Very nice work on the hash making! I'm about to get my hash action on too. After doing some research I find bag size 73 offer the best quality. That pollen press of yours is killer. How many grams of hash did you end up with?
Thanks 12/12!..... yeah the YouTube videos were saying 220 and 160 were the mesh sizes to buy which sucks because at $24.99 a bag I wasted good money. Oh well maybe someone will see this and it will help them avoid that. The pollen press works great. I got 36 grams of kief out of 8 ounces of trim and small buds. I pressed 29 grams into hash and am using the rest to dip my buds in. Good luck with the hash making and let me know how things turn out!...............
Twelve, it does depend on the strain, but you're correct that the 73u is supposed to give the best product.
But, it's a little different using the dry ice method. Using dry ice, I believe the best bag to use is the 160u.
The reason is the 220 bag is the "junk" bag when using cold water extraction. It's just to contain the plant matter. Essentially, it's the same with the 160u bag. The 160u will contain the lowest quality of hash and some people use the contents of this bag for cooking. I still smoke it!
Now, everything that falls through the 160u is good hash. Using cold water extraction with multiple bags, you'd separate what fell through the 160u into multiple grades (120u, 73u, 45u, & 25u).
What you would find in a 73u bag (using cold water) is the stuff that falls through the 220u, 160u, and 120u bags).
When doing dry ice extraction, instead of cold water, you're not separating into the multiple grades, so essentially, you'd want to keep everything that fell through the 160u bag. If you wanted to keep the stuff that would normally get caught by the 160u, then use the 220u bag.
So, Goshawk, you have the right bags for dry ice and didn't waste your money!