well I was reading on how to make cloning liquid with willow branches. you know other than an avacodo tree thats the first tree I could tell right away what it was. my mom taught me both loved avacodos not willows tho, well at least back then. thats because my mom would walk me to the willow and make me choose the switch from it that she was going to(educate me with) and that morning was willow time OUCH. man I had to pick the switch drop my drawers well this down right sucked. damn it didnt happen very often but when it did it was always the same, once on the hands then once on my ass repeat.I think my mom could put someones cigarette out with that switch! but this time she wacked me the switch came around my leg and ripped open one of my little freinds. to my knees I went. my mom lost it.she was (excuse the pun) bawling and so was I. then she went to the old standby bactiene and Iodine,talk about salt to the wound
. My brothers and sisters all owe me cause after that she never used a switch again. then my ol'man got me geeze. I didnt see hoops till the next week when I was allowed out of the house again. she asked where I've been and said she was so sorry that this happened. she couldnt believe that a 16 year old kid still got beat like that. then told me it was house rules that the first one passed out would get the makeup treatment. anyway she told me that there was a concert going on that weekend and asked if I would go with her. wow a concert! with out thinking I said hell yeah! a couple of freinds and I had built a tree house behind a cemetery on the river and we would sometimes spend a couple of days there fishin and doin kid stuff. so I asked my mom if I was allowed to go camping for a couple days. she said Ok just dont come home with make up on LOL. hoops kinda looked like karen valentine (obscure refference) long pretty red hair that she used to make 2 thin braids to tie her hair back with. she was about5'6"tall I geuss maybe 110lbs soaking wet. a 14 year old school boys dream. I think the only reason that I passed for being older was that I was already over 6' tall and over 200lbs. so anyway saturday morning I went to the girls house and hoops was loading up her car ( a vw bug go figure) to go to the concert in. Dr hook and the medacine show, mott the hoople and a new band called heart
it was at this park where ther was all kind of ledges and caves and very stoned people lol
we got there found a cool place to park then hoops asked if I had ever droped well you know 25 on the cube. of course I said all the time. before that day baby aspiran was about the hardest drug I ever had. so she told me to hold out my tounge and she put the surgar cube on there and told me to suck on it.I didnt know what was going to happen. she rolled up a joint and lit it and passed it to me I said no not right now, funny I was scared to smoke
break time