Gorilla Glue & Red Dragon Rockwool Grow

Day 34 of Veg


Getting a slight case of nutrient burn on some of the girls. So I have only been feeding with water for the past week.

I'm getting my tent in a few days, so I'm super excited about that. Going to also take some cuts soon.
Finally figured out which strain is which!

I nute burned the shit out of my Red Dragons. They are very sensitive to nutes even though I was only feeding them 1000ppms.

The Gorilla Glue are doing great and aren't showing signs of burn.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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