but the amount of room I have I'll be covering up othe nodes and the plant next to them. As you can see i have already pulled part of them out of the scrog next to my supplemental led's which I thing are doing a good job. Paid about 25$ apiece for them. Thank you in advance for any ideas on keeping them off the light.
Skybound- do you think If I got some of that metal mesh i could put it on my lights and maybe bend them over that way? At least then they would be up off the other plants a bit more?
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Just figured out the issue, I think. So the ph up and down are bubbling up with the bubblers on, so I shut of my air supply and wala 5.8. I think the stuff was getting trapped in the air bubbles as soon as they would pop it would cause a huge rise or drop. Any one had this happen to them?
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Your stone may be made of a material that is naturally PHed one way which may cause the swing. I use GH UP/DOWN too and just about figured it out. You may want to turn the air back on to keep the solution well aerated for your roots. Also may depend on the type of res you're running, live or sterile? I tried sterile and crashed, so I'm using live now with good success. As far as putting screen over the lights, I'd save that for an absolute last resort, and even then just to buy you time to readjust the canopy. If you screen the light, foliage will block lumens closer to the source and blot out everything behind it. I like the idea of bending first as it is low stress and has been said (I have not yet confirmed) that bending will divert some auxins back to other tops. If the canopy keep pushing, super crop is also an option, and topping to limit height. Because you are using low heat bulbs, you probably could get away with letting the canopy get pretty close, but you definitely got options. Budacious buds BTW!!!
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Thank you Skybound I have slowly started to tie my plants down.
And I found this!!!!

There where the purple light is shining. Has this plant gone hermie on me?
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

I am seeing the same as KJC, perhaps a different camera angle? Did you see a sack or some nanners? All I could make out is a calyx with 2 pistils.
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

I believe that is a calyx in your last photograph.

I am seeing the same as KJC, perhaps a different camera angle? Did you see a sack or some nanners? All I could make out is a calyx with 2 pistils.

Ok lol so I didn't actually know what's calyx was, so after KJC said that's what it was I thought he was confirming my fears. But he didn't say yep it's a hermie. So I did a google search and yay it's a calyx. Thanks KJC and Skybound I was a bit bummed last night thinking that plant was getting the axe. It's good I now know what that looks like. + reps for both of you for not laughing and calling me stupid lol.
Sky- I also took your advise and slowly and painstakingly tied down every cola that was above the trellis.


Surprisingly it worked out well I just pulled them All forward and as I did this it created more room for the next. And it didn't cover many sites. I pinched a couple of fans that where and wala. It now actually seems like some of the sites below the canopy are actually going to be able to get light and hopefully come up above the screen. It worked rather well thank you sky for the great info. Also as I was sanitizing my grow tent aero chamber I figured out the design is very hard to sanitize and I was thinking about how it was going to work once the new trellis was in. Well it's not. So that tent being 7ft tall I figure I'm just going to do SoG and when I need to sanitize I can pu the lid off put the plants into a different container for 45 min while I sanitize and the. Put them back. I may how ever put a trellis on one side of the tent and maybe make the plants climb up the trellis.

I stated the clones on light nutes now two are showing roots exploding through the rapid rooter and hydroton. I put clear domes on two of them three have nice green stems the ober two have brownish woody looking stems, one of them is more than likely not gonna make it, the other looks like it's getting new growth but the stem still didn't look like the other three. I actually just topped the one that is flourishing and will probbobly be turning on the led in a week or two and starting my second grow journal. Any way thank you all who have helped me and are helping me, with your wisdom and kind words. I'm glad I found 420 magazine. Back too work :(
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Grrr. As my plants grow and move themselves around by pushing them self on the screen and as I move them manipulating them more and more leaks appear. Lol found 4 new ones, good thing I am a plumber and have lots of plumbers putty to plug them up.
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

Looking loads better in there my friend great going :) You also seem to of picked up some good followers so happy days my friend you'll get the best advice :)

I'm blessed to have you guys following my journal. I know for a fact my grow would be a disastrous, and definitely outta control with out your guys help. Thank you for your help and support. And thank you 420 magazine. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I'm at knowledge wise with out this website.
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

I'm blessed to have you guys following my journal. I know for a fact my grow would be a disastrous, and definitely outta control with out your guys help. Thank you for your help and support. And thank you 420 magazine. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I'm at knowledge wise with out this website.

You have to learn somewhere init? I think you're doing great considering the difficulty you set yourself on your grow and when this is finished you will be so much more experienced. Win win IMO. Keep on growing mate :D
Re: Gozgrows first time grow! First time aeroponic, and 10 plants.

So the more and more I'm away from my ladies. I find myself wanting to be tending to my garden.
I have a quick question, does anyone else do their garden in there underwear?
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